Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 424: The Death Scene of a Large Society

Wang Ke of Teana Music was drinking tea calmly in the office, watching variety shows, and then waiting for a large number of netizens to come over and comment on the platform, scolding himself as a producer with poor work ability, and scolding the Teana platform for not being able to release Lin in advance every time. Pan's new songs are released for everyone to download.

This kind of cursing will probably last until midnight, when Lin Fan's new song is officially launched, and then it will disappear, and then this batch of cursing will quickly turn into downloads, adding to the data of Lin Fan's new song. Within a few minutes, dozens or even hundreds of pages of comments appeared in the message area.

Wang Ke is already very proficient in this process, and even the other staff in Wang Ke's group are used to it, and it is not surprising.

Calm down!

Moreover, they have to work overtime anyway, and everyone has been very tacitly working overtime since the launch of Longing for the Yard. You can mix overtime pay and watch variety shows at the same time, why not do it?

As for the dissatisfaction of netizens and fans, let's be dissatisfied. Anyway, how dissatisfied you are now, the data after zero will be so good!

As for releasing songs early?

Although Tian Lai also thought, after all, he could earn money in advance, so why not do it? But Wang Ke knew that was impossible!

First of all, although the early release can allow Teana to earn download fees in advance, it is indeed detrimental to Lin Fan's data, and this detriment may also form a vicious circle.

For example, when a new song is launched at zero o'clock, Lin Fan's data for the day is at least a few million, and tens of millions is not impossible. But if it goes online in advance, it is very likely that Lin Fan's data for the day will only be one million, or even less than one million!

Then those opponents who are waiting for Lin Fan to have an accident will take the opportunity to step on it and publish some drafts such as Lin Fan's original intention is no longer, fans don't buy it when new song is released, Jiang Lang's talent is exhausted, Lin Fan's new song is cold, and then come again A wave of black fans and trolls deliberately started a war, ruining the popularity of passers-by.

This is likely to cause Lin Fan's data to remain bad the next day, entering a vicious circle. After all, if the singer's data is only based on fans, it is meaningless.

Lin Fan's passerby list has always been good, Wang Ke didn't want to ruin Lin Fan's passerby popularity because of the early release time, which would lead to opportunities for opponents to take advantage of it. You must know that even now that the mind is liberated, there are still many passers-by who are still affected by the remarks of black fans, without their own subjective consciousness, and follow what others say.

Secondly, Lin Fan has now become a signboard of Tian Lai Music, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a cash cow. Tian Lai does not want to have trouble with Lin Fan because of the release of the song.

To know,

With Lin Fan alone, Tian Lai Music is now faintly qualified to hit the top of the music platform.

And, don't look at these fans clamoring so much, once Tian Lai really releases the song in advance, and Lin Fan's data is not good in the end, they will definitely be the ones who scold Tian Lai!

Hmph, Wang Ke has already figured out the peeing nature of these fans, anyway, they just can't get used to it, the more they get used to it, the more it will hurt their faces.

However, although the song has not been officially released, the music critics on the Internet have already released the written reviews.

[Ethics are too expensive and you can't afford them: All right, don't cue me, I'm here! Really, knowing that I'm Lin Chui, it's impossible for him to speak ill of Lin Fan, yet he still keeps talking about me. Now that everyone is so enthusiastic, are you ready? I'm going to start blowing!


Lin Fan still needs me to play?

Forget it, you still have to blow it up, after all, the status of the number one forest blower cannot be handed over to others.

In everyone's life, there will be dark moments. There may be no progress in things that have been persisted for a long time. It may be that you are powerless when you want to change your life, or you are suffering when you stick to your principles. How to get out of this darkest moment, everyone has different answers.

Before, Lin Fan gave us Walk in the Rain, Run, and Glory, which gave us the strength to run in the rainy night.

And Lin Fan gave his new answer this time, which is The Brightest Star in the Night Sky.

Everyone knows Lin Fan's personal experience, so I won't go into details. What I want to say is that everyone's answer is different, but in the end it always points to those few, the dream, the life you want, and the self you want to be.

As Lin Fan sang in the song, dreams can illuminate you the loneliness and sighs in the hearts of those who look up to you; the life you want to live gives you the courage to believe again; hearts and eyes that weep.

Life will always break you down, make you disappointed, depressed, and hesitant.

However, life will not abandon you. 】

Below Huang Jie's article, there were more than a dozen pages of comments from netizens, all of which were emotions about the song The Brightest Star in the Night Sky.

【Lin Fan's ability to empathize is really too strong, he can empathize with loneliness, loneliness, confusion, and helplessness. When I think of loneliness and love, I have a feeling, a kind of unspeakable memory and longing, which can even make people cry, but it can also give people courage to go through all the dark nights. 】

[The lyrics are too literary, so they are a little vague, but even if you don't understand the meaning of the lyrics in some songs, you will feel that the song has a strong sense of substitution. Coupled with the same tune from emotional pouring to emotional outburst, it will give people a sense of light sadness and joy, and there is no lack of positive mood. 】

【What we like about a song may not be its form, nor its style, or even its melody, but whenever this melody sounds, it reminds us of a certain time in the past, Think of those who have been with us, and ourselves during that time, because there are our own stories in the song. 】

[Lin Fan has participated in three variety shows. Morning Star feels like he doesn't want to do business but is full of vigor. But it seems to have matured all of a sudden. The songs posted in The Yard feel more like life to me, just like this show, which is really yearning. 】


Wang Ke didn't read much. After all, under Huang Jie's super blog, the comments that can be seen are basically praising Lin Fan. Those who say they don't like this song, Huang Jie can still leave such comments, but those Those who swear, Huang Jie will directly report, delete, and block three consecutive times.

This kind of one-sided comment is meaningless to read too much.

Wang Ke stood up, ready to go to the smoking room to smoke a cigarette to refresh himself. Today he has to stay up late and work overtime. I didn't know that I had entered the smoking room, but I saw that it was full of people. In the whole group, almost all the smokers were here.

This is not the point, the point is, I don't know if it was the smog in the smoking room, or because everyone worked overtime, anyway, one or two of them had red eyes.

Then seeing Wang Ke also came, everyone seemed a little embarrassed?

Manager, you are here too.

Hey, the manager is also a temperamental person!

Wang Ke was stunned for a moment before realizing that everyone was more or less reminded of that song.

But everyone is an adult, and it is impossible to break the defense easily because of a song, especially during working hours. If a colleague sees me listening to a song and crying, what a terrible social death scene!

So, don't say anything, can you make an appointment in the smoking room?

After thinking this through, Wang Ke was in a dilemma. He was different from this group of people, and he didn't feel any emotion. But in this situation, if he stepped into the smoking room, wouldn't he tell everyone that he was also a little sad?

This, should I go in or turn around and leave?

If you leave now, will it appear that you don't have three hundred taels of silver here?

Can anyone answer this question? Waiting online, very urgent!



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