Chapter 122: Heartbreaking for Customization]

“He’s mine.”

“Is it too much for you to beat people like this?”

The man said to the people at the table Wu Chen.

Everyone didn’t say anything for a while, and glanced at Wu Chen.

Both Lu Hei and Xu Jingwu were following Wu Chen, so they naturally asked Wu Chen to speak.

Others just want to say, it’s not appropriate.

Wu Chen lowered his head and took another sip of tea.

“Good tea, this tea is good.”

“It’s a shame to throw it out.

“But if you don’t splash it, it’s even more pity.

He said lightly.


Wu Chen stood up and walked towards the man.

The bodyguard moved behind the man, worried that Wu Chen would do something to the man.

The man waved his hand, he was not Jin Zaicheng, and he was not afraid.

Seeing Wu walking in front of Shen himself, he squinted, but his body didn’t move.

“Saint Minhyuk.”

Wu Chen called out the other party’s name.

Xie Qingrong and Zhu Dongwen paused.

this name?

Of course they have heard of it.

This turned out to be the president of Shengenxi Company?

Why is he in Haizhou?

“you know me?

Sheng Min Hyuk narrowed his eyes again.

In fact, he rarely appeared in public, but he didn’t expect the young man in front of him to say his name in one gulp.

After thinking about it, he didn’t seem to have seen this young man.

Of course he didn’t know, Wu Chen knew his name after the deduction, and he also knew more of his secrets, those cruel secrets.

“Mr. Sheng Min Hyuk!”

“I’ll introduce myself at 26.”

“I’m Wu Chen.”

Wu Chen stretched out his hand while speaking, and he was releasing kindness.

Sheng Min He frowned, of course he could feel what Wu Chen meant.

you hit my guy?

Throwing my people down the stinky gutter?

Do you think I can forgive you by doing this?

Of course, Sung Min Hyuk didn’t mean to forgive, but that didn’t prevent the two from shaking hands.

He did reach out and shook hands with Wu Chen.

Wu Chen suddenly exerted force, grabbed Sheng Min He, and pulled him to his side.

Sheng Min Hyuk’s body leaned over involuntarily.

Wu Chen tilted his head and said a few words in Sheng Minhe’s ear.

Shengmin He was about to back away, but Wu Chen’s words made him stop.

He began to listen carefully to Wu Chen’s words. Wu Chen’s voice was so small that only he could hear it.

Others present, including Kim Jae-sung, were a little stunned.

Jin Jae-sung was sober up a lot now, he looked at Sheng Min-hyuk, his mind was a little dazed.

Both sides are going to fight.

What did that person say to you?

You listen so carefully.

Did you forget something?

I am yours.

Wu Chen also said three sentences in total.

“How are you in Haizhou?”

“Don’t want to go back to Han country?”

“Your sister’s hatred, that’s all.

When Sheng Minhe heard these words, a storm surged in his heart.

These things the other party said, he never told the people around him.

In other words, no one should know about his sister.


This man actually knew.

“I can help you.

Wu Chen then added a sentence.

“Mr Wu!

“Are you free?”

“I want to talk to you.

Sheng Min Hyuk was instantly awe-inspiring.

ten minutes later!

Xie Qingrong, Zhu Dongwen and others were sitting in a restaurant.

With them were Kim Jae-seung and bodyguards.

Everyone sat in the lobby without speaking.

Their eyes were only on a private room with the door closed.

Inside are Wu Chen and Sheng Min Hyuk.

The conversation between the two was not known to the third person.

Even Shen Ye sat outside and waited.

In the private room!

Wu Chen and Sheng Min Hyuk sat opposite each other.

There was a cup of tea in front of them both.

“Mr. Wu!”

“my business?”

Sheng Min-hyuk spoke up.

“No one knows except me.”

Wu Chen knew what he wanted to ask and gave the answer.

Mr. Wu “How did you know me?”

Sheng Min Hyuk did not give up.

“Mr. Saint Minhyuk!

“It does not matter.”

“That’s not what you should care about.”

Wu Chen smiled.

Of course, he would not reveal the source of the news, and even if he did, he would not necessarily believe it.

