Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 905 The youngest 20 billion filmmaker in history!

The global box office broke 3 billion US dollars, and the painting is officially underway!

Lin Fan officially became the youngest 20 billion filmmaker in history!

Lin Fan Xiayan both settled in the 20 billion box office club!

The Rise of Chinese Movies! The youngest 20 billion box office winner in history: Lin Fan!


Director Lin, as the youngest male lead with tens of billions of dollars among Chinese filmmakers, how do you feel in your heart?

Director Lin, you are a director with tens of billions, a screenwriter with tens of billions, and a leading actor with tens of billions. What would you like to say to other filmmakers?

Director Lin, when will your next movie start?

Director Lin, some people say that the global box office of Roman Holiday is full of water. In fact, this movie has suffered a lot. Is this true?

Director Lin...

At the celebration banquet of Roman Holiday, Lin Fan, Xia Yan, and Yang Hongxia were all tightly blocked by media reporters who heard the news. Each of them had more than a dozen professional security guards, and there was no way to keep the three of them away. Successfully brought out the encirclement.

As a last resort, Lin Fan could only move forward with difficulty, while answering a few questions: The feeling is that the theaters are the real big winners. I just ran into China's overall box office explosion, and that's why I achieved such success. If it had been two years earlier, my box office would have been cut by a zero.

Everyone's path is different. It is difficult to walk your own path well. There is no need to dictate the path of others.

The next movie is already in preparation. You can ask Sister Xia for the specific details. I will only focus on filming, and the rest will belong to Sister Xia. But if everything goes well, it should be released this year. I hope everyone can go to the cinema to support it. one time!

That's right, the movie Roman Holiday suffered miserably, and didn't even earn back the cost of the props...

Hearing Lin Fan's answer, not only the reporters at the scene laughed, but even the fans who were watching this scene through the live broadcast camera laughed like crazy.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: God TM didn't even earn back the cost of the props, just like your props cost, even if you double the box office, you won't be able to earn back! 】

[Splitting durians with empty hands: don’t say that this movie won’t earn you back, maybe you won’t be able to earn back the cost of a prop in “Roman Holiday” in this lifetime,

What's more, there are still two pieces! 】

[Seeing it through or not telling it through is still a good friend: This reporter, you are telling the truth, Roman Holiday is simply a loss, so bad that it can't even recover the cost of props! 】


Today is the day of the filming of Roman Holiday, and it is also the movie's celebration banquet. Lin Fan didn't plan to hold a big one, but the performance of this movie was so good that entertainment reporters flocked to it, and there was such a jam scene.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Lin Fan, Xia Yan, and Yang Hongxia all won tens of billions in box office because of this movie, Lin Fan actually didn't want to hold any celebration party.

It's just that if Lin Fan doesn't hold this celebration banquet, people in the circle will inevitably think that Lin Fan is too lofty, don't take this achievement seriously, and don't fit in the group.

Of course, these reasons did not convince Lin Fan. The reason why Lin Fan finally agreed to hold this celebration banquet was that new variety shows, new TV dramas, even new movies, and Xia Yan’s new album were all in production. Is there anything easier and cheaper than advertising a new release at a celebration party?

It's not the first time Lin Fan has done something like rubbing his own heat.

Very skilled.

In this way, while answering the reporters' questions, they squeezed in under the protection of the security personnel. After squeezing in for more than half an hour, Lin Fan and the three successfully got rid of the enthusiastic reporters and squeezed into the banquet hall.

But as soon as he came in, a large group of filmmakers, no matter in number or enthusiasm, was no less than those reporters outside the door, surrounded him: Director Lin is here!

Oh, Director Lin, you're here. I haven't congratulated you yet on your movie box office success!

Director Lin, I heard that your new movie is already in production? I don't know about funding, do you want me to help you share a little pressure?

Director Lin, do you still lack an assistant director? Oh, the executive director is fine, but I feel that my on-the-spot work is still good. Do you see if I have a chance?


Director Su stood in a corner of the banquet hall with his hands in his pockets. Seeing Lin Fan surrounded by the crowd, he made a gesture of his strength in his heart and thought, Forget it, I can't squeeze in.

Director Chen, who was standing next to Director Su, said with a smile: Director Su, is it possible that you still want to take advantage of the heat?

Director Su gave Director Chen a white look: You don't want to? Then why are you here today?

Director Chen said solemnly: I'm here to seek cooperation, but it's not an ordinary cooperation. You know, I'm here to invite Director Lin to make a cameo in my new movie. In return, I will also go to Director Lin The guest star in the new movie, everyone achieves each other and benefits each other.

Director Su smiled: It's still early, you go home and take a nap, dreaming will be faster.

speak nicely!

Oh, you don't look very good, but you think it's beautiful!

Director Chen: ...Can we still have a good chat?

But no matter what, with three films, Lin Fan has won the achievements of tens of billions of directors, tens of billions of screenwriters, and tens of billions of male leads. I don’t know how long it will take for a second filmmaker like this to appear. At least for now, Lin Fan is the only one.

The achievement of tens of billions of directors and tens of billions of male protagonists is difficult, but not everyone has achieved it. Even Director Su and Director Chen have a total box office of about 7 billion, which may be only one movie away from the achievement of 10 billion.

But the screenwriter of tens of billions is really unprecedented.

Moreover, Lin Fan's 10 billion is 20 billion!

Everyone is twice as wrong, okay?

Before Lin Fan, the screenwriter with the highest cumulative box office in the circle was the famous screenwriter who had cooperated with Director Su before, Wen Hongjun, known as Wen Da screenwriter.

Good at suspenseful scripts, the cumulative box office is as high as 8 billion, and it is only one movie away from the achievement of 10 billion.

It's a pity that he was about to become China's first screenwriter with tens of billions of dollars, but in the end Lin Fan took the lead. Moreover, Lin Fan's releases are all romance films, all of which are small-budget investments, and one of them is a work that promotes newcomers!

No, two!

Because before the movie A Chinese Ghost Story, Lin Fan and Xia Yan were singers through and through, and they had never acted before!

I don't know if the screenwriter of Wenda University can bear this blow? Director Chen was curious.

Director Su raised his chin towards the crowd: Here, where is the person, do you think he can bear it?

Director Chen looked in the direction prompted by Director Su, and saw the screenwriters of Wenda crowded among the enthusiastic crowd, recommending himself crazily to Lin Fan: Director Lin! Look at me, look at me! I just finished writing a movie here. I think only a director as good as you can produce the effect I want! Our cooperation can definitely achieve the effect that one plus one is greater than two, can you take a look at my script?

Director Su: ...Thank you, I feel offended.

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