The plot of the movie Roman Holiday is very simple. It tells a story about a pair of men and women with different identities.

If the identity of the heroine is replaced with a wealth of wealth waiting for her to inherit such an identity background, then this movie will never be so classic.

There are really many stories about the love that came about because of such a chance meeting, but they were separated in the end, especially in real life.

However, in Roman Holiday, the heroine is set as a princess who wants to be free, enjoys a day of freedom, and meets a beautiful love, but finally chooses to return and take responsibility. It can be said that this movie One of the keys to success.

The image of the princess when she appeared on the stage was beautiful and noble, giving people a feeling of elegance carved into the bones, but this image was too beautiful, so beautiful that it was unbelievable that there really was such a perfect woman in the world.

But as the plot progresses, the image of the princess begins to become three-dimensional and plump. She is still so beautiful, but this beauty is more real and closer to life.

The princess became a human being, not just a photo in a newspaper.

The setting of the hero is very different from that of the princess.

He is a down-and-out reporter, with only a few dollars left in his poor body, although after discovering the identity of the princess later, the first thing the hero thinks of is to use the princess for profit.

But it is undeniable that in the middle of the night, it was the male protagonist who extended a helping hand to the delirious princess who was living on the street, and took her home to resettle her. If there is no male protagonist to lend a helping hand, I am afraid that the princess will be able to see the newspapers with photos of her sleeping on the street all over the street when she wakes up the next day.

And the male protagonist is also getting along with the princess, he can't help falling in love with this beautiful girl, and finally returned all those precious photos to the princess.

There is no I love you in the whole movie, but it can make people feel the romantic and great love in the tortuous and moving story and the delicate performance of the actors.

This short love made the princess learn to take responsibility, and also allowed the reporter to get rid of the image of chasing fame and fortune, revealing the beautiful qualities hidden deep in her heart, and the whole story was thus sublimated.

This relationship has also become extremely beautiful because it is short-lived, and because it is beautiful, it is worth forgetting in a lifetime.

at the end of the movie,

The reporter put his hands in his pockets and turned to leave.

He walked through the long banquet hall, and the lights on the roof hit him, but he remained expressionless, and no one knew what he was thinking in his heart at this moment.

Maybe nothing.

He walked all the way to the door of the banquet hall, his steps slowed down, then turned around to look at the empty lobby, pondered for a moment, then walked forward with a resolute expression, and walked out of the camera.

An unspeakable regret lingers in everyone's heart. If it is an ordinary audience, they will inevitably want to ask at this time: Why didn't the princess come back and leave with him while the hero was waiting there?

But there are no ordinary people here, and everyone in the screening hall understands that this ending is the most realistic and most likely ending.

Even if it takes ten thousand steps back, the princess rushes out and runs with the reporter towards their love, so what will happen?

They may have a very good time, but eventually they will separate for various reasons. Even if they have gone through the break-in period, they will eventually be able to live together forever, but the princess and reporter who have run in all the edges and corners are still the same princess and reporter as before?

But now this kind of quiet parting has made the princess in the movie a unique existence in people's minds, that couple who can only dream of what they want but can't get close to. At the same time, it also makes the theme of this story change. get wider.

Mia was silent for a second, then applauded lightly: It's a very good movie, I like it very much.

The president of the Film Association also said: It is indeed a good film. I believe that the people of Pole will also like this film.

Mia turned to Lin Fan and held out her hand: Thank you very much for shooting such an excellent work.

Thank you also for raising my image to such a high level.

Lin Fan gently lifted Mia's hand, and placed a light kiss on his thumb: My honor.


Simultaneously released worldwide, the global box office broke 60 million US dollars on the premiere day!

A dark horse in the Spring Festival file, the pre-sale box office in the first week of the world broke 500 million US dollars!

Sweeping the world, Xiayan is hot all over the world!

Revealing the Movie Prototype——Princess Mia's First Half of Life!


Looking at the unanimous praise of the movie Roman Holiday on the Internet, and the skyrocketing global pre-sale box office, Yang Hongxia clicked the calculator: The box office in China will arrive first, and with this sum of money , whether it is to make a movie or a TV series in the future, you don't have to worry about running out of funds!

The distribution of the global box office is more troublesome, but it will definitely be available in the second half of the year. At that time, those blockbuster films can also be shot. I was worried that so many projects will be done together, and the funds will not be able to turn around!

Now all problems are solved.

Xiaoye felt dizzy when she heard the number reported by the calculator in Yang Hongxia's hand. She didn't feel any surprise.

Especially for this kind of amount in units of 100 million, Xiaoye feels that the 5 million won in the lottery hasn't excited her yet.

But these are not important, Xiaoyehui reported: Sister Xia, Brother Fan and Sister Yanyan have successfully boarded the plane, and I have followed your instructions and notified the heads of various departments to attend the annual planning meeting on time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning .”

Yang Hongxia nodded: Okay, remember to follow up on Lin Fan and Yanyan's itinerary, especially Lin Fan, you must catch him for a meeting when you come back tomorrow! - Forget it, you are not his opponent, I will personally supervise you Come on, don't worry about this.

Okay, Miss Xia!

As far as the western side of the ocean, Bolai, the president of the Bolai Film Association who had just sent Lin Fan and Xia Yan to the plane, stood there thinking hard: Where did I see it?

Before I could figure out why, I heard the background music playing in the airport hall, flowing out like water waves. The beautiful melody makes people can't help but follow its rhythm and wander in the ocean of music.

There seemed to be a flash of thunder in the president's mind: Oh! Adilina by the Water! This is the song! That Lin Fan is the creator of this song! Why didn't I remember it sooner!

The box office of Roman Holiday has a lot of mistakes from the original version, mainly due to some external factors such as the right time, place and people, so don't take it seriously!

Thank you for passing by, Lonely Star 8882, Watching Thousands of People Breaking Thousands of Volumes, Night Dance Lanqin, Shuangfeng, God-like Boy NO1, apple_Wu, Xingzi 1314, Yanhuangzhiyan, Helpless Little, Greenwood, Conceited with the Wind, Qiyexuelie, фgreedingly ф, Making up in the Rain, During April Fool's Day, Book Friends 20170321024725810, Lanka, Yaoyao Fox, Flying Over the Sea Traffic Officer, Treacherous Little Beggar, Feng Ying Mie, God of Book God 1212, Wan Don't turn, electroplating machine, moon world player, um, yes, Taipingtian G Tianxiataiping's monthly pass!

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