Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 422: Sister Hui and Her Useless Brothers

On the computer screen, the fourth issue of Longing for the Yard is still playing.

Take a break in the afternoon...

In fact, they had been resting until four o'clock in the afternoon, and these four people lazily got up and went to the field to sow the seeds bought today, including those that could be sown directly.

During the period when the four of them were farming, not to mention a lot of jokes, at least they were quite happy. After all, apart from Lin Fan who had experience and skills in gardening and vegetable plots, the other three really had no experience in this area of ​​business.

Fortunately, whether it was Hui Qiaodan, Li Xiaodong, or Lu Bingyang, they all had a great time playing, and they didn't feel that sowing seeds was a difficult thing at all.

This is probably also because these few people don't have much idol baggage. Otherwise, if you change to a guest with a ton of idol burden, you may not be able to let go.

In particular, Li Xiaodong went down with a shovel and shoveled out half of the earthworm. Hui Qiaodan, who was in charge of throwing the seeds into the pit, found out, and instead of being scared away, he pinched the half of the earthworm with his bare hands!

Li Xiaodong was so frightened that his voice broke, he threw the shovel and ran to Lin Fan: Brother Fan! Help! Brother Fan, save me!

Lin Fan looked at Li Xiaodong rushing forward with a dazed expression, jumped directly on Lu Bingyang's back, and screamed: Brother Fan, help me! Sister Hui is too scary!

Lu Bingyang quit, and wanted to tear Li Xiaodong off his back: Get off me! Li Xiaodong, you should lose weight! You must weigh 150 catties!

I won't let go! And who said I'm 150 pounds? I'm not that fat!

what happened?

Lin Fan didn't know why, but here, Hui Qiaodan laughed and ran over while holding something up: Li Xiaodong, you are too timid, it's just an earthworm, it seems to scare you !

Ahh! Sister Hui, don't come here! Li Xiaodong saw Hui Qiaodan approaching, his face turned pale with fright again, he jumped off Lu Bingyang's back, and ran towards the distance.

Only Lin Fan and Lu Bingyang who couldn't figure out the situation remained in place.

But soon, they knew why.

Sister Hui, what you are! Lu Bingyang almost burst out with a swear word!

Lu Bingyang only felt his scalp go numb!

Looking too good is also a kind of torture! Lu Bingyang clearly saw the one in Hui Qiaodan's hand,

Half of it...but that's not the point, the point is, the vitality of this creature is so strong that it's already broken down the middle, yet it's still writhing!

The picture is too shocking, Lu Bingyang's SAN value dropped all the way!

Not caring about anything else, Lu Bingyang turned his head and ran, while running, he turned his head and shouted: Sister Hui! Please, throw it away! Let the family rest in peace!

Hui Qiaodan put one hand on his hip and laughed loudly: Both of you can't do it, you're so frightened by a little earthworm!

Li Xiaodong + Lu Bingyang: ...Is there a swear word I don't know if I should say it or not?

Lin Fan: What's wrong with this world...

The bullet screen is also full of hahaha.

【You don't have nothing, you still have a disease: My God, I laughed so hard. This episode could be renamed Sister Hui and Her Useless Brothers! 】

[The user has become a fairy: Grabbing an earthworm with bare hands is still in half, still moving! Really, sister Hui is simply a bug! Where is this female guest from? What about your idol baggage? Other people's burden weighs a ton, so your burden is probably not a negative number, right? 】

[Made in China ancestors: Hahaha, a blood letter begged Sister Hui to be a resident guest! Only Sister Hui can control these three! 】


After finishing the farm work, it was time for Lin Fanxiu to show off his cooking skills again, but this time, with the help of Hui Qiaodan, who was quick and dexterous, it was Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang who were watching by the side, nibbling melon seeds, and occasionally helping deliver Something, wash a dish or something.

A family of four, the atmosphere is unusually harmonious.

Of course, the complaints in the barrage never stopped.

[People with a lot of feces: Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang remind me of my younger brother. As long as my younger brother can be like them, he can do whatever he wants, and I won't be so angry at him that my blood pressure will soar at a young age. 】

【I look good at avoiding evil: the same as my boyfriend. Every time I ask him to do something, I always say to let it go for a while and then I will do it. After a while, I have the time to wait for you, so I can do it myself. 】

[You can't die: Yes, yes, that's how it feels. Since I called you, it proves that this matter is about to be done right now. It is really annoying to ask you not to go for a long time! 】


These complaints received a lot of likes, but some people opposed and protested. It's just that such a topic is just to express a little depression in the heart, and it is far from the point of triggering a war.

In addition, Li Shasha and Rong Rong, headed by Wang Lingli, are the backbone of the fan supporters' support group, who are dedicated to reporting unreasonable abuse of black fans and cracking down on those who provoke wars. Therefore, although the two sides expressed their opinions, they did not really quarrel.

With Hui Qiaodan's help, the time spent on Lin Fan's meal was significantly shortened. Everyone brought the meal to the garden gazebo, and started the classic chatting while eating in the show.

Li Xiaodong has been curious all day, and couldn't help asking: Sister Hui, why are you so good at cooking?

The point is, why are you so courageous?

Hui Qiaodan didn't care: Practice makes perfect! When I was young, a few years younger than you are now, I went to the imperial capital alone, trying to create a future. But you know, the music scene ten years ago How can it be so messy!

Hui Qiaodan looked at Li Xiaodong and the others with envy in his eyes: Now you have various channels to enter this circle. Although there are thousands of troops crossing the single-plank bridge, the environment is really much better than ours at that time. .

At that time, we didn't have anyone to lead the way, so we couldn't enter the entertainment industry at all. In addition, the market has just been cultivated, the resources are so little, and there are only a handful of upward channels. I have no resources and no background, so I just plunged into this circle with my own courage. Naturally, my head was broken.

Hui Qiaodan shared with them her experience back then: At that time, I couldn't get a job, so I could only run around the venue, and I could go to several venues in one night. If there were no venues to perform, I would go to the underground passage, overpass, Singing at the subway station, living in a basement of less than ten square meters at night, without even a toilet, let alone eating, how can I afford a small restaurant outside?

So I can only share a kitchen with others and cook for myself. That's it, the key is to save money.

Before the three of Lin Fan had time to express their emotions, Hui Qiaodan continued: Then I have to say sorry to my brothers and sisters who rented a kitchen with me back then. It's too poor to do anything.

Later, after I became popular, I also wanted to endorse the brand of oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar to get some benefits for you, such as a 10% discount for declaring my name, but unfortunately my agent stopped me in the end.

So, I tried my best, if you need anything, please find my agent! Among other things, it is not a problem for him to compensate you for the losses that year. Is double compensation enough? How about ten times the compensation?

This time, there was no emotion left.

The atmosphere that was brewing just now is completely gone!

Not only is it gone, but the painting style has completely changed!

Lin Fan shook his head and smiled wryly.

This kind of thing is indeed something that Hui Qiaodan can do!


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