Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 817 There is no good monkey, I would rather not shoot!

In fact, I can't blame Xia Yan and the others for being so gossip, because an investment of 100 million is worth gossip, not to mention that the person who made this decision was Lin Fan who always only made low-budget movies?

Furthermore, the work of the studio this year has begun to come to an end, and everyone has not too much work to do, and there is nothing to do, and gossip will be delivered to your door. If you don't gossip, I am really sorry for Lin Fan who provided this topic .

In particular, Liang Wen also wanted to know: Are you only making animated movies? Are you considering making a live-action movie?

Xia Yan is also very interested in this matter: Although among the protagonists in Journey to the West, only one is human and the others are ghosts, but if you are willing to spend money to make models, the effect should not be as good as Is the animated movie bad?

To be honest, it is hard for people who have never watched the TV series Journey to the West to imagine that a crew, relying on the superb acting skills of the actors, made everyone ignore the rough modeling and scene design, and made the original work, These demons and goblins are so lifelike that they penetrate deep into the wood.

As a result, after the 86 edition of Journey to the West and the Journey to the West sequel released in 2000, all the remakes, second creations, and adaptations did not inherit the essence of the original Journey to the West, especially Journey to the West also produced in 2000. Postscript created a precedent for ghosts and animals.

But the ending song Lovesickness is quite nice.

Compared to the actor's appearance and scene construction, the most important thing is the suitability of the actor who plays Monkey King.

Lin Fan pointed out the difficulty of filming the live-action film Journey to the West: Anything else can be done by spending money, but actors can't use money to do it.

Lin Fan is willing to attribute the great success of the 86 version of Journey to the West, 80% of the credit to the actor who played Monkey King, and the remaining 20% ​​credit to everyone else.

Liang Wen also felt the same: Indeed, I read your script of Havoc in the Sky, and then I brought in the actors in the circle who I think are suitable for the role of Monkey King, imagining them playing the role of Monkey King. The scene of this character, but it always feels like something is missing.

Born as a stone monkey, without father and mother, without law and order, he punches the Yan Luo Temple in the underworld, kicks the East China Sea Crystal Palace, dares to disturb the Heavenly Palace when he goes up to the Nine Heavens, and can get the Western Heaven Scripture when he comes down to the mortal world... such a character, Zhou Yue shook his head again and again, I also I can't think of anyone who can play it well.

Lin Fan spread his hands: So here comes the problem, without good actors, why waste such a good script?

If Blue Star Huaxia can really find an actor who is the same as the original actor, or has an 80% level of the original actor, Lin Fan dares to make this play into a movie or a TV series.

We must know that the profound influence of Journey to the West can no longer be described in words. Speaking of the White Snake in The Legend of the White Snake, maybe today's children are not very clear, but when you ask about the Monkey King in Journey to the West, you will definitely be right.

Even if you don't know all the contents of Journey to the West, you can still call the Monkey King's name!

How could Lin Fan not be greedy for such a work?

It's a pity that a good woman can't live without rice, and there are no good actors. Lin Fan would rather just make this script into a cartoon, and make it into an animated movie than just find an actor to play it. This is not to promote the earth's culture in Blue Star, but to ruin .

Xia Yan regretted: It's a pity to just give up like this.

With such a good book, Xia Yan still hopes to make it into a TV series or movie so that everyone can see Lin Fan's works.

If it doesn't work, then the animation will work too, it's a pity.

Lin Fan comforted others, but he also comforted himself: Make two-handed preparations first, the animation film is being prepared, and actors have to start looking.

If you can find it, start shooting, if you can't find it, you can only give up.

Lin Fan also told Yang Hongxia about this, and asked Yang Hongxia to pay more attention to see if there were any suitable actors.

Yang Hongxia also knows how much an excellent actor adds to a play, although she likes making money very much,

However, due to a mistake in a certain link, a project that could earn 100 million yuan ended up only earning tens of millions. Yang Hongxia is unwilling to do this kind of thing.


Are you a fool to say that you don’t earn tens of millions?

When you said this, have you calculated the damage to Lin Fan's personal image caused by the failed works?

Lin Fan who wins completely, or Lin Fan who can lose like ordinary people, which one has more image value, needless to say.

A failure may only be tens of millions less, and the money you get is real. But these money can't buy back the invisible loss of Lin Fan's image.

Therefore, it is impossible for Yang Hongxia not to make animated movies that can make good money, and to make live-action movies without suitable actors first.

As for the image and cognition of Winning Victory, the pressure and burden on Lin Fan may seem heavy to others, but Lin Fan can't feel it at all, okay?

Lin · has the resources of the entire earth behind him · Fan is afraid of the challenge?

Knowing that Journey to the West will not be a live-action movie for the time being, Liang Wen regretted it, but quickly cheered up: I'm still in the preparation stage, I'll learn about animation movies, otherwise I'm afraid I'll have to follow It's not up to our director Lin's pace of development.

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From Yang Hongxia, Liang Wen also knew that Lin Fan had prepared several scripts for animation films, all of which were waiting for investment and production. If he couldn't keep up with Lin Fan's development steps in time, he might have to wait for Lin Fan in the future. It only comes into play when making live-action movies.

Maybe there will be other assistant directors joining the company in the future... No, I have to improve my professional level quickly!

Liang Wen left in a hurry, Zhou Yue still clung to Lin Fan and refused to leave: Hurry up, the script is out, and the movie's episodes, soundtrack, etc., are they also out?

Hurry up and take it out, or you think your wife is here, so I won't dare to touch you?

As for Xia Yan, Zhou Yue can be regarded as half of Xia Yan's teacher, a proper senior, the elder and his boyfriend are having a friendly and harmonious conversation, it's better not to get involved.

Lin Fan looked at Zhou Yue, hoping to let his conscience realize that he should not force himself to work, but unfortunately Zhou Yue turned a blind eye, his skin thick as a city wall.

In the end, Lin Fan was defeated, and he silently handed over a sheet of music. Zhou Yue's face burst into a smile, and he stretched out his hand to take it, but Lin Fan didn't let go.

Zhou Yue: ?

Lin Fan said sadly: Mr. Zhou, this is the last piece I wrote this year, there will be no more.

Zhou Yue nodded again and again: Understood! I want to listen to new songs next year and I'll catch up early next year, okay?

This year will definitely not squeeze you again!

Go spend your annual vacation with peace of mind!

Only then did Lin Fan let go of his hand in satisfaction: All right, all right, Mr. Zhou, see you next year!

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