
Cheng Guohua didn't notice Lin Fan's slander at all, because he was completely immersed in the story of Legend of the White Snake.

The story of The Legend of the White Snake was mainly passed down orally in the early days, so different versions and details were derived. Some of the original stories ended when Bai Suzhen was suppressed under the Leifeng Pagoda, some versions had the plot of the white snake giving birth, and some versions had a happy ending where the son of the white snake won the first prize and sacrificed to the pagoda to save his mother.

Lin Fan chose the TV series in 1992 as the blueprint. From the love in the past life, the White Snake practiced successfully, and went down the mountain to repay the favor, until the end of his merits and virtues, he became an immortal.

Once this version of the TV series was broadcast that year, it achieved a miracle of 30% of the ratings! So much so that in 2004, under the condition of multiple rebroadcasts, it still sat firmly on the throne of ratings champion, and the ratings remained at around 30%!

Lin Fan remembered clearly that at that time, the whole street was chasing dramas, and some children could only lie on other people's windows because they didn't have a TV at home, and they didn't feel tired after standing for a long time.

Lin Fan himself was one of the children lying on other people's windows.

Since New White was born in 1992, it has become one of the most popular TV series in summer vacation. Not only that, but this TV series is also one of the most rebroadcast TV series in recent decades. It is rebroadcast almost every year. In 2009, there were even six satellite TV group-style bombing rebroadcasts in turn.

Even during the summer vacation of 2013, one satellite TV directly rebroadcasted it three times, and other provincial satellite TVs also broadcast it one after another, as expected, and their ratings remained strong.

It has to be said that it is a miracle that a TV series still has such a wide influence and appeal after 20 years.

More importantly, regardless of men, women, or children, New White has influenced the values, aesthetics, and even the concept of spouse selection of entire generations, leaving many good memories for people of that era, and it is an indispensable part of childhood memories .

If A Chinese Ghost Story is a movie that Lin Fan must repeat, then New White is a TV series that Lin Fan will never give up.

These two works have extraordinary significance to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan chose to shoot and produce the movie A Chinese Ghost Story by himself, and even performed it himself, but New White Lin Fan had no choice.

Legend of the White Snake is just like its name, it is a film and television drama in which the white snake is the absolute protagonist, there are very few male characters in it, and none of them are suitable for Lin Fan to play. Especially the male protagonist, the gentleness and elegance required for this role,

With the feeling of a pedantic scholar, and the cowardice and incompetence that even his wife can't protect in the end, even if Lin Fan could play it, Yang Hongxia would not agree to let Lin Fan play it at all.

Because this role is really not likable.

Lin Fan is in the rising stage of his career. Lin Fan has already played a similar role as Ning Caichen, and if he plays Xu Xian again, it is easy to leave a stereotyped impression on the public, thinking that Lin Fan can only play such a role, which is not good for Lin Fan future development.

Unless, Lin Fan modifies Xu Xian's character design, but that will ruin the classic.

Of course, it’s still too early to talk about this matter. The manga of “The Legend of the White Snake” has just launched, and the filming of “A Chinese Ghost Story” has not yet ended. It’s too early to think about these things.

It's just that Lin Fan himself thinks it's too early, but others don't.

Magic Movies.

Sister Hua! Lin Fan has released a new work in Penguin Comics!

The assistant knocked on Hu Yuhua's office with the phone in his hand, and handed the phone to Hu Yuhua, Sister Hua, take a look, the comics Lin Fan uploaded this time are quite interesting.

Hu Yuhua was waiting for Lin Fan to upload a new work. Since the phone call with Liu Zhengyan, Hu Yuhua even asked his assistant to pay close attention to Lin Fan's developments. Once a new work was released, he would tell him as soon as possible.

Sure enough, Lin Fan was not influenced by the outside world, but released the new comics step by step. Hu Yuhua still appreciates this calm state of mind.

Let me see.

Hu Yuhua took the phone and looked at the opened page on the phone screen, The Legend of the White Snake? How come there are so many weird love stories in Pan's mind?

The key is that each story is so beautiful and moving, making it easy for readers to immerse themselves in and arouse empathy.

This ability is really invaluable.

Why are the ratings of modern TV dramas getting lower and lower?

Do you have too many choices?

Or do audiences not like watching TV shows anymore?

In fact, it’s not true. Modern new dramas are becoming more and more divorced from reality, like the current hit Sky Survey, which claims to invest 300 million yuan in a big production. It was so bullish when it was promoted, but once it was broadcast, It's also driving high and walking low. How much I expected it at the beginning, but now I scold him so hard.

Hu Yuhua studied the drama Sky Survey carefully, and found that this drama is actually above the standard line. After all, it has burned so much money, it is impossible for it to be so bad.

But the plot is really crotch, no matter the origin, family background, appearance or personal strength of the male and female protagonists, they are unprecedented, as if they have stood at the end point that everyone dreams of from birth, and the whole movie The plot of the play revolves around the love-hate entanglement between the male and female protagonists. What is the righteousness of the family and the country, and what is saving the common people are not as important as falling in love.

This kind of drama, watching one or two is very enjoyable and refreshing, but watching three or four, or even thirty or forty are all of the same type, and the audience will naturally feel fatigued.

Not to mention this kind of plot setting that is neither distracting nor down-to-earth, such as noble birth, villain facial makeup, love is too big, etc.

The plot is out of touch with reality, it is all a routine, changing the vest is another drama, naturally it is difficult to arouse the interest of the audience, let alone sympathy, the ratings of many TV dramas nowadays are supported by black fans, Hu Yuhua does not need to go To investigate, just click on the barrage to see how many swearing barrages there are.

And this is also the original intention of Hu Yuhua to pay attention to Lin Fan's comic works.

Whether it is Lin Fan's songs or comic stories, they all have one thing in common, that is, they can arouse the empathy of the public.

Whether it is Ning Caichen, a down-and-out scholar, or Liang Shanbo, who is born in poverty but falls in love with a rich lady, they are all ordinary people with the largest number in society, but the whole society is supported by thousands of ordinary people. Their joys and sorrows, their ups and downs, gathered into the tide of the entire era.

Their stories are what everyone wants to see, ordinary people's extraordinary.

Hu Yuhua began to appreciate Legend of the White Snake with full expectations.

But soon, Hu Yuhua discovered that the comics this time seemed to be a bit different from Lin Fan's previous two works?

The protagonists of the first two films are obviously Ning Caichen and Liang Shanbo. Of course, the heroine is also very important, but the focus is indeed on the hero. But this Legend of the White Snake is obviously not, its focus is indeed on the White Snake.

And the presence of the male lead is not even as high as the second male lead!

What is Lin Fan trying to do?

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