Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 423: The Brightest Star in the Night Sky

One of the very attractive points of the variety show Longing for the Yard is that the guests will share their past experiences, so that the audience can experience the attitudes that the guests want to convey from the experiences of the guests.

For example, Zhang Xinlan shared how she adjusted herself and stood up again after the betrayal.

For example, Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang also shared the unknown hardships behind the draft trainees.

Now, it is Hui Qiaodan who shares her experience of chasing dreams desperately when she was young.

Everyone's growth path cannot be smooth sailing. Even the bright and beautiful artists have their own ups and downs behind the focus of the lights.

As Hui Qiaodan said: I look back at the road I have traveled, but I am actually afraid for a while. Some things are not planned at all, and luck is very much involved. If I were to do it all over again, would I be able to get to where I am now? At this point, I am not sure.

But no matter how many times I start over, my mind will never change. I will still take this path resolutely, no matter what is waiting for me ahead.

Li Xiaodong couldn't help nodding: Me too!

But Lu Bingyang was silent for a while, and then smiled: I don't know what choice I will make, so it's better not to give me a chance to do it all over again.

Seeing this, Rongrong couldn't help asking himself, if he had the chance to do it all over again, would he still walk on this path?

Maybe, not necessarily?

After all, there are only a few people who can abandon all difficulties and dangers and firmly pursue their dreams.

More people choose to bow to reality, bow to the expectations of their loved ones, bow to fate, and finally completely let go of their dreams and become ordinary people who are happy with the situation.

Therefore, the unswerving dream chaser is so admirable.

But in the show, Lin Fan remained silent until Hui Qiaodan took the initiative to cue Lin Fan: Xiao Fanfan, at this moment, there should be a new song here!

Lin Fan laughed: Sister Hui is right, there should be a new song. However, the new song I prepared originally doesn't seem to be suitable for the current scene. Fortunately, I have another new song. Well, just be Give it to a dream chaser like Sister Hui who never forgets her original intention!

Xiao Fanfan, are you so invisible in Versailles now? Hurry up, hurry up,

Sing us a new song, and if it doesn't sound good, sing another one until we are satisfied!

Lin Fan got up and walked into the room, took out the guitar, plucked the strings habitually, and then said to the camera: The Brightest Star in the Night Sky is for all those who pursue their dreams.

The strings of the guitar trembled lightly at Lin Fan's fingertips, the chords were simple but moving, and the melody was clear, as if there were passions flowing in the majesty, accompanied by Lin Fan's soft singing, there was a real and gentle feeling .

the brightest star in the night sky

can you hear me clearly

the one who looks up

The loneliness and sighs in my heart—”

Lin Fan's voice, gentle and full of power, is like a guiding light, guiding everyone who hears this song to calm down, and then follow the melody, something flashes in their mind involuntarily, thinking they have forgotten Forgotten, but never forgotten, those people, those things.

oh the brightest star in the night sky

can you remember

walked with me

The figure that disappeared in the wind—

This part of the chanting is like a confession, like a lonely person whispering: things are different, people who used to walk side by side are far away and disappear, time makes me gradually forget the face of that person in my heart, only I am left looking at Looking at the starry sky and sighing alone.

However, Lin Fan did not allow himself to be immersed in this emotion, but showed his attitude to everyone by changing from a low-pitched falsetto to the soul without harshness.

That is:

I pray for a transparent heart

and teary eyes

Give me the courage to believe again

oh beyond lies to hug you

Whenever I can't find the meaning of existence

whenever i get lost in the night

oh~ the brightest star in the night sky

Please guide me closer to you-

That is, no matter what the reality is, there must always be the best wish in the bottom of my heart, and a completely calm attitude. Although followers dream all the way and have experienced loneliness and tribulations, as long as there is hope in their hearts, they will not lose their way. As long as you work hard to get close, no matter how difficult the life in front of you is, at least you will be satisfied in your heart.

Where there is a dream, there is a blue sky. I believe that I will be able to see it. The brightest star in the night sky will illuminate the way forward. May every dream chaser be able to radiate his own light in this long dark night, even if it is small, he must be a person who will not be defeated by life.

I'd rather keep all the pain in my heart

I don't want to forget your eyes

Give me the courage to believe again

oh beyond lies to hug you

Whenever I can't find the meaning of existence

whenever i get lost in the night

oh~ the brightest star in the night sky

oh please light my way-

Hui Qiaodan listened quietly. This song is obviously different from ordinary inspirational songs. The tranquil artistic conception and romantic feelings it projects are moving, and the sense of power it brings is also shocking.

But at the same time, this song encourages everyone to strengthen themselves and chase their dreams, but still don't forget to look back and miss the friends who walked together, but failed to reach the end together, and are now scattered all over the world.

No chicken blood, no suspension, the notes and lyrics are upward, full of energy, but with a little other feeling.

It's like, life slowly turns boys into men, inside and outside honed together to be rough, hard, like a fast-growing prickly stubble, but there is still a softness deep inside them, which is the bony A handful of clear springs in the mountains is a touch of moonlight in a quiet night, an encouraging look, and an appreciative smile...

The music flows quietly in the quiet courtyard, evoking some secrets buried deep in the hearts of countless people.

Even Hui Qiaodan himself couldn't help recalling that when he lived in the basement without even a window, although he was able to tell others about this experience with a smile, in Hui Qiaodan's heart, that The experience of a period of time is always embarrassing.

It's not that glamorous.

But so what?

It really exists, and it has always motivated itself to keep going. There was even a period of time when Hui Qiaodan gritted his teeth and persisted until now just to never live such a life and suffer such hardships again.

Only then did I have my current self.

Embarrassed, but enriched his life.

Those secrets are either unbearable, unwilling to recall, or deliberately forgotten, but in the ocean of music, these past events can't help but emerge, let yourself understand that some things are not hidden, I really can not care about it.

In the past, these were all unbearable past events, but they are no longer so difficult to face when they emerge at this moment. Maybe this is the magic power of this song. It stirs up your saddest secrets and also makes you feel Have the courage to face it.

Those are my most precious wealth!

Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang were also immersed in Lin Fan's singing.

The experience of the two people is not as rich as that of Hui Qiaodan. They are basically born with a golden key in their mouths. Even if they debuted, they have not experienced too many twists and turns. In the eyes of outsiders, the two people are already happier than too many people up.

But even if they are as glamorous as them, they are always looking up, trying to run forward, trying to prevent others from seeing their embarrassing side, and trying to prevent others from seeing the moment when they are crying.

Just because, the more excellent you are, the more you know how much you are still poor.

Just because the way forward is always lonely, and the way forward is always difficult. People in the same company are gradually defeated by reality, and some people never see each other again, how long can I persist?

No one knows!

However, we are all working hard to move forward.

Because dreams are the brightest stars in the night sky that guide us not to get lost.

PS: The Brightest Star in the Night Sky, escape plan


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