Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 186 Is this the inside story of an idol?

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Lin Fan woke up in the fresh morning light of Huahai Island. The yard he longed for was quiet and peaceful. After the initial excitement and excitement, the fans who stayed in the house can now maintain a more suitable way of getting along with Lin Fan. Achieving a state of mutual satisfaction.

Well, except for the big white legs, it is still so bright!

Lin Fan was finally able to show his unknown side... er, many sides with peace of mind.

After washing up, he went to the kitchen to cook the porridge for breakfast. Lin Fan changed into a comfortable sportswear and jogged for half an hour along the coastal road outside the longing yard.

Along the way, Lin Fan met many people who were also jogging in the morning, some would smile and nod each other, and some would even say hello to Lin Fan. Although he ran on the same road every day, the scenery he saw was different every day. same.

The sea under the sun is not the same, Lin Fan's mood will also become broad and calm with the sound of the waves of the sea, no amount of troubles can turn into an insignificant grain of sand and disappear on the coastline.

After the morning run, Lin Fan returned to the yard he longed for. Lin Fan was not in a hurry to take a bath, because [Tie Da Ren] enforced the one-hour daily routine, and it was only halfway through, and Lin Fan had to continue exercising for half an hour.

Lin Fan decided to spend the half hour in the gym.

In fact, some time ago, when the homestay was not in business, Lin Fan spent an hour in the gym, but after the fans moved in, every time Lin Fan went to the gym, he found that the gym was crowded with onlookers, and the eyes of dozens of girls were shining. It was a little scary to stare at myself.

That's why Lin Fan spared half an hour to go for a morning run to shorten the time he was surrounded by spectators. Even though the number of onlookers has gradually decreased in the past two days, Lin Fan still maintains this time allocation.

After half an hour, [Rolling Iron Master] enforced it for 1 hour every day, and it was done!

The next thing is, [Sound of Nature] Mandatory practice for 30 minutes every day!

Lin Fan's voice pierced the tranquility of the yearning courtyard, and also awakened many tenants who were still immersed in their sweet dreams.

Being awakened by idols in such a kind way, fans are both happy and painful.

My God, Fanfan is too punctual. He practices vocalization at this time every day. Does he have obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Get up soon, get up soon, your idol has already finished exercising, why do you have to lie down?

Ten more minutes of sleep!

The girls are noisy,

Open the curtain of a day of hustle and bustle for the longing yard.

[Sound of Nature] After the compulsory practice, Lin Fan went to take a shower, and then began to prepare breakfast. Fans who got up early also came to help.

At the beginning, the yard he longed for was only a group of two customers. When Lin Fan made breakfast by himself, he also made a copy for the customers. When the homestay was exposed and fans flocked to it, Lin Fan couldn't prepare breakfast for so many people by himself.

But after that barbecue party, Lin Fan started to prepare breakfast for customers again. After the fans found out about this matter, everyone came over to help and share Lin Fan's pressure.

But this is not a long-term solution, Lin Fan decided to hire an aunt who cooks back to take care of the tenants' breakfast. When you are interested, you can continue to make breakfast for your fans. Well, occasionally you can prepare a surprise lunch or dinner for your fans like a barbecue party.

Today's breakfast is relatively simple.

The western ones include: milk, fruit juice, oatmeal, scented tea made by Lin Fan himself, toast, boiled eggs, fried eggs, grilled sausages, fried bacon, vegetable salad, etc.

Chinese styles include: white porridge, noodles, all kinds of pickles, and some miscellaneous grains such as boiled sweet potatoes, steamed pumpkins, and boiled corn.

There are also some seasonal fruits.

Well, it's not as good as a five-star hotel, but it must be worthy of the 1688 room rate!

Lin Fan finished his breakfast by himself, and waited until after 9:30, when the fans had basically finished eating, before he went to clean up the tableware.

During this period of time, Lin Fan decided to complete the task of [Bowing Left and Right] to practice for half an hour every day.

The only thing to consider is, what instrument are you going to practice today? Before, Lin Fan just practiced the guitar in order to fool... No, in order to familiarize himself with the instrument, he was a little tired, how about changing to the violin today?

Lin Fan opened the scores of [Paganini's 24 Caprices\

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