Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 188 The @林轩 you are paying special attention to posted a new update

After Lin Fan's new song No Land to Conceal became popular all over the Internet, the popularity of the entry of the original piano song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star has also risen rapidly, and even the yearning yard has completely become popular, becoming the top ten song on Kuaiyin this month. One of the Internet celebrity homestays, many tourists who originally planned to travel were also attracted and set their destination as Huahai Island.

Especially the owner of the homestay next door to Lin Fan’s yearning yard, saw the business opportunity, and directly marked [only 150 meters away from the yearning yard] on the reservation information of his homestay room, and almost instantly, the boss received a full reservation Prompt information.

Other homestays and hotels also followed suit. Without Lin Fan's knowledge, they became popular.

In addition, the flights to Huahai Island were sold out within three days, and the hotels and homestays on the island quickly became popular.

You know, it is already September, and the small peak of summer vacation tourism has come to an end, and the peak tourist season of Huahai Island is from October to March of the next year. The weather in Huahai Island is very hot now, but it still can't stop the enthusiastic tourists.

The rooms in the longing courtyard have been booked for several months, and tourists have to settle for the next best thing and find the nearest hotel or B\u0026B to check in, so that it is convenient to go there to take pictures and check in.

With the yearning yard as the center, all the hotels and B\u0026Bs within a radius of three kilometers are fully booked, and the radiation range has to be expanded again as the bookings are full.

The account that Lin Fan had calculated at the beginning:

6.1 million foreign debts, 20 rooms of 1688 yuan, if the room is full every day, it only takes 6 months to pay off the debt! If expenses, taxes and fees are included, it is estimated that it will take 10-12 months.

9.5 million decoration + 500,000 rent, if the house is full every day, it only takes 10 months to pay back! If expenses, taxes and fees are included, it is estimated that it will take 16-18 months to pay back, that is, one and a half years.

Can I fill the room by myself?

Before it was, no!

Now yes, yes!

Lin Fan is not ignorant of this, because every morning when he goes for a morning run, Lin Fan can clearly feel that there are more people on this coastal road. taking selfies.

There are also more people who take pictures and check in outside the longing yard every day, and some people want to go to the guest room area, and there are more strangers in the lobby. Fortunately, Lin Fan has the [photographic memory] skill, so he can recognize them at a glance. These people were not his customers, so they were politely invited out.

But Lin Fan was still a little worried that someone would break in again. After all, the whole yearning yard was full of girls, and it would be very dangerous if someone wanted to break in. So Lin Fan and the security company hired two more security guards, and replaced the original two shifts with three shifts, with two people in each shift. One guards the lobby to prevent strangers from wandering around, and the other is responsible for patrolling around to prevent people from entering the hall. Trespassing.

And Lin Fan himself also reduced the frequency of going out, although, the number of times Lin Fan went out in a day was very small.

But this posture still scared the fans who stayed.

Have we caused trouble for Fanfan?

The sudden surge in tourists, whether it is the release of the song No Place to Shame and the original piano song Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, or Lin Fan's popularity, is actually inextricably linked to fans.

If Lin Fan is a singer in the entertainment circle, then such enthusiasm is a symbol of popularity and status to him.

But now Lin Fan is more like a freelance musician, the kind of person who hides in a beautiful place, doesn't care about the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, and only focuses on music creation. Fans are worried because he keeps chasing Lin Fan and getting exposed. These behaviors in the fragments of Lin Fan's life will cause trouble for Lin Fan.

After Lin Fan knew what they were thinking, he comforted them: These have nothing to do with you. The soaring popularity means that the signboard of the courtyard that I yearn for has been launched. Even without your support, I will not worry about not having customers come to my door. As for security, this is the homestay. There are supporting services.

For the room fee of 1688 yuan, Lin Fan said that he must feel at home!

As for those who trespassed, they only accounted for a very small number of tourists. Most of the tourists just came to join in the fun, take a picture and punch a card. Don't look at the excitement during this time. When the heat goes down, no one will be there. I will think of this place again, and this is also the sadness of some pompous Internet celebrities checking in.

When the fire is really hot, once the heat is over, there is nothing left.

Lin Fan doesn't want the B\u0026B that he has worked so hard and spent a lot of money to become an Internet celebrity B\u0026B that was once popular and then flourished and then declined, but wants to run it well. After all, this is his dream in his previous life. Arriving at Blue Star, it seems that there are more choices, but Lin Fan is still unwilling to give up.

Turning on the system, Lin Fan checked his current popularity.

[Current popularity value: -1312669, total popularity value 4146653]

During this period of time, there was a lot of disturbance, which brought me 1,589,632 new active fans, and the fans who brought such enthusiasm to myself and the yard I yearn for, are also the ones who have always supported Lin Fan wholeheartedly, without the support of these 4.15 million fans Well, Lin Fan couldn't afford to open a homestay at all, even if he opened it, no customers would come to his door, and he still had to rely on fans in the end.

There was no way around this, so Lin Fan simply didn't go around, accepted the fact, and faced it calmly.

Not only the fans who came to stay, but also many fans who couldn't come are also Lin Fan's loyal supporters. Lin Fan looked at the messages under his super blog account, envious of the small group of people who got gifts.

Of course, there are also a few sporadic comments, saying that these fans are licking dogs, and Lin Fan licks everything he makes, boasting that there is nothing like it on earth, and I don’t know how many dollars he paid for it from the wholesale market. The ones bought back are specially used to trick fans.

But such a message was quickly overwhelmed by other messages, and there was no splash.

Lin Fan couldn't bear to look at the words envy that were connected together.

[Lin Fan: Thank you my fans, you have worked hard! Yearning Yard will select 5 fans every month to give small gifts, including but not limited to postcards signed by me, homemade flower tea made by Yearning Yard, small wood carvings carved by myself, and sketches with uncertain styles. What are the details? You will know when you arrive. 】

As soon as this super blog post was posted, the cooks were all excited.

【Mom, the pig kissed me! : Woohoo, Fanfan is too kind, and I will give everyone a small gift in a lottery! 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Smash me, slap me, slap me! Love any gift! 】

【Sa_Sa: Retweet Koi Blessing, you must get me~~~】

Lin Fan didn't read the comments, but went to the backstage of the super blog, set up the event time and content, and then posted a super blog with relevant information, and then waited for the lottery draw to end, and after getting the address of the winning fan, post the small Just send the gift.

Chen Yuan was scrolling through the super blog when she saw the news that Lin Fan had just posted.

[Lin Fan: Forward + follow + comment, at 9:00 pm on September 9th, draw 5 small gifts through the Chaobo lottery platform. 】

There is a lottery! Chen Yuan immediately forwarded + followed + commented three times, forwarded this super blog, and then continued to play with her mobile phone as if nothing had happened.

Beside, the screen of Xia Yan's phone also lit up, and a message popped up. Xia Yan picked up the phone calmly, logged into Chaobo with a small account, and also forwarded + followed + commented three times in a row, hiding his merit and fame.

In the office, Yang Hongxia's cell phone dinged, and a message popped up: [Lin Fan, whom you pay special attention to, released a new super blog update].

Yang Hongxia turned on the phone calmly, logged in, and after a while of operation, she showed a smile that was sure to win.

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