Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 412 There is no right or wrong in life



Hearing the wind chime on the door, Yu Wei immediately put on a smile and raised her head towards the door: Welcome!

But who knew, Yu Wei looked up and saw that it was her clerk Xiao Ke who came in. I saw Xiao Ke's eyes were red, he walked in angrily, and plunged into the locker room.

What's wrong?

Yu Wei put down the mold in her hand, took off her gloves, and said to another clerk next to her, Look carefully, I'll go and see what's wrong.

The clerk responded, and said casually, I guess I had a fight with my boyfriend. When I was on shift two days ago, I saw that Xiao Ke and her boyfriend seemed to be arguing.

Yu Wei nodded to show that she understood, and then walked towards the locker room.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Xiao Ke squatting in the corner and silently wiping tears. Yu Wei quickly picked up the paper on the table, and handed over several papers: What's wrong with you? Why are you crying? Being bullied gone?

Sister Yu.

Seeing that it was Yu Wei, Xiao Ke hurriedly wiped his face and stood up from the corner, I'm sorry, Sister Yu, I'll be fine in a while, and I won't delay the shift...

It's not too far away.

Yu Wei handed the tissue to Xiao Ke, What's wrong with you? Is something wrong? If you want, just tell Sister Yu, don't be bored in your heart by yourself, it's easy to get bored.

Xiao Ke still shook her head: Sister Yu, I'm fine.

Yu Wei didn't force it either: Okay, you don't want to say it, Sister Yu won't force you, but if you really want something, you must tell Sister Yu, you know?

Understood, thank you, sister Yu.

Yu Wei sighed and left the locker room. Soon, Xiao Ke also changed into her work clothes and handed over to another clerk. Yu Wei observed Xiao Ke secretly for a while, and made sure that she was fine and working normally, so she stopped paying attention.

“Welcome to visit next time!”

After seeing off the last customer in the store, Yu Wei thumped her tired back, and flipped the sign on the door to the closed side, preparing to pack up and close the store.

But suddenly I heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice calling my name: Yu Wei?

As soon as Yu Wei turned her head, she saw that person, and suddenly said, Li Xiang, when did you come back?

Li Xiang stepped forward, looked at his ex-wife, and spoke in a natural tone as if the distance between these years had never existed: I just arrived today, and my mother is not feeling well. Walk.

Yu Wei nodded: Oh, then I wish her a speedy recovery.


Silence spread between the two, and the sense of strangeness also rose. Only at this moment did the two people who looked at each other speechlessly realize that the distance does not exist, but has always existed.

After a long time, Li Xiang was looking for something to say: How are you doing?

I'm fine, and you?

I'm fine too.

That's good.

After two sentences, there was nothing more to say.

Xu saw the two of them in such a strange state, Xiao Ke carefully approached the door, gently pushed the glass door open a crack, and called out: Sister Yu.

Only then did Yu Wei realize: Oh, I'm closing soon, so I won't invite you in.

Saying that, Yu Wei lowered her head and turned around, about to go to the store, but Li Xiang called her back: Yu Wei, wait a minute!

Yu Wei turned around, but Li Xiang didn't know what to say, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence: Yu Wei, can't we start over?

Yu Wei smiled: How do you start? Are you coming back? Or should I go with you?

Li Xiang didn't understand: Why can't you come with me? Isn't life in a big city not good outside? And it's not like we can't come back to visit the elderly. Besides, you said that your father was in poor health and you couldn't live without people at home. , but now, you have any concerns?

Is this store? Going outside, you can also open a shop and do what you like, and I didn't stop you!

How come, to the point of divorce?

This is what Li Xiang has never understood.

At the beginning, Li Xiang got an opportunity to develop in a first-tier city. At that time, Yu Wei obviously supported her to pursue a better future, but later, Yu Wei gradually changed since I don't know when.

The gentle and considerate wife who had been supporting her silently behind her back disappeared. She became hysterical, unreasonable, and disgusting.