“Then what should I care about?”

“You said you could help me?”

“Can you really help me?”

Sheng Min He’s face turned cold, he didn’t really believe Wu Chen.

If anyone changed it, he wouldn’t believe it so easily, not to mention that there was a huge and terrifying family involved, and a shocking secret was involved.

Sheng Min Hyuk has been burying this secret in his heart for ten years, but he doesn’t dare to say anything.

If he speaks out and the news leaks, then he himself will not be able to live.

This is also the reason why Sheng Min-hyuk is cautious and vigilant.

How did this young man in front of him know about his own affairs?


Did he himself last night?

Wu Chen also knew that the other party didn’t believe it, and the words he just said were actually just a few words.

His purpose was to talk to Sheng Min Hyuk.

this matter!

Not only about Sung Min Hyuk, but also some of his plans!

Saint Minhyuk!

That’s part of the plan.

“Let me tell a story!”

“Maybe you heard my story.

“You change your mind.

Wu Chen said lightly.

Sheng Min Hyuk picked up the teacup, took a sip, and remained silent.

This is a representation!

He is ready to listen!

Wu Chen smiled and took a sip of tea before speaking.

ten years ago!

In Seoul, Han country.

A pair of siblings lived.

The two brothers and sisters have a very good relationship, so good that since childhood, the elder brother regarded his younger sister as the jewel in his palm.

The elder brother protects the younger sister meticulously and does not allow the younger sister to be bullied in any way.

Even in school, because of his sister, he fought countless fights with others and suffered countless injuries.

To this day, there is still a deep wound on his back. It was because he was stabbed severely in order to protect his sister.

Sheng Minhyuk’s eyes jumped when he heard this.


He seemed to feel the pain in his back again.


He listened again.

Wu Chen’s voice continued in the room.

My sister grew up gradually, from a cute elf to a beautiful girl and a little princess.

The elder brother loves his younger sister even more, and secretly protects his younger sister.

The younger sister, who has grown up, went to work in a group company.

This company, now famous, was also famous before.

Mountain Star Company!

When Wu Chen said this, he stopped for a moment.

Shanxing is both a large company and a large group.

This group covers almost all industries in the country.

Road construction, oil extraction, hotels, military weapons and playgrounds, insurance sales, etc., Shanxing’s total revenue even accounts for 20% of the country’s total economy.

This company started as a grain processing factory during World War II, which is also the first pot of gold of Shanxing Group, and it is the original capital.

Seven years later, the Shanxing family ushered in a huge turning point.

In the 1940s, the Shanxing family used the export policy to create the “Shanxing Property Company”.

In just over a year, it has made a profit of 120 million yuan, and after three years it has grown to 6 billion. This is one of the most important turning points for the Shanxing family.

Then, with the support of President han343, Shanxing developed rapidly, involving countless fields, and became the boss of the chaebol of the han country!

All young people are proud to work in Shanxing.

Shengmin He heard Wu Chen mention the name Shanxing, and his hand was already tightly clasped.

The fingers have been raised deeply, and the two palms are gradually stained with blood!

His face also quietly turned pale!

His eyes became even more gloomy.

Wu Chen continued.

My sister enters Shanxing Company!

She is very happy and shares her work with her brother every day.

This kind of happiness lasted for a while, until my sister met someone.

The Prince of Shanxing!

Li Zairong!

“do not talk.

Sheng Min He already knew what Wu Chen was going to say, and he interrupted Wu Chen painfully.

Wu Chen was unmoved, his voice continued coldly.

“Li Zairong is a devil.

“He met his sister and didn’t pursue it in the way that men like women.”

“He used the roughest means, and one night, he

“Stop talking.”

“You say one more word.”

“I kill you!”

Sheng Min He suddenly stood up, his eyes were blood red, and he roared.

The room was silent for a moment.

“The next morning, my sister’s body was found, bruised and bruised, lying on the grass downstairs.

Wu Chen’s voice finally sounded unhurriedly.




in the room.

Sheng Min Hyuk made a heart-piercing voice.


Incredibly gruesome!

ps: Ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward, ask for sharing, ask for customization.

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