In the fan group of the rice cooker, several photos were posted in a row, and the people who stayed up late to cultivate immortality were immediately blown out.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: What is this? 】

Wang Lingli, a senior cultivator, can find her online no matter what time of day, everyone is used to it.

[Splitting durians with bare hands: This is a gift from Fanpan! Usually painted by hand, carved by hand! Envy or not, envy or not, hahaha, there is also the love breakfast that Fanfan prepared for us, Fanfan’s cooking skills are really great, but it’s a pity that you can’t eat it, hahaha...]

[Mengmeng rabbit: Ahhh! I also want! I'm going to go to the yard I yearn for now! 】

In a daze, Yu Mengmeng, who was peeking at the screen, woke up instantly. Last night, she ate too much meat, panicked, and couldn't sleep well. Who knew that such a good thing would happen in just a few hours!

Crazy, Yu Mengmeng hurriedly washed her face and changed her clothes, and rushed to the yard she longed for, afraid that she would lose everything if she got there late, although she remembered that there were still a lot of small wood carvings on the shelf in the hall.

As a result, as soon as he got to the courtyard he longed for, he saw Lin Fan surrounded by a group of people, painting there with nothing to love.

Lin Fan also didn't expect that the small gifts he sent out were so popular. Just a few of them were sent away here, and everyone else received the news. One by one, they all ran down to wait for the beauty sleep. gift.

There are also bargainers who say they don’t know how to appreciate painting art, can they be replaced by small wood carvings? Of course, Lin Fan, who was about to be scrapped after painting, agreed. There were a lot of finished small wood carvings in stock, which saved Lin Fan from continuing to draw figures.

Although there is a system of [Fingers Never Cramp], Lin Fan doesn't have to worry about hand cramps when drawing, but it is really tiring to be tired, so Lin Fan simply let them choose by themselves: The one who wants to carve stands on the left, and the one who wants to draw stands on the right.

Everyone clattered and lined up in two rows, revealing Yu Mengmeng standing in the middle.

Yu Mengmeng sneered: That, I want...

Children only do multiple-choice questions, and of course adults ask for all of them!

Lin Fan snorted: It's a good idea!

In the end, except for Yu Mengmeng, everyone else got their favorite gifts, um, only one.

Seeing that everyone else got presents, Yu Mengmeng looked at Lin Fan pitifully, but she didn't.

Neither speak.

Lin Fan couldn't take it anymore: When are you leaving?

I'm in no hurry……

Just wait.


Yu Mengmeng is Lin Fan's earliest benefactor's father, and he gave Lin Fan a homestay planning book at the fan meeting, so Lin Fan wanted to draw a meticulous painting for Yu Mengmeng instead of a sketch. more time.

And other people who received gifts took photos of sketches or wood carvings, and then posted them in their circle of friends, super blog, group, etc. to show off.

And those fans in the fan group who didn't get a reservation, or didn't have time to come, their eyes were red with envy.

At the same time, there are also some sunspots on the Internet who are secretly prodding and rhythmic.

[Colorful black: Fans who spend money will get gifts, but those who don’t spend money won’t get any, it’s usually too partial! 】

As soon as such a message and comment came out, it was pushed back by the cooks.

[Climacteric girl: Don't pretend to be a fan upstairs, deliberately play with the rhythm to provoke discord, we like the ordinary and not because of the gift! 】


The cooks didn't lose their minds by the black fans, nor did they feel that Lin Fan was partial. First of all, the fans who received the gifts came to Huahai Island from all over the country to support Lin Fan with their own actions. Secondly, although I was very happy to receive the gift, what made the fans the most happy is that Lin Fan has been making progress since leaving the stage, and has been releasing excellent works.

And when the fans needed it the most, Lin Fan also stood up to support the fans, and completely defeated the sunspots with a song No Place to Shame, leading the fans to win the victory of tearing up X on the Internet. Isn't this more moving than a gift?

Of course, not getting a gift is still very sour.

Baby wronged! But baby don't say it!

In the Ganfanren fan group, Wang Lingli suddenly swiped the screen, copying and pasting a whole page of messages at once.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: I want to buy a small wooden sculpture made by Fanfan at a high price! 】

When the others saw it, they suddenly realized that they could still operate like this! I don’t have a chance to go to Huahai Island to live in Fan Fan’s yearning yard, but I can buy small gifts made by Fan Fan!

As a result, more and more people joined the ranks of swiping screens seeking to buy small wood carvings at high prices. As for why they only want to buy wood carvