Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 816 Are all the friends in the company so gossip?

Hearing the word movie, Yang Hongxia's sleepy eyes flickered, and immediately lit up: The script of the animated film is finished? So can the comics be launched?

Yang Hongxia has been greedy for this cartoon for a long time, but Lin Fan is not in a hurry at all, she draws slowly, and when Yang Hongxia urges her a bit, Lin Fan has a non-violent attitude of Oh, I have no inspiration! Take a break! With cooperation, Yang Hongxia has nothing to do.

He could only grit his teeth and let Lin Fan draw slowly.

Yang Hongxia had already prepared that she would not see new comics coming online this year, but Lin Fan actually gave herself a surprise!

And it was such a big surprise: the plot of the animated movie was completed!

It is not yet October, and there are still several months left before the Lunar New Year. If we start the preliminary preparations for the animated film from now, is it possible that this film will be made before the end of next year?

In Yang Hongxia's eyes, an astonishing light like money burst out.

Lin Fan was almost blinded by the flash: The plot of the animated film is completed, but the manga is only partially completed. But it doesn't matter, it was originally planned to be serialized, and a part of it will be online first, and then it will be updated slowly.

Lin Fan counted his saved manuscripts in his heart, and felt that these saved manuscripts could completely support him and spend a wonderful vacation.

In this way, Yang Hongxia has something to do, and she won't always come to disturb her vacation, it's the best of both worlds!

Yang Hongxia had a film project to prepare, so she turned a blind eye to Lin Fan's little idea: Okay, look at the arrangements for the comics. I'll get the animation film working group up first.

Yang Hongxia came out of Lin Fan's studio and came to the public area. Before she had time to say anything, she saw her friends standing up from their seats, holding their notebooks, and walking towards the conference room automatically.

There was even a department head instructing there: Everything that is in hand, let it go for now, sister Xia is going to have a meeting! Those who are not present should inform each other, and those who can't make it back are in the working group Please take a leave!

Therefore, the friends saved the saved data of the data, called to inform other people of their calls, and some people rushed to the bathroom with their stomachs in their arms, trying to solve their personal problems before the meeting.

Yang Hongxia: ...Are you all so self-conscious?

Friends: Hehe, just get used to it!

So, ten minutes later, in the conference room.

Yang Hongxia looked at all the friends in the audience, and coughed dryly: Well, have you all finished your annual leave?

Everyone felt that the chrysanthemum tightened, and the pressure on their shoulders increased sharply.

When Yang Hongxia asked the studio partners to take annual leave in turn, and then held an impromptu meeting to add work for everyone, she never said such a thing.

Now that everyone has finally finished their tough annual leave, and everyone is back to work, Yang Hongxia is concerned about everyone's annual leave instead. Could it be that this time the work is particularly urgent, the workload is huge, and it can't be handled when the staff is full, so Yang Hongxia will say this to give everyone a vaccination?

The friends looked at each other in blank dismay, and the person in charge of the Propaganda Department had no choice but to continue: Mr. Yang, everyone's annual leave is over. Is there any urgent work this time?

Hurry up and give me an accurate statement. If you stretch your head and shrink your head, it is also a stab. If you die early and live early, just give it a good time!

Yang Hongxia also knew that the evening festival would not be guaranteed, so she didn't waste any more time: Today we called a meeting for one thing, to set up a Havoc in Heaven animation film working group, responsible for the pre-production, planning, publicity and other work of this film... ...

new movie!

And it's an animated movie that I've never touched before!

The little friends immediately stiffened up, pricked up their ears, and listened to every word Yang Hongxia said.

You know, an animated film is a big project, especially for Earthman Studios, the investment in an animated film is more than the three previous films combined!

Although the previous three films did well at the box office,

But it's really all a small cost investment. However, if an animated film wants to be effective, it is impossible to invest too little.

And because of the different types, the gap in production costs is even greater.

The person in charge of the Propaganda Department raised his hand and asked, Mr. Yang, is our movie in 2D or 3D?

Although film technology now claims to have entered the era of 4D, or even 5D and 6D, as we all know, that only refers to the viewing effect, and the real film production technology is still 3D.

It doesn't mean that 3D animated films are necessarily better than 2D ones. For animated films, production technology is only one of them. Scripts, themes, and funds, etc., all affect the final effect of the film to a certain extent.

There are many 3D animation movies on the market that are known as big productions, but they are crushed by 2D animation movies at the box office. It is not too much.

It is completely inadvisable to evaluate the quality of an animated film purely based on production technology.

Yang Hongxia replied: 3D.

The person in charge of the propaganda department was not surprised: Then, how much money does the company plan to invest?

Yang Hongxia flipped through Lin Fan's manuscript, then raised her head and smiled: The starting point is 100 million, and there is no upper limit.


Hiss—! Lin Fan grabbed Xia Yan's little hand and stopped her from continuing to pinch the soft flesh around her waist, For no reason, why did you pinch me?

Xia Yan blinked her big innocent eyes: Does it hurt?

Lin Fan was so angry that he pinched his backhand: Do you think it hurts!

Hiss! It hurts! Xia Yan couldn't dodge it in time, and Lin Fan pinched him straight, and his eyes burst into tears from the pain, It hurts so much! It seems that I am not dreaming, you actually plan to invest 100 million yuan to shoot This animated movie!

[To be honest, I have been using Mimi to read and update books recently, switch sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple are fine. 】

Lin Fan was expressionless: Has the news spread so fast?

Sister Xia had just left here, and Xia Yan came to tell her about it, which shows that the story has already spread.

Moreover, Xia Yan is not the only one.

Bang! The office door was pushed open from the outside and hit the wall, making a loud noise.

At the same time, Liang Wen's loud voice also came over: Director Lin, I heard that you are going to invest 100 million yuan to make an animated film?!

Lin Fan: ...

Eh, you've heard that too? Zhou Yue followed Liang Wen into Lin Fan's office one after the other.

Did Mr. Zhou also hear about it? Liang Wen said, The news has already reached you, so this matter is gone.

Zhou Yue also asked Lin Fan: Why do you think of making an animated film? And it's such a big investment. Well, I remember that the investment of the previous three films doesn't seem to exceed 100 million, right?

Liang Wen said: Mr. Zhou, you think too much. The three movies add up to less than 50 million, how can there be as much as 100 million!

That's why everyone was so excited when they heard that Lin Fan planned to spend 100 million to make a movie... No, it was curiosity!

Curious why Lin Fan changed his temper, instead of making low-budget movies, he actually started to play big productions with an investment of over 100 million?

Lin Fan: ...all the friends in the company gossip like this?

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