Huang Jie's final speech completely pushed this topic to the top of the hot search, and the self-excitement of fans has completely turned into a common carnival for the majority of people who eat melons.

The people who eat melons don't care, whether this response is a coincidence, or who is fueling the flames, it doesn't matter! Anyway, it's all on Lin Fan. Lin Fan sang such a song in the variety show, which is Lin Fan's response to the filming incident!

Black fans and sailors are hi, it's a good thing to have a response! Finally, there is a breakthrough point that can be opened. When there was no response before, tearing X was not happy, not happy! Now there is a breakthrough point, hurry up, let's go together!

Not to mention Lin Fan's fans, the whole thing was made up by their own brains, the logical chain is very self-consistent, and Lin Fan's new song cheers for them, after all, Lin Fan used Being ashamed before. Did this.

The fan group rallied and wiped out the decline, and the fighting power instantly increased by hundreds of percentage points! It's just in time for the black fans to come, and our forty-meter broadsword is already hungry and thirsty.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Fan's fan support club played a good guiding role in this counterattack. They defended Lin Fan's making a movie, but they didn't blindly praise Lin Fan's ability and original intention of doing it.

Because Lin Fan has made it very clear in the song that he just wants to make a movie.

Under such a premise, fans formed a group to support Lin Fan's filming, while admitting that Lin Fan really has no experience and strength, and cannot guarantee the final effect of the film. I hope that netizens will not be harsh and more tolerant towards Lin Fan core purpose of action.

Thus, a vigorous fan war broke out without Lin Fan's knowledge. By the time Lin Fan found out about this from Xiaowan, Lin Fan's fans had already defeated the black fans and trolls, and raised the white flag to surrender.

Cough, the actual situation is that the black hand behind the navy discovered that this incident not only did not cause much negative impact on Lin Fan, on the contrary, with the outbreak of the fan war, it actually drove the number of broadcasts of the Yearing Yard variety show, And the number of downloads of the new song Sudden Self.

After a few days of cooling off, the passers-by didn't know whether they were more influenced by Lin Fan's new song, or because there were no black fans and trolls to lead the rhythm, the whole seemed to suddenly become tolerant. For Lin Fan's filming, he gave a lot of tolerance, as if they were not the ones who scolded Lin Fan for being too ugly a few days ago.

There are also some netizens who, after listening to the new song, seem to be washed away by Lin Fan's singing. They feel ashamed of the previous hot-headed, hot-blooded, mocking, and immediately delete the unfriendly remarks they posted before. Guilt, condemn yourself deeply, and take this as a warning.


Those loyal black fans are still active in ridiculing and constantly fabricating the history of Lin Panhei on the front line of the battlefield. What happened before and what will happen in the future, they are not ashamed, but proud.

But for the behind-the-scenes of this matter, there is no need to continue, because the gain outweighs the loss!

At this time, if the navy continues to lead the rhythm, it will obviously be unable to do what it wants, and it will even arouse the rebellious psychology of the people who eat melons. Therefore, the black hands can only notify the water army, and put down their flags and drums, waiting for the future.

Without the support of the navy, the number of black fans could not compete with the number of fans and passers-by, and they were quickly defeated.

Therefore, this public opinion war was started without Lin Fan's knowledge, and ended without Lin Fan's complete expectation. Lin Fan didn't feel any sense of participation in the whole process, and really wanted to give the other party a bad review.

However, when things got to this point, Lin Fan also understood that his pressure was even greater.

No one put more pressure on Lin Fan. Xia Yan, Yang Hongxia, Liang Wen, and the entire crew avoided talking about it. But Lin Fan knew that some pressures could not be avoided without escaping.

Although the fans said that the process is more important than the result, they will support Lin Fan no matter what he does, but if Lin Fan really makes a bad movie, the fans will still be a little disappointed.

More importantly, the black fans who have been suppressed now will rise again, take advantage of this fact, and give Lin Fan's fans a head-on blow.

This is destined to be a movie that cannot fail.

Lin Fan handed over the mobile phone to Xiao Wan for safekeeping, walked towards Xiao Maza behind the monitor screen in the crew, and sat down calmly.

The originally noisy studio suddenly became quiet at this moment.

Lin Fan raised his head and saw Xia Yan was looking at him intently. When he met his gaze, Xia Yan showed an encouraging smile, and silently said Come on.

Lin Fan smiled back, then turned his head, and saw Liang Wen stretched out his hand, and patted himself on the shoulder heavily, without saying a word, everything was kept silent.

There is also Cheng Guohua, the veteran actor who played Yan Chixia, and other actors, photography, lighting, radio...etc., everyone in the audience is looking at Lin Fan.

There was an invisible pressure on his shoulders, Lin Fan knew that at this moment, everyone was waiting for him, waiting for a word, or a gesture, or simply a look, an attitude, no matter what it was, in the final analysis , is Lin Fan's confidence.

Everyone wants to know whether Lin Fan has the confidence to make this movie well.

Even though he was on the set and the transportation was inconvenient, everyone was more or less affected by the outside world. Lin Fan could not respond to topics on the Internet, but he couldn't ignore the status of the entire crew.

Lin Fan's expression was very calm, but his heart was boiling: This is my movie.


Following Lin Fan's order, the crew, as if frozen in time, began to move.

The scene is recorded, the actors are in place, and the photography, lighting, radio and other staff follow closely behind. Everyone is like a small part of a huge machine. Under the command of Lin Fan, the center, they are executing in an orderly manner. Own task, skillful and natural.

After this period of time, Lin Fan finally managed to turn the entire production crew into his own arm, like an arm commanding him.

After passing one very smoothly, another one was saved.

Liang Wen looked at the smooth footage and pictures on the monitor screen, and couldn't help sighing: When I first took this job, I thought I would face a layman who didn't understand anything and could only point fingers at me as a director.

Lin Fan naturally heard that Liang Wen was trying to praise himself, so he controlled the corners of his mouth that were about to rise, and pretended to be calm, What about now?

Liang Wen glanced at Lin Fan: Now I find that you are indeed a layman.

Lin Fan was almost suffocated to death by Liang Wen's unreasonable showmanship!

Seeing Lin Fan's gloomy look, Liang Wen felt relieved, and then happily continued: Although you are an amateur, here, at least in this movie, you are a genius, and no one is more talented than you. I know how to make this movie well. I am looking forward to the final film, and even more to the result after it is officially released.

Lin Fan grinned: I'm looking forward to it too!


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