Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 421 My fan's idol may be born alone.JPG

The latest website: At 8:00 p.m., the fourth issue of Longing for the Yard is officially launched.

The flying guest of this episode is Hui Qiaodan, of course, and there are also Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang. These two guests have been in Lin Fan's variety show for four episodes, and it seems that they may continue to stay.

But this blatant behavior of rubbing popularity did not make people feel annoying, or it didn't make Lin Fan's fans feel uncomfortable.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lin Fan intends to help Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang. This kind of help includes but is not limited to, when his popularity is high, he takes Li Xiaodong to visit Lu Bingyang on his own initiative, and gives him The two write songs, and they also have to take part in variety shows.

In addition, the relationship between Lin Fan, Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang is very sincere, not like the plastic love in the circle, just acting in front of the camera, they are real friends, and getting along is very natural, Not pretentious.

In this slow variety show, Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang are not even like flying guests, but more like the other two owners of the yard.

Well, only Lin Fan is the obedient one.

Or the kind of doglegs.

How should I put it, Lin Fan is like the boss of the family, in charge of the overall situation and giving orders, Li Xiaodong is like the youngest in the family, responsible for all kinds of unlucky situations, and Lu Bingyang is like the one caught in the middle, responsible for all kinds of misfortunes. Get angry at both ends.

The sense of sight of the landlord's three sons.

As for Hui Qiaodan, that would be perfect, just like the eldest sister, who would order the three younger brothers in various ways as soon as she returned home.

However, Hui Qiaodan's silly elder sister's painting style is surprisingly harmonious with the painting style of the landowner's three sons, and she also successfully led the three of them away from Lin Fan, changing the style of the four from romantic to romantic. , Completely transformed into the solidity of rural family carnival.

Hui Qiaodan arrived the night before, and the program team specially gave Hui Qiaodan a bunch of post-production special effects, such as warm applause and cheers, to make up for the regret that Hui Qiaodan came too early and was not officially welcomed.

But soon, this regret was completely shattered by Hui Qiaodan taking out a whole set of mahjong from the suitcase!

On behalf of the audience, Lin Fan questioned Hui Qiaodan: Sister Hui, where did you find Mahjong?

Hui Qiaodan replied carelessly: I brought it here!

this answer,

Not only the three of Lin Fan, but even the audience couldn't help complaining.

[The pillow said it couldn't live without me: Huihui, hurry up and bring a whole box of mahjong, don't you feel heavy? 】

Regardless of whether the audience felt heavy or not, Hui Qiaodan didn't feel it anyway.

In Lin Fan's homestay, four people just gathered around a table and started having fun.

The camera slowly lifts up, backs up, and then freezes. Under the quiet night, warm yellow lights are lit in the yearning yard. In the quiet night, the laughter of the four people resounds from time to time, with the sound of shuffling cards , seemed both calm and lively.

At this time, a few large characters were suddenly hit in the center of the screen like a shock.

[Staying up late is bad for your physical and mental health! 】

[Plan the game time reasonably, don't get addicted to it! 】

[Support for limiting game time to 1 hour! Start from me! 】

Then, at dawn, four listless guys stood side by side in the backyard, weakly doing radio gymnastics to the music.

Obviously stayed up late to play mahjong, but didn't sleep well!

Hui Qiaodan saw that the camera was facing her, so she turned around and refused to take a picture: I don't want to lose face? I haven't put on makeup yet, how can I shoot the camera on the face of a female artist without makeup? Are you polite?

Are you polite? These four big characters, together with a question mark, were turned into several mountains in the later stage, and a q-version villain with two big characters photography on his head was smashed into the ground.

Until this time, the fourth episode of the program was officially started.

The amount of exercise in radio gymnastics is not enough for the four artists. After the activity started, everyone went to morning exercises according to their own rhythm.

It is worth mentioning that after the morning exercise, the scene of Lin Fan and Hui Qiaodan standing side by side in the garden, secretly competing with each other, is simply a famous scene.

Lin Fan: Ahhh——

Hui Qiaodan: Yeah, yeah——

Lin Fan sang opera, Hui Qiaodan performed soprano not to be outdone.

Lin Fan suddenly uttered an ethereal and illusory dolphin sound, Hui Qiaodan almost choked on his soprano, and couldn't keep up for a while!

More importantly, after Lin Fan sang the dolphin sound, he was still not satisfied, and suddenly sang Cool! And she sang with a female voice!

Hui Qiaodan was so angry that she turned her head and left instead of playing with Lin Fan.

Seeing this scene in the barrage, everyone couldn't help laughing.

[200-jin sister online: How childish these two are! It's inexplicable to hang your voice and have a competition. To put it in Huihui's words, Lin Fan, are you polite? 】

[Ugly trawling speed: the general dolphin sound is simply amazing! My scalp is numb! You can also switch male and female voices, what kind of fairy idol is this! I can hear the general dolphin sound a hundred times, no, a thousand times! 】

[One shot, one boyfriend: Cub, what's your future? So what if you win the competition with Sister Hui? You won't find a girlfriend like this! 】

When Rongrong saw this, he couldn't help showing a horrible expression. Sometimes Lin Fan is really too straight, and he can't get girls at all. Hui Qiaodan hangs his voice next to you, you praise What did she say?

But Lin Fan didn't, he even started a competition with others, and he even won!

Alas, my favorite idol may have to pay attention to Gusheng.jpg.


After the foreshadowing of the first two episodes, the audience has already recognized Lin Fan's cooking skills to a certain extent, but unexpectedly, Hui Qiaodan's cooking skills are also very good! The breakfast made with Lin Fan is a combination of Chinese and Western, which makes people very appetizing.

The barrage also praised Hui Qiaodan.

Because Hui Qiaodan is so far the only guest who can help Lin Fan share the task of making three meals, Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang can't be counted on at all.

After breakfast, the four of them were finally willing to leave this comfortable yard and started working seriously.

The four men divided into two groups, Lin Fan took Lu Bingyang to dig the ground, while Hui Qiaodan went to buy seeds with Li Xiaodong.

To be honest, there is nothing to see here. Rong Rong is more interested in Hui Qiaodan and Li Xiaodong going to buy seeds.

The post-editing also understood the audience's psychology very well, reserved more shots for Hui Qiaodan's group, and at the same time led the audience to get to know the seeds of many crops.

This is the first time for Rongrong to know that the seeds of many crops that we see every day look like this!

Useless knowledge adds another .jpg.

The point is, when Hui Qiaodan bought sunflower seeds, because she didn't understand the local dialect, she mistakenly thought that the melon seeds they gave her were the seeds, so she gave Li Xiaodong a popular science.

Moreover, one really dares to popularize science, and the other really dares to believe it!

Simply speechless!

Fortunately, after returning to the yard, Lin Fan saw it at a glance, and directly fried the sunflower seeds and ate them. Hui Qiaodan asked Lin Fan confidently while eating, Why did you fry my sunflower seeds?

Rongrong enjoyed watching it, but really couldn't hate this silly elder sister.

There are also many people who specially sent barrage for Hui Qiaodan.

[Girl, put down your breasts: I used to think that Hui Qiaodan was arrogant and looked down on other artists. I didn't expect you to be an idiot. After so many years, I misunderstood you. From today on, I've become a fan of Huiqiao Danlu! 】


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