Ah Choo! Yang Hongxia rubbed the tip of her nose, Sister Man's agent sent a message through Mr. Hu from Magic City Films, saying that she likes our new drama very much. Let's see if there is a chance to make a guest appearance. It will be fun. .”

Sister Man is going to come to our crew as a guest star? Lin Fan was also surprised, Isn't this taking the initiative to send us traffic?

Isn't it? Sister Man said that she is also a sister in the TV drama circle. Even though she is facing the embarrassing period of her age, it has become more difficult to accept dramas than before, but her popularity and popularity are real.

Yang Hongxia also felt that Riemann's move was really considerate. After all, this new drama is a group portrait drama selected for the purpose of bringing in newcomers.

Although there are Lin Fan and Xia Yan participating in the performance, it is more than enough to bring a few newcomers, but if one more Riemann joins, this free traffic is not for nothing.

Lin Fan still has a good impression of Riemann. When he first filmed The Legend of the White Snake, Riemann showed superb acting skills and a professional attitude, and brought the role of White Snake to life. The critically acclaimed Legend of the White Snake.

Now Riemann even took the initiative to come to the door, and wanted to help bring in newcomers. Lin Fan had no reason to refuse: Then give this role to Sister Man. Although there are not many appearances, it is very important. It is also the same as Sister Man's previous role. The image of the white snake has a certain connection, she should like it.

Yang Hongxia looked at the character Lin Fan had drawn out: Okay, as long as you promise, I will contact Sister Man later.

If Sister Man's schedule is not available, it doesn't matter if we wait here.

Yang Hongxia smiled: Although Sister Man's schedule for this year has already been arranged, it's not like she won't be able to make time for a guest appearance.

But Yang Hongxia understood that it was difficult for Lin Fan to understand Riemann's state. After all, Lin Fan never worried about not having a film or a good script. He only worried about not having time for vacation.

How do you say it? Lin Fan heard that there was something in Yang Hongxia's words.

Actually, in the circle, it's normal for Sister Man to be in such a state. She has almost won the honors and awards she should have won. There are also classic works, and the classic screen image has also been shaped. She is also a little bit older. It is the most embarrassing period for female artists.

A good script depends on luck. Even if you come across a good script, it depends on whether the director and the management choose you. Riemann also looked down on the ordinary script, and reluctantly accepted it, which would only damage his image and popularity.

But if you don't pick it up, won't it work?

Riemann also has a whole studio of employees to support, so Riemann must maintain a certain workload every year in order to ensure the operation of his studio and maintain his personal image and popularity.

In this way, it was particularly difficult for Riemann to accept the play. Unless Riemann invests by himself, investment can be risky... All in all, those who can understand will naturally understand, and those who can't understand will probably dislike Riemann's hypocrisy.

Lin Fan found it incredible: Sister Man is only eight years older than me! Is that old?

Yang Hongxia was speechless: You are 23 years old this year, and you are only 24 years old. Not to mention that you are still a fresh meat in the circle of male artists, even in the circle of female artists, you are still in your prime.

But Sister Man is already in her early thirties! Thirty years old is a hurdle for female artists, before thirty is a flower, after thirty is a yellow-faced woman! You won't understand how harsh the entertainment industry is on female artists.

Not to mention that Lin Fan is not worried about not being able to make a movie. The entire group of male artists, except those who follow the idol route, may be more concerned about age issues. Generally, the older the male artist, the better.

It is even after the age of 40 or 50 that many male artists shine in the circle and gain a large number of daughter fans.

Try changing to a female artist?

Those with good acting skills will be scolded as old, ugly, and pretending to be tender, and those with bad acting skills will be maliciously speculated that they are superior to the unspoken rules. If they are well-maintained, they will say you have plastic surgery, and if they are not well-maintained, they will say why you have not given way to newcomers... It's hard to say, anyway, you can pick a thorn in any way.

Of course, female artists over thirty years old are not completely out of roles, such as family ethics dramas, which especially need actresses of this age group, especially actresses with good acting skills like Riemann.

However, once this kind of family ethics drama is accepted, it is almost equivalent to a stereotype, and it is difficult to get out of it.

Moreover, as soon as you pick it up, it becomes a mother's party.

More importantly, it almost said goodbye to luxury brand endorsements.

Losing the luxury brand endorsement, Riemann's entire studio's income will be cut by at least half, and then various other fashion resources will slowly abandon Riemann. And without these resources, Riemann's coffee position will also decline, and the whole vicious circle.

Lin Fan shook his head straight after hearing this: It's not because the domestic film and television dramas are relatively young, and the subject matter of the scripts is too narrow. There are almost no female artists in their 30s and 40s who can shine.

Then what can I do, the general environment is like this. Yang Hongxia was also very helpless, Don't the producers and directors know that female artists in their 30s and 40s have good acting skills, good attitude, rich experience, and the price is very affordable? ?

But if you use them, you will face the risk that the whole movie will not be sold at a good price. Could it be that you spent so much money to shoot a movie just to help others?

Lin Fan couldn't help complaining: Wow, sister Xia, you really are becoming more and more like a capitalist.

Yang Hongxia rolled her eyes: Don't make trouble, I'm telling you something serious. There are no particularly representative works in this domestic market. If you have an idea, you can come up with the script first. I believe your Strength, but any script you come up with will definitely sell well!

At that time, female artists of this age group will be able to be included in the bag. Really, don’t dislike them for being old. As long as you have a suitable script, you will find that they are really delicious and cheap, and they can make a lot of money!

Lin Fan had a special feeling when he heard it: Sister Xia, do you know what you look like now?

Okay, I don't want to hear what's next.

Yang Hongxia didn't want to give Lin Fan any chance to play freely, anyway, it would definitely not be a good word: You go and deal with your affairs, I will contact Sister Man in person.

No matter how you say it, Riemann is also a first-line celebrity, and he took the initiative to help, and Yang Hongxia should express his gratitude in person because of emotion and reason.

Now that Yang Hongxia said so, Lin Fan didn't care about it: Okay, when Sister Man comes over, please tell me in advance.

no problem.

After Yang Hongxia watched Lin Fan go out, she called Riemann, expressed her sincere thanks, and decided on a time by the way, and then it was time for small talk.

Journey to the West? Yang Hongxia was a little strange when she heard Riemann's question, but it was not a secret that she couldn't reveal. I'm afraid this movie won't be made this year. Lin Fan has never found a suitable actor to play the role of Monkey King.

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