Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 892 You don't dislike it, I dislike it!

The projects we are currently working on mainly include the following: the Journey to the West animated film directed by Director Liang; the group portrait drama that signed a contract with Shanghai Satellite TV; Yanyan's new album; the second season of National Treasure , the first season of China in the Classics, and the third season of The Yard.

In addition, there are several film projects under preparation by Mr. Xia...


Those film projects cost a lot of money, and it takes a long time to design and produce props in the early stage. I have communicated with Mr. Xia before, and it will not be possible until the second half of the year at the earliest, that is, after the National Day. The official shooting stage...


...So, all these projects we have in hand need to be completed and launched before the National Day. Do you have any questions? If you have any, you can raise them now.

Yang Hongxia's gaze swept across all the participants, and then landed on Lin Fan.

Lin Fan: Huh—

Sleep soundly!

Yang Hongxia endured and endured, but in the end she couldn't hold back: Lin Fan! Director Lin! Great talent Lin!

What? Lin Fan raised his head in a daze without opening his eyes, Is the meeting over?

It's over, Yang Hongxia said blankly, Let's go eat.

Oh. Lin Fan stood up with his eyes closed and walked out.

Everyone just watched Lin Fan open the door of the conference room and go out, and then half a minute later, Lin Fan opened the door and walked back with an innocent face, and sat back in his seat as if nothing had happened.

There was a roar of laughter in the meeting room.

Liang Wen laughed and smoothed things over: Director Lin just rushed back last night, is it because the jet lag has not adjusted? If not, don't go to sleep right now, bear with it, stay up until night before going to bed, or you It will be more difficult.

Someone handed the steps, Lin Fan of course followed them down: It's a bit uncomfortable, I'll just bear with it. Cough, what, Miss Xia, where is the meeting?

Yang Hongxia looked at Lin Fan's expression of a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, and burst into anger for some reason, so she let out a swoosh\

,"Killed himself: Forget it, if you are really too tired, go to the lounge and sleep for a while.

The annual planning meeting is far less important than Lin Fan.

Moreover, what is the use of making an annual plan? In the end, didn't Lin Fan change it as soon as he said it?

Yang Hongxia suddenly didn't want to struggle anymore. Anyway, in the work report just now, she already had a lot of work this year. In fact, she didn't need to rely on Lin Fan for business at all.

I just got used to it.

I'm used to controlling the artists under my control, I'm used to holding the initiative firmly in my hands, I'm used to urging Lin Fan to do business... Well, I'm still a little annoying.

Lin Fan was very moved, but seeing the heads of various departments in the conference room looking at him with indulgent eyes, Lin Fan felt a little embarrassed: No, I'm not sleepy now, Let's continue the meeting. Where did you just say it?

Liang Wen continued: It's time for me to report on the work. The animation studio and its establishment have been completed, and the animated film Journey to the West that is currently being produced, because of the outline of the comic book Journey to the West given by Director Lin, so it is progressing smoothly. .

If it has been going so smoothly, it is estimated that this animated film will be almost released by the end of next year. Another thing to mention is that the follow-up manga of Journey to the West has been completed in the post-production stage. When Director Lin has time, he will take a look and review it at the end. We will upload it after confirming that there is no problem.

After the establishment of the animation studio, Lin Fan directly handed over the original materials such as the finalized characters, scenes, and comic outlines of Journey to the West he had previously drawn to Liang Wen, and let the animation studio handle the follow-up matters.

It can also be regarded as a practice for the animated film Journey to the West.

The end of next year, this time is not short.

There is no way around this. Animated films are time-consuming, and the special effects need to be done well, so time and money are necessary. Liang Wen was very calm, We are not short of money, otherwise we still have to pay for this time. A little longer.

In order to set up this animation studio, Lin Fan spent a lot of money in it, so that he was able to build this framework in such a short period of time and put it into use quickly.

Moreover, Lin Fan also signed a cooperation agreement with an overseas animation studio through Xia Shaozhang's relationship, and the two sides started working together. Only then did Liang Wen say that the Journey to the West animated film may be launched by the end of next year.

The hardships involved are really not something that can be explained clearly in a few words.

Originally, in Yang Hongxia's plan, in addition to making animation films for her own company and special effects for her own movies and TV dramas, the animation studio would also provide external special effects and post-production orders. Only by doing a two-pronged approach can the animation studio be able to pay back the cost as soon as possible and realize profitability. Purpose.

But the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is that the studio is too busy just to make its own orders. How can it have the time and energy to take orders from outside?

If you have this spare time, why not just take out any animation movie scripts locked in the boss's safe and make it!

As for profit, the movie box office profit is equal to the studio profit!

Lin Fan still welcomes this kind of work that spans two years. After all, he only needs to talk and let others do the work, but he can firmly occupy a position in his annual work plan. Yang Hongxia can't say I was lazy.

Let's have a few more jobs like this.

Okay, after the meeting, let's go and see the progress of the movie together, Lin Fan thought for a while, and added, It still has the quality of comics.

After the work here was finalized, Yang Hongxia turned her attention to other people: Are there any other problems?

Zhou Yue raised his hand: I have a problem!

Lin Fan looked at Zhou Yue and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, Zhou Yue directly aimed at Lin Fan: Is Lin Fan releasing an album this year? If there is no album, then give me the new songs of each issue of the third season of Longing for the Yard. Oh , as well as the soundtracks and episodes of the second season of Treasure and Books.

After all, I am very free, and I don't dislike working too much at all. If Lin Fan is busy with film and television drama work and can't make music, then you can prepare all the songs, piano pieces, violin pieces, etc. you have saved for me.

Zhou Yue stared at Lin Fan with an expression of I don't dislike it.

Lin Fan: You don't dislike it, I dislike it!

I'm going to finish all the scores I saved for you, are you planning to squat on me every day and ask me to give you another whole score, so that you can continue to work on it?

Yang Hongxia gave Zhou Yue a thumbs-up in her heart, but she said: Mr. Zhou has more say in music matters. Lin Fan, why don't you discuss it with Mr. Zhou?

Lin Fan hated: Let's release the album first, or we will fight with Yanyan's album again. From now on, we will arrange it like this. After Yanyan's album is released, I will release it next year.

As for the new song, let's make the new song of the third season of Longing for the Yard first, and then talk about the others.

Anyway, I absolutely don't want to discuss alone, privately, or discuss with Mr. Zhou, because Zhou Yue has endless discussions!

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