Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 187 1 Twinkle 1 Twinkle Little Star

At this moment, Xia Yan, who was far away in Guangdong Province, also saw a small video posted on the Internet by the rice cooker, a small video of Lin Fan playing piano music.

Xia Yan's piano skills are very high, and she is familiar with Blue Star's famous piano pieces, but she has never heard this piece played by Lin Fan.

The theme of this song is romantic and dreamy. It consists of six quarter notes plus a half note to form a brisk melody. Each note is like a free-flying elf, waving transparent wings shining with stars, touching the hearts of the audience. Work magic, bring freedom and laughter.

Xia Yan is a genius in the field of music, while listening to it, he analyzed the whole piece in his mind.

The first paragraph of this song reminds the theme, the dreamy and romantic atmosphere makes people feel like they are in a fairy tale country, and they can touch magic as soon as they reach out.

In the second paragraph, the ingenious introduction of 16th notes and chromatic scales sets off a gorgeous effect. Immediately afterwards, the heavy arpeggio of the left hand quickly appeared, and the arpeggio of the right hand also played a beautiful tone.

Here, playing with the left hand spanning 10 degrees is very skillful... Here it returns to tranquility... The right hand starts with an octave scale, and the majestic feeling arises spontaneously!

Changed the tune! The key was changed to C minor, and then back to C major... The tempo began to change to Adagio. Xia Yan knew that this song was about to enter the final section. This gentle and gentle atmosphere served as a slow movement before the final variation.

Sure enough, in the short video, Lin Fan started with a fast paragraph with his left hand, the speed was very fast, and ended with a long crescendo.

The end of the song!

Xia Yan looked at the short video silently. After Lin Fan finished playing, he unconsciously grasped it with both hands. This was the discomfort of his fingers after he had neglected to practice for a long time, but bravely played a piece with at least level 8 difficulty.

At the beginning, Xia Yan helped Lin Fan buy the piano because Lin Fan accidentally revealed that he could play the piano, but it is a pity that Xia Yan never heard Lin Fan play. So Xia Yan didn't know how well Lin Fan played the piano, but he didn't expect Lin Fan to give him such a big surprise.

There is nothing wrong with Lin Fan's overall playing. The timbre is well controlled and the emotional handling is also very delicate, but it gives Xia Yan a very strange feeling, that is, Lin Fan's skills and emotions are in place, but there is a long-lasting There is no strange feeling of touching a piano.

Maybe it's just lack of practice.

Lin Fan's childhood life should be very exciting, right?

it's not the point,

The key is that Xia Yan has never heard this song before. Could it be Lin Fan's original work? If so, then Lin Fan's musical talent is too high. From pop music to rock music, to piano music, is there anything Lin Fan doesn't know?


At the same time, a small video of Lin Fan playing piano music that was posted on the Internet also sparked heated discussions, mainly due to a comment.

[You annoying little goblin: I am a student of Yangyin, and I have never heard this piece of music, and I have asked other classmates and teachers, and I have never heard of it. Is this an original piano piece? 】

This comment was followed by several comments with similar content. The people who left the comments all indicated their identities first, whether they were students in the conservatory of music, music teachers, or from the piano shop. They all agreed that it was the first time they heard this. song.

Such comments were so conspicuous amidst the voices of the rice cookers praising Lin Fan's multi-talented and good playing, and they were quickly pushed up.

Some people forwarded the video to other platforms to ask more people if they have heard the song. But the answer is always: never.

With more and more answers like this, one answer gradually surfaced: this is Lin Fan's original piano music!


Ah Choo!

Lin Fan finally finished his daily mandatory tasks, but suddenly sneezed a lot. Lin Fan looked at the still hot sun outside, and was a little suspicious: It's such a hot day that you can't catch a cold, is it because someone scolded me again?

Lin Fan didn't care. He has been scolded a lot by black people on the Internet recently, and Lin Fan is somewhat immune. Now he has other important things to do.

Yu Mengmeng!

Lin Fan yelled towards the garden.


Yu Mengmeng ran over immediately, What's wrong?

Lin Fan handed a painting to Yu Mengmeng: I promise you a gift!

Yu Mengmeng took a look and was a little dissatisfied: You are too perfunctory with me. Other young ladies have sketches, and mine is an enlarged version of the photo!

Brother spent several days preparing for you the surreal style meticulous painting, you actually said I was perfunctory?

Lin Pan smiled angrily: Thank you for the compliment.

Yu Mengmeng was stunned, looked down at the painting in her hand, and then at Lin Fan: Is this a painting?

Lin Fan sneered.

Ahhh! This is a painting!

Yu Mengmeng is going crazy, this is exactly the same as the photo, it's actually drawn?

Yu Mengmeng couldn't believe her eyes, because in the portrait, she could clearly see every hair, even the lines on her lips, which was more detailed than the photos, so Yu Mengmeng took a look at it Thought it was a photo!

Fanfan, you are amazing! I like this gift so much, I want to take a picture of it and send it to Moments!

Yu Mengmeng quickly took a photo of the portrait, and then posted it on her Moments, Chaobo account, group, Kuaiyin and other platforms to show off.

And Yu Mengmeng's grandfather and mother, who were far away at home, were sitting in the garden of Yu's villa drinking afternoon tea, and they were also talking about Yu Mengmeng.

The old man was a little unhappy: Mengmeng has been traveling for so long, why didn't she call back?

Mom comforted the old man with a smile: Mengmeng is having a good time, I don't think she will remember it for a while, and she will call back in two days.

Hmph, look at her circle of friends and see if she has posted any photos. The old man didn't really complain, but he just missed his granddaughter a little.

Okay. Mom was kind, turned on the phone and clicked on Yu Mengmeng's circle of friends, I really sent a photo, Dad, look.

The old man took the phone and saw that Yu Mengmeng had taken a lot of photos. He clicked to look at them one by one: You girl, Mengmeng, are you crazy? No wonder you have to call home! So many people... ...Huh, what is this?

The old man zoomed in on a photo with his fingers, looked at it for a while, and then zoomed in again until he couldn't zoom in anymore.

Seeing the old man staring at a photo, mother kept silent, and couldn't help but ask, Dad, what's wrong with this photo?

The old man said in a concentrated voice: This is not a photo, it is a painting.

Painting? Mom looked at the painting on the photo. The one so fine that even the eyelashes are clearly visible is not a photo, but a painting?

The old man was also surprised: This is a surreal painting style that has been very popular in China in recent years. I don't know if you remember it. A few months ago, someone in China offered 70 million for a collection of this painting style. painting, but the painter himself is not willing to sell it.”

Unexpectedly, my granddaughter got such a painting, and it was painted by herself.

Ask Mengmeng, how much did you pay for this painting? The granddaughter was stupid, so don't be fooled.

Although the granddaughter can't afford tens of millions at all, at most a few million, it is not a loss to buy such a painting. But the old man was worried that his granddaughter didn't lose money, but she suffered in other places.

Mom clicked on the text description accompanying this photo, and she was stunned when she saw it.

What's wrong?

Mengmeng said, this is a gift from her idol...

That is, no money was spent.

The old man's eyes stared like copper bells: Ask Mengmeng, what kind of idol is she, and does she have any gifts?


Do you still want to be the same idol as your granddaughter?

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