It is impossible to see you next year. If Lin Fan wants to pat his ass and leave, he will have to do so after National Treasure is launched.

As for now, Lin Fan promised Yang Hongxia that if he wanted to launch the new comics during the free time before the National Day holiday, he would finish this matter first.

So, after posting a post last time to promote Wulin Biography, Lin Fan once again used his super blog account as an advertisement:

[Lin Fan: The new comic Journey to the West will be launched on the Penguin platform soon, so stay tuned! 】

Less than a minute after the post was posted, the comment area under Lin Fan's new post was captured by enthusiastic fans.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: The new comic is finally going online! I thought you usually forgot your Penguin account! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Is the new comic called Journey to the West? Inexplicably feeling so tall! In the final draft of the characters that Fan Fan announced before, I like Erlang Shen the most. Fan Fan must give Er Lang Shen more chances to appear on the stage! 】

[Splitting durians with empty hands: Hahaha, isn't the point about making your super blog account look like a billboard? Please look forward to the release of the movie, please look forward to the release of the TV series, and now the release of the new manga, please look forward to it. Generally speaking, the copywriting in your studio is not good, can you not use one more word? 】


Not only Lin Fan's personal account was full of excitement, but also Penguin Comics.

It's not that comic fans are looking forward to Lin Fan's new works. After all, Lin Fan's previous works are all short stories, so Legend of the White Snake is a little longer, but compared with those series in his lifetime, it is not enough to read.

Moreover, although the three works released by Lin Fan have attracted many comic fans, they are still incomparable with the real masters of comics.

Especially after such a long time, Lin Fan released his fourth work. Most of the comic fans who originally gathered because they liked Lin Fan's painting style and works also left.

After all, there are so many works on the comic website, why do you have to hang yourself on a tree?

But the fans are still very excited!

Because Lin Fan released a new comic = it will be made into a movie and released soon = a large number of fans will arrive on the comic website = a large wave of traffic and popularity is on the way!

The traffic and popularity brought by Lin Fan is something that Lin Fan is accustomed to, but for the comic website, other cartoonists on the website, and comic fans, it is a pie in the sky. Great news!

As the traffic and popularity increase, the exposure rate of the website will also increase, and the cartoonists and their works on the website will also benefit. Maybe my works will be liked by Lin Fan's fans? Maybe because of the rising popularity, an animation company will contact you to make your own work into a cartoon and broadcast it?

Even if there are none of these, it will attract more people to read the manga. As long as the popularity increases, there will be everything in the future!

No matter how bad it is, you can still get a glimpse of Lin Fan's popularity and say to your relatives and friends: Lin Fan and I publish works on the same platform!

To be more shameless, I can add a sentence: Lin Fan's works are not as popular/browsed/recommended/monthly as my works... Higher!

In short, the arrival of Lin Fan is like a catfish effect, causing a boom in the web comic platform that was originally calm and internally competitive.

Regardless of whether they are the target group of the comics platform, whether they like to read comics or not, and whether they are Lin Fan's fans, everyone's eyes can't help but turn to the Penguin comics platform and Lin Fan's upcoming new comics.

This time, Lin Fan still chose to upload full-color comics. Although full-color is time-consuming, Lin Fan is still willing to spend the time to color each painting.

This is not only Lin Fan's dedication to the work Journey to the West, but also to lay a solid foundation for the future animation films, so any one can increase fans and comic fans' favorability for this work Lin Fan will do everything with his heart.

Of course, by the way, you can also delay the update time.

Full color, it takes a lot of energy to paint, so I drag it out occasionally, fans will definitely understand it!

As for what you can't understand, then I don't need to understand you either.

Lin Fan made up his mind, uploaded the update amount for this week on the backend of the Penguin platform, and then set up a regular update. As for other things, leave it to the platform and Yang Hongxia to operate.


The person in charge of the Penguin platform almost thought that Lin Fan would not draw comics anymore. After all, compared to spending a few months to make a movie and earn billions at the box office after it was released, drawing comics is a time-consuming and laborious job. The money earned is really not worth it.

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If it were me, it would be impossible to waste my time drawing comics without earning billions.

Unless this comic is going to end up being made into a movie and make billions.

Therefore, even though Lin Fan has not made any new works for such a long time, and has not expressed his attitude of continuing to draw comics, the Penguin platform still regards Lin Fan as a great god.

No, with offerings and offerings, the Great God will come with flow and heat!

And this work is still a medium-length novel!

The serialized kind!

Update once a week!

This is a long-term traffic, as long as Lin Fan keeps updating, as long as Lin Fan is still so popular, the Penguin platform, together with other painters on the platform, will benefit from it!

So no matter what Yang Hongxia asked for, as long as it could be done, the Penguin platform agreed to it all. What's more, Yang Hongxia has always had a vicious vision, and her requests are often precisely on the bottom line. She will neither embarrass the Penguin platform, but also strive for the greatest benefit for herself.

Penguin platform has no reason not to agree.

It can be said that the two parties hit it off immediately, the cooperation was pleasant, and the publicity plan was quickly set. Then, overnight, the news that Lin Fan's new comic Journey to the West was about to be launched covered all the publicity channels of Penguin.

Even pure comic fans who don't care about these things were shocked by Penguin's generosity, and became more interested in Lin Fan's new work.

So on the day when Journey to the West was officially launched, countless fans and manga fans held their mobile phones early and waited for a long time, just to be able to see this work as soon as possible.

At zero o'clock, Lin Fan's Journey to the West is refreshed on time in Penguin's portfolio, so it's too late, and then it's too soon. Many fans and manga fans who want to be together, just click and open!

Then a beautiful scene appeared in front of everyone: the endless sea, a high mountain standing on the blue sea, red cliffs with strange rocks, and strange peaks with cut walls. On the red cliff, the colorful phoenix sings together; before the wall is cut, the unicorn lies alone.

It's like a fairyland on earth!

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