She began to be suspicious, began to complain constantly, and began to worry about every detail. Li Xiang was in the rising stage of her career again, and her work tasks were already very heavy. It was also very annoying to have to face such an uneasy wife when she returned home. .

Eventually, the two parted ways.

However, Li Xiang has always felt that he was not reconciled. He didn't know what he did wrong. Why did he end up in a divorce in the end?

Yu Wei could hear the unwillingness in Li Xiang's tone, but she didn't have any desire to argue, she just smiled lightly: Li Xiang, you are not wrong, and I am not wrong, but life cannot be lived just by right and wrong Yes. If you insist on an answer, why don’t you ask your mother why the old man doesn’t want to live in a big city with you?”

After finishing speaking, Yu Wei ignored Li Xiang, opened the door and walked into the shop.

Xiao Ke at the door glanced at Li Xiang, and hurriedly chased after Yu Wei: Sister Yu, wait for me!

Yu Wei rushed into the bathroom, washed her face with cold water, and washed away the bitterness in her eyes. Then he looked up at the sink, himself in the mirror, and Xiao Ke standing behind him: Scared you?

Xiao Ke shook his head quickly, and handed the tissue in his hand to Yu Wei: Sister Yu, that person is...

It's my ex-husband. Yu Wei took the tissue that Xiao Ke handed over, and wiped off the water droplets on her face, Before, when we first got married, he was transferred to work in other places. We agreed , when the conditions are ripe in the future, we will take our parents to live together.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Li Xiang was busy with work and left all the family affairs to Yu Wei alone. Yu Wei took care of herself and Li Xiang's small family, Li Xiang's parents, and her father. Three to use, but still not enough.

Especially Yu Wei's father, who suddenly fell ill.

At this time, Yu Wei especially hoped that Li Xiang would be by her side, even if she was not by her side, it would be nice to have a phone call.

But no, nothing.

Li Xiang is too busy, so busy that he may not have time to call himself for a week, and Yu Wei will always hang up in a hurry when Yu Wei takes the initiative to call.

When Yu Wei's father was critically ill, Yu Wei called Li Xiang dozens of times, but none of them got through. But in the circle of friends in the middle of the night, I saw the photo that Li Xiang sent out to have dinner with his colleagues.

At that moment, Yu Wei really broke down.

Divorce became their only ending.

Xiao Ke was indignant: Men always want to fight for a future for themselves. They always feel that as long as they earn money, they can leave the family alone. But what we need is never a luxury, but a real dependence!

Yu Wei turned around and patted Xiao Ke's head: You're still young, you don't understand. There's nothing wrong with men wanting to go out and earn money. If you don't have money, you can't live on, so what's the future?

Xiao Ke was not convinced: Then is it wrong for us to want someone to rely on?

We are not wrong. A family needs to be run by both husband and wife. One person cannot afford a family. However, it would be nice if there were only right and wrong in life, but unfortunately, everything in life is divided, but there is no right or wrong.

Yu Wei smiled helplessly: Don't talk about me, what's the matter with you? I heard you had a fight with your boyfriend?

Xiao Ke was silent for a while: Sister Yu, my boyfriend said that he wants to go out for a break...

Yu Wei's smile disappeared from her lips: He is going out too... What about you?

Xiao Ke shook his head: I won't go. My sister went to the south with her brother-in-law to work hard, and she didn't come back once a year. Every time my sister called back, my mother would secretly cry in the middle of the night...

If I follow along again... only my parents are left at home, my mother fell down last time, and she didn't dare to tell my sister until now, because she was worried that she would not be able to come back, so she was in vain worry...

Yu Wei didn't speak.

Xiao Ke's voice was very low, and he didn't know whether he was speaking to Yu Wei or himself: But he is leaving, and I have no reason to stop him. His heart is not here anymore, and it's useless to stop him. Let him go... As for the future, we can only talk about it later...

In the quiet shop, the two women fell silent, only the melody of a recent popular song came from the computer speakers:

Fill my heart with openness

Sadness is also tears with smiles

countless encounters

can't wait

if only this life

Why wait to start all over...

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