Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 893 Okay, anyway, as long as you are not tired!

Seeing that the new song of the third season of Longing for the Yard was available, Zhou Yue didn't force Lin Fan to hand over the rest of the score.

Anyway, when these few new songs are finished, I have plenty of time to pester Lin Fan to bring out more scores. Now it's better to accept it as soon as it is good, otherwise it will be too tight, and it will scare Lin Fan away, which will be troublesome.

The other responsible persons also reported their work separately according to the actual situation of their respective departments.

In the end, Yang Hongxia concluded: So, there is so much work at present. In terms of variety shows, I think the current situation is very good, and there is no need to add more content. In terms of music, since Lin Fan decided to release a new album next year, and this year's With the support of the new song from the third season of Longing for the Yard, it is not a big problem.

But movies and TV dramas are relatively weak, especially TV dramas.

Now there is only one TV series that can be confirmed to be filmed, and the script customized by Shanghai Satellite TV is indeed a little short.

Not to mention movies, although Roman Holiday, which is currently being screened, thanks to the right time and place, the box office continues to rise and the ratings remain high. The simultaneous release of all blue stars is also very good, but it also conceals No, this is a movie that was shot in two months.

The key word, it's over.

Except for the few new film projects that Xia Shaozhang is preparing, there is nothing else. As for those films, even if they can be filmed this year, it is still unknown whether they will be released before the end of the year.

It means that Lin Fan probably only has the movie Roman Holiday this year.

Yang Hongxia cast her eyes on Lin Fan: Director Lin, what do you think?

Lin Fan really wanted to be honest, and felt that one movie and one TV series a year was really enough. But when she said this, Yang Hongxia definitely had ten thousand reasons to refute herself.

Lin Fan drew a few more classic scripts in his mind—mainly relatively short scripts: The filming cycle of TV dramas is relatively short. If we have enough time to start, I have a good script, and I can shoot it first.

Yang Hongxia didn't wait for the little friends in the photography team to speak, and directly made a decision: Let's open! There are enough people! That's it, Lin Fan, you should complete the script first, and Director Liang, the preliminary preparations still have to be handed over to you, you Here...

Liang Wen patted his chest and said, No problem! Leave it to me, and it will definitely be done properly for Director Lin!

The two of them were afraid that Lin Fan would regret it,

Just take care of everything and don't give Lin Fan any chance to regret it.

Lin Fan: ...All right, as long as you are not tired.

Everyone: Don't be tired! If you are not tired at all, how can you get tired of earning money?

What about the movie? Yang Hongxia continued to ask.

Let's wait for the movie script until we finish filming the TV series first. Anyway, Lin Fan can delay it first, so he doesn't want to just pull out the script so simply.

Although my own work should be the most trouble-free among so many people, it mainly consists of three actions: getting the script, filming, and acting.

You don't have to worry about all kinds of planning and details.

But Lin Fan is still willing to delay for a while.

Okay. Yang Hongxia also understood that being able to take out so many things from Lin Fan today is already a rare victory, and he can't continue to squeeze, otherwise this guy will rebound to the limit.

Then, this is the end of today's meeting, adjourn!


After the annual work planning meeting, Lin Fan and Liang Wen went to the animation studio to see the progress of the Journey to the West project.

Along with him is Zhou Yue, who is idle.

The animation studio is actually upstairs from the Earthman Studio. Yang Hongxia directly rented a three-story office building as the office space for the animation studio.

Although the members of the animation studio are still unable to fill the three floors, whenever Yang Hongxia sees the script in the safe in her office, she feels that it is only a matter of time before the three floors are filled.

Moreover, the scale of the company is also constantly expanding. It is better to reserve a certain amount of office space than to be overcrowded and have no suitable floors to rent.

Of course, the best thing is to buy an office building directly, so that you don't have to look at the landlord or worry about the rent.

It's just that the office buildings that are willing to sell always have various problems. Yang Hongxia hasn't met a suitable one so far, so she can only follow the trend for the time being.

Liang Wen took Lin Fan and Zhou Yue around the animation studio, introduced them to the main work of each department, and the content of the work in progress, and finally brought the two of them to his office to show the animation of Show them the follow-up manga of Journey to the West.

This is a follow-up comic that everyone has completed based on the setting and outline you left behind, Director Lin. You can see if there are any problems. If there are no problems, these will be the content that will be published on Penguin Comics later.

I'll look at the content first.

Lin Fan was not polite to Liang Wen, and directly used Liang Wen's computer to read the subsequent comics.

Zhou Yue, on the other hand, every time a new comic comes out, he runs over to read it first. Now he is not in a hurry, and sits on the sofa with Liang Wen, making tea slowly.

Lin Fan's speed is very fast. On the premise of familiarity with the content, Lin Fan only needs to confirm that the style, characters, scenes, and plot of the comics are not off-track. It is enough, and there is no need to dig out every detail.

However, the more Lin Fan looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong: Director Liang, this is not right.

Liang Wen's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly moved behind Lin Fan: What's wrong? Is the painting wrong?

Zhou Yue couldn't sit still any longer, so he came over with Liang Wen.

Lin Fan flipped through a few more pages of the plot to make sure he read it correctly: Look here, and here, why do these cows look similar? And these lions, why do they still look similar? If their Put the main body together, can you tell which lion spirit it is?

Liang Wen was overwhelmed when he saw it. In Lin Fan's Journey to the West, there are too many kinds of monsters, especially some monsters that belong to the same species, such as the seven lions of bamboo, which are yellow lion, Lion, Snow Lion, Suanni, Baize, Fuli, Tuanxiang.

It is really difficult to set seven different lion images just by listening to one name. Especially ghosts like Suan Ni and Bai Ze, who only exist in myths and legends, have no reference at all in reality.

Moreover, the number of times this kind of monster appeared is not much. The friends in the animation studio probably thought that it was just a manga, and there was no need to make too detailed, so they only differentiated in terms of color, decorative hair, body shape and weapons. , in fact, the seven lions still use the same template.

In the plot, no one would notice that these lions all look alike.

But this completely violated Lin Fan's original intention of drawing this comic.

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