Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 904 As long as it is Lin Fan's play, let alone a female supporting role, I can also

The comic Journey to the West has never been cast, and people in the circle are talking about it, saying everything, but it also proves that this comic has attracted a lot of attention, and countless eyes are fixed on this comic.

Riemann has been watching since the Journey to the West comic was launched, but after staring at it for so long, he didn't find any movement from Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia.

But this kind of thing is not easy to go to the door to inquire. Riemann can only inquire through the agent, but the information obtained in this way is very superficial.

Riemann knew that Lin Fan had never planned to make Journey to the West, but he didn't know why Lin Fan didn't.

At this moment, the words are rushing to this point. Riemann originally thought that Yang Hongxia would not answer directly. After all, this is also the company's internal plan. It is not that whoever asks, Yang Hongxia has the obligation to answer.

But who knew that Yang Hongxia didn't shy away from it at all, and explained the matter directly: Lin Fan has always wanted to find someone who can play the role of Monkey King, but he couldn't find the right one after searching. , the protagonist can’t settle down, how can this be filmed?”

Now that Yang Hongxia said it straight, Liman didn't hide it anymore: Sister Xia, I'm not afraid of your jokes, but I'm also staring at this drama, waiting for Director Lin to have an idea, so hurry up and grab the role!

At first, I thought it was some other reason that caused the drama to remain silent. It turned out that the actors were not found well. I'm afraid I can't help with other things, but I can still help with finding actors.

I don't know what kind of actors Director Lin needs? Are there any more specific requirements? Sister Xia, if you don't mind, you can tell me. I will go to the production team later, or help you pay attention when I go back to school.

Yang Hongxia is also not polite: Then I will thank Sister Man first! Lin Fan's request is quite specific, I want someone who can perform a traditional monkey show!

This requirement is indeed quite specific, but Riemann understands that this is not Lin Fan's only requirement, but a pass line.

Only artists who have crossed this pass line can go to Lin Fan and accept the next round of selection. But this passing line has already eliminated 99% of the male artists in the entertainment industry.

No wonder it has been a long time since Lin Fan was about to shoot Journey to the West. It is true that the protagonist has not been found.

Riemann responded happily: I remember, Sister Xia, if I meet a suitable one later, I will tell you again!

As soon as the phone was hung up, Riemann quickly called his agent: Hurry up, go to the Drama Academy to see if there are any actors who are particularly good at acting in monkey shows, whether they are students or teachers, anyway, you look good ,

Write down your contact information first. When I look back, I will go and see how the other party's acting skills are.

For the actors recommended to Lin Fan, Riemann would of course have to screen them first, otherwise everyone would be brought in front of Lin Fan. This is not helping, but making trouble.

The agent was still in a daze: What monkey show? Is there any demand for monkey show in the play you accept?

No! Riemann calmed down, and explained the matter to his agent, Sister Xia told me that the filming of Journey to the West has not started because there is no actor who can play the role of Monkey King. Although there is no Dare to guarantee the ticket, but I will take this matter over.

Although when Journey to the West starts shooting in the future, Riemann believes that with his own strength, he will be able to get a role, and he will not use this method to curry favor with Lin Fan.

But selling favors, especially to Lin Fan, who would think too much?

The agent understood: You want to help Director Lin and Sister Xia find suitable actors as soon as possible, so that you can participate in the filming of this drama earlier, right?

Your ability to summarize is very good, and I hope your ability to find people is just as good.

Manager: ...I remember that Su Tong seems to be from the Drama Academy? Do you want to ask her about it?

Riemann: ... At this time, don't remind me that my competitors have more advantages than me, okay?

Riemann struggled for a while: Forget it, I can receive the news, and Su Tong will definitely know about it. It's just a matter of time, and it would seem that I am stingy if I hide it. I will call Su Tong myself. Let's talk about it on the phone.

If there is no result with her, then you can try your luck at the Academy of Chinese Opera.

The manager naturally nodded in agreement.

So, Riemann called Su Tong again.

Su Tong: do you know, I know professional actors in this field?

Riemann was also stunned: Really?

Su Tong said: It really is.

Riemann: ... Is this the legendary shit luck? But why am I not happy at all, and a little bit sad?

I worked so hard, I took the initiative to play a guest role, and I was selling well to help find someone, just to be able to win the role as soon as possible when the filming of Journey to the West started.

As a result, Su Tong sat at home with nothing to do, and God just stuffed the stuffed pie into her mouth!

The point is, this cake was sent to her by me!

Riemann was breathless and happy, and his mood was extremely complicated: Just being able to act in a monkey show may not necessarily win the eyes of Director Lin. Acting skills are still required.

Su Tong said calmly: Don't worry, my brother's acting skills will only be higher than mine, not worse than mine.

Riemann was even more aggrieved!

Then, let's make an appointment and meet up. Riemann was still struggling.

Su Tong laughed and said, If I take my senior brother directly to find Sister Xia...

Hey! Don't bring someone who crosses the river and demolishes the bridge! Riemann was anxious.

Su Tong wondered: Why are you so anxious? With your acting skills, can't you still get a role? Director Lin likes public recruitment of actors very much. As long as the acting skills pass the test, anyone with him will have a chance.

Riemann held his breath: It is true to say so, but it is so angry!

Su Tong listened to Riemann's silence on the other end of the phone, and decided not to tease her in a very beautiful mood, so as not to really piss people off.

Anyway, all of a sudden, it can be regarded as a sigh of relief, the anger of the failure of the heroine election in Legend of the White Snake back then.

Su Tong accepted it as soon as he saw it: However, my senior brother participated in this year's opera tour, so I don't have time for at least one or two months. I don't know if it will delay the progress of Director Lin?

Riemann breathed a sigh of relief: No, Director Lin is busy filming new dramas. Journey to the West couldn't find a leading actor, so no preparations have started yet, and we should be able to wait.

Riemann calculated that this new drama will take about three or four months to shoot, right? Even if the filming of this film is finished, it will be directly followed by Journey to the West, that is completely in time.

It's just my own schedule, it seems that I'm not very well-off, and the schedule is a bit full... No way! We must find a way to free up the schedule!

Su Tong also said: Then I'll call my brother first to talk about this matter, and when he comes back, we can make an appointment.

Okay! That's it.

Su Tong hung up the phone and jumped up from his chair. The calmness he had just said on the phone disappeared, and he hurriedly greeted his manager: Quick, quick, help me to check my schedule. Can you make time for one play? One play is not enough, half of it is fine!

My requirements are not high, just give me an important female supporting role!


You said that I am a first-line actress, but I am reduced to a female supporting role in a group portrait?

Heh, as long as it's Lin Fan's play, let alone a female supporting role, I can also be a male supporting role!

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