Tian Lai Music, Wang Ke of the independent music department, has lived a happy and painful life recently. The happiness lies in the two songs recently released by the musician Lin Fan who Wang Ke is in charge of. Once the first song No Place to Conceal was released, it directly reached the top of the monthly chart of the original new song list on the same day!

You know, when Lin Fan released this song, it was already the end of August. After accumulating more than 20 days of advantages in other songs, he was able to reach the top of the list with a crushing attitude. Wang Ke has been in this industry for so many years It's the first time I've seen you!

The pain is that Lin Fan's singing is really too casual, there is no warning, he releases the song as soon as he says it, and he doesn't communicate with Wang Ke in advance, and he doesn't care about the publicity outside the contract at all. Pan feels distressed, and must understand that some resources can be won outside of the contract.

If Lin Fan had communicated well with Wang Ke before releasing the song, Wang Ke would be able to win more publicity and support based on the quality of the new song. Can be richer.

But Lin Fan never took the initiative to contact Wang Ke at all.

After No Place to Shame, Wang Ke had to take the initiative to call Lin Fan, but no one answered the call for a long time, and finally called again, but the phone was turned off, so he had to give up. Wang Ke could probably guess that Lin Fan's phone was going to blow up at that time, so he simply turned it off without seeing it.

Then Wang Ke received a call from Yang Hongxia.

Xiao Wang, in the future, Lin Fan's new songs will be released by me. Don't worry, there will be no such incidents of directly releasing songs without communicating with you in advance.

Wang Ke touched Yang Hongxia's words: Sister Xia, have you signed Lin Fan?

This is a big event!

I signed a contract, but it's not an artist management contract. However, if Lin Fan wants to release a song in the future, he will communicate in advance. Lin Fan has no relevant experience in this field before. Fortunately, you are such a responsible matchmaker, otherwise Lin Fan I'm afraid I will suffer a lot. Yang Hongxia didn't elaborate.

But Wang Ke, who should understand, understood: It's nothing, it's all work. I also have to thank Sister Xia, with your help, I will just cooperate with you and wait to make money, hahaha.

After hanging up Yang Hongxia's call, Wang Ke couldn't help sighing: Lin Fan really has a backer this time.

The staff next to him heard Wang Ke's emotion and couldn't help being curious: Boss, hasn't Lin Fan always had a backer?

Lin Fan's former manager, Lian Xiaoyu,

Don't think it's unreliable, the company was closed down by her own trap, but with the signboard of Lianshan Software, everyone has to give her some face wherever Xiaoyu goes. This is the charm of the employer's father.

Boss, look, Lian Xiaoyu spent a lot of money back then, and she used her face and favors to stuff Lin Fan, a pure rookie, into the Morning Star draft.

The point is that she didn't insist that Lin Fan get any ranking in it, or achieve any effect, but only wanted Lin Fan to be familiar with her face, it was all for Lin Fan's paving the way. Lin Fan would not be able to get this kind of treatment even if he changed his mind from another brokerage company.

Later, Lian Xiaoyu's company went bankrupt, and she directly terminated the contract with Lin Fan, and did not mortgage the contract to the bank. Well, although it is mortgaged to the bank, the bank will not ask for it, and these details are not important.

Lin Fan appeared in Morning Star and his popularity soared. When he was targeted by the program group, other companies and students, Lian Xiaoyu appeared again, and showed his support for Lin Fan. The program group and those student companies did not dare to give Lin Fan Pan playful.

He also introduced Lin Fan to a big shot in the circle like Xia Yan, who took Lin Fan to record songs, and now Lin Fan has signed a contract with Yang Hongxia. For such a thing, another person would have been furious. I will help you stand in the circle so hard. Keep your feet on the ground, you signed a contract with someone else in the blink of an eye, even if Xiao Yu didn't explode on the spot!

The second is Xia Yan.

There is also Xia Yan, Xia Yan almost borrowed her own recording studio to record songs for Lin Fan for free, and even helped Lin Fan record songs for free, and also helped Lin Fan reach a cooperation with Zhang Xinlan, Xia Yan was also involved in the Wangsheng incident Shadow, although he also invited Lin Fan to write a song for him, but in a blink of an eye he brought Lin Fan to his concert. At that time, Lin Fan and Xia Yan were really the same as each other!

Now she even tacitly allowed her agent to sign a contract with Lin Fan. What kind of person is Yang Hongxia? As a gold agent in the industry, she signed Lin Fan not only because of Lin Fan's talent, but also because of Xia Yan's attitude.

Look, when did Xia Yan bring other newcomers? This is not leading Lin Fan forward, it is simply hugging Lin Fan and telling everyone in the circle, this is the person I am covering, please don't bully him, otherwise I won't sit idly by.

Xia Yan stood up more than once and supported Lin Fan with practical actions. Everyone knew that Wangsheng suppressed data, and Yang Hongxia made a move. Otherwise, how could it be so easy for Lin Fan to jump from Wangsheng to Tianlai?

Even Xiao Yu belongs to the management, and Xia Yan belongs to the circle of contacts, and they are all escorting Lin Fan.

Boss, if this is not considered a backer, then there is probably no one in this world who can be called a backer except for your own parents.

There are no secrets in the entertainment circle, those things between Xia Yan, Yang Hongxia, Lian Xiaoyu, and Lin Fan may not be clear to passers-by, but people in the circle, Men Qinger!

Behind Lin Fan, not only Lian Xiaoyu, Yang Hongxia, Xia Yan, but also Zhang Xinlan were standing there waving the flag and shouting. Zhang Xinlan became angry again without watching the song Walk in the Rain. Now whoever dares to bully Lin Fan, Zhang Xinlan will be the first Stand up and hit someone!

Unknowingly, more and more women were behind Lin Fan, and he became stronger and stronger!

Wang Ke was speechless, and suddenly became a little annoyed: You know a lot! You have nothing to do, right?

No, Boss, I'm just here to give you a message, and Mr. Zheng will let you go over there. I'll go back to work after I finish the message!

After the staff finished speaking, they ran away in a hurry, not giving Wang Ke a chance to make excuses.

Wang Ke didn't really want to do anything. It's okay to see that everyone has slipped away. It's still a matter of business. He doesn't know that his superior is calling him. What's the matter?

Wang Ke knocked on the door of the general manager's office: Mr. Zheng, are you looking for me?

Zheng Hui nodded: Sit down and talk. Do you know about the new variety show our company is preparing recently?

Wang Ke shook his head honestly. He is only in the independent music department, and he is only responsible for connecting with those independent musicians. How does he know about the new variety show? However, I have heard a lot of gossip, but it is difficult to distinguish the truth from the false.

It doesn't matter if you don't know, it's just a music variety show, and the preparations are almost done, but now we are facing a problem, that is, there is no musician who can represent our Tian Lai on the guest list.

Wang Ke understood: Boss Zheng means that you want to invite Lin Fan to participate?

Zheng Hui didn't answer the question, but instead asked Wang Ke: Do you think Lin Fan can represent our natural sound? Or, do you think the public can think of our natural sound when they see Lin Fan?

Wang Ke hesitated for a moment: Almost.

Zheng Hui motioned him to continue.

Wang Ke organized the language: It is not such an exaggeration to say that Lin Fan can represent the sound of nature. But the label of sound of sound on Lin Fan is still quite obvious. Let alone the fact that he jumped from Wangsheng to our side. It’s quite a big scene. It’s that new song that reminds people of us immediately.”

Because the song No Land to Conceal was released by Tianlai Ping, and it's just a fast tone. Because there is a synchronization protocol, you can drink soup with Tianlai. Purchase shared rights too!

Zheng Hui understood what Wang Ke meant, because it was from this song that Zheng Hui remembered that there was an independent musician like Lin Fan in Teana, so he came up with the idea of ​​inviting Lin Fan to participate in Teana's new variety show. Otherwise, who knows what Lin Fan is? And there are so many singers in the entertainment industry, why do you have to invite an independent musician?

The key lies in Lin Fan's new song!

Zheng Hui pondered: Is this Lin Fan an independent musician?

Yes, but I should have signed a cooperation agreement with Sister Xia of Xinghe Entertainment. Sister Xia greeted me just now, saying that Lin Fan will release new songs in the future, and she will be in touch with me.

Yang Hongxia signed...

Zheng Hui felt that this was a good thing instead. He knew Yang Hongxia very well. She had strong professional ability and was able to enjoy herself in the circle. She also had a lot of ambition. If Yang Hongxia could make the decision, then inviting Lin Fan would not be a problem.

Wang Ke reminded: Mr. Zheng, this Lin Fan doesn't really want to be in the entertainment industry. I've been in contact with him for so long, and I can tell that he is very lazy. It's good to keep releasing new songs, but It might be more difficult to let him participate in the variety show run announcement.

Zheng Hui didn't think so: It's because you haven't touched the door of life. If he is really so lazy, why does he still release songs? Isn't it hard to write songs? After writing a song so hard and releasing it, it must be I want something, either for fame or profit, of course, it may also be for art. In short, if you really don’t want anything, you won’t release a song.”

You should communicate with Lin Fan more, feel his bottom by the way, and see if he has other songs in his hand. It doesn't require a song of the quality of A Place to Shame, it's not too far away. As long as he has another song in his hand For such a song, we can continue to discuss contract treatment with him!

Zheng Hui believed that since Lin Fan could sign a contract with Yang Hongxia, he could also sign a contract with Tian Lai, depending on what Lin Fan wanted.

Wang Ke was a little worried when he heard the words, because Lin Fan's mobile phone was turned off, and he didn't know where to contact Lin Fan. Could it be that he really wanted to go through Yang Hongxia? If Wang Ke made a phone call, Yang Hongxia would have figured out Wang Ke's intentions.

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