Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 413 Destined to meet within 0 miles, but hard to hold hands without fate

The crew was still more or less affected by the outside world, but the big guys, the director and lead actor Lin Fan, the assistant director Liang Wen, the heroine Xia Yan, and the lead actor Cheng Guohua, were not affected by the outside world. Or whatever it should be.

He neither shy away nor cared about the various voices outside. This kind of calm attitude calmed down the psychology of the other actors and staff of the entire crew.

Of course, those who should be worried are still worried. Lin Fan is a pure newcomer, which is also true.

It's just that this kind of worry has been controlled to a certain extent, and it has not become out of control. In other words, this kind of worry has turned into invisible pressure, and it is all on Lin Fan's body.

Cheng Guohua was worried for a while that Lin Fan would not be able to bear the huge pressure, and he would vent his anger on the crew and on the actors.

But through Cheng Guohua's observation, Lin Fan did lose his temper sometimes on the set, but there were reasons for it, not because of incompetence and rage, passing on emotions. And most of the time, Lin Fan is no different from before, but there are still some small changes.

For example, when Lin Fan was free, he suddenly started singing Huangmei Opera.

No, it’s not all Huangmei Opera. It should be a new type of tune based on the rhyme of Huangmei Opera, which combines Peking opera singing and Buddhist music elements. It sounds like Huangmei Opera at first glance, but it has its own unique charm. Listen to it Very comfortable.

It is fate to meet thousands of miles away,

It's hard to hold hands without fate,

After ten years of cultivation, we can cross the same boat,

After a hundred years of cultivation, we can sleep together—

Good to hear!

The lyrics are also very suitable for Cheng Guohua's appetite. People of Cheng Guohua's age like lyrics that are more subtle and have a bit of life philosophy. For Cheng Guohua, the love, love, etc. in modern pop music, It's a little frivolous.

It’s not that straightforwardness is not good, but Cheng Guohua accepted the ideas when he was young, and formed an inherent cognition that implicit beauty is the same, and the same is true for personal appreciation styles. After the cognition is formed, if there is no major ideological conflict, it is generally difficult to changed.

Cheng Guohua didn't think there was anything that needed to be changed in the type of songs he liked. Some people like pop music, some people like classical music, so why can't I like folk tunes and opera singing?


It's a bit far-fetched.

Cheng Guohua really liked Lin Fan's casually humming ditty, and finally couldn't help it. After a shoot, he couldn't help but approach Lin Fan: Director Lin, can I ask you something?

Lin Fan also didn't understand why Cheng Guohua came to him: Tell me. Is there anything wrong with the filming recently? You have filmed a lot of scenes and joined many crews. If you find out that I have If something is wrong, you must point it out to me.

You also know that this is my first time directing, and many things are crossing the river by feeling the stones. It is very necessary for seniors like you to give more pointers.

Cheng Guohua waved his hands again and again: Hey, Director Lin, you are underestimating yourself. Everyone has seen your progress during this period of time. Although you may not be familiar with the work of the crew at the beginning, what is your ability after this period of time? , Needless to say, you can feel it yourself.

I dare not say anything else, but I believe that the final film will impress those people!

Then thank you Teacher Cheng for your good words!

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Cheng Guohua got to the point: Director Lin, when I was resting for the past two days, I passed by you and heard you singing all the time. May I ask, is that your new song? If so, what? When it goes online, I want to download it and listen to it as soon as possible.”

Lin Fan recalled: That, that is a new song, but it may disappoint Teacher Cheng. I don't plan to release these songs for the time being.

Cheng Guohua was very disappointed: May I ask why? Director Lin, you don't know. As a person, I like to listen to operas, and of course I like to listen to local ditties. But in recent years, this type of songs have become more and more popular on music platforms. Less and less.

It’s not that no one is doing dramas and local ditties. On the contrary, with the diversification of music genres, more and more people pay attention to national dramas and local ditties, trying to integrate these into people’s lives. The music in it, combined with modern pop, makes them come alive again.

It's a pity that the idea is good, but in practice, it is very difficult. As Lin Fan knew, Jiang Yuhe had been trying to compose ancient poems to music, the wish was beautiful, but the road was rough.

There are also those who forcibly stitch together popular music and drama singing. Maybe those young people think this type is quite novel, but Cheng Guohua himself can't accept it.

In Cheng Guohua's mind, the music form that combines ethnicity and pop should be like the ditty that Lin Fan sang on the set a few days ago, completely combining opera and pop elements, instead of simply Add a dramatic aria to a pop song.

Lin Fan had to explain for Cheng Guohua: These songs are the theme songs I prepared for the new, um, comic stories. Before these comics are adapted into film and television dramas, I may not release the songs separately. Because there is no plot support, only the song itself, its charm will be greatly reduced. So...

Lin Fan originally thought that Cheng Guohua would regret it if he explained it this way, and even felt that it was a waste of talent for him to engage in comics without doing his job properly.

But unexpectedly, after hearing Lin Fan's explanation, Cheng Guohua's eyes lit up: Oh, Director Lin, you have a new comic coming online? Then I have to go and take a good look!

Lin Fan was surprised: Mr. Cheng, do you still read comics?

Hehe, a little personal hobby.

Anyway, it was impossible to admit that when I received the invitation from Liang Wen, out of distrust of Lin Fan, I asked my children to find the manga. I wanted to learn about Lin Fan's creative ability through other channels, so I started to read it. comic.

Cheng Guohua skillfully took out his mobile phone, logged in to Penguin Comics, and then clicked in from the only cartoonist [Earthman] he had favorited and followed, and saw the new comic that Lin Fan had just released, Legend of the White Snake.

This name immediately aroused Cheng Guohua's interest. Lin Fan's naming of his comic works has a strong opera style, whether it is A Chinese Ghost Story, The Butterfly Lovers, and now The Legend of the White Snake. The modern true love series, what kind of dog-blood drama, is completely different.

If he hadn't seen Lin Fan as a young man with his own eyes, Cheng Guohua even thought that a person with such a name would have to be at least forty or above.

But these are not the point, the point is to read the manga first!

Cheng Guohua held his mobile phone and immersed himself in the plot of the comics, even Lin Fan was forgotten by him. This made Lin Fan stand aside and walk away, and it would be embarrassing not to stay.

Lin Fan: Old man, if you don't bring it like this, throw it away after use. Didn't you just talk about the song? If you have comics, you don’t need to be a screenwriter!

PS: Crossing Love, Zuo Hongyuan, Zhang Huiqing


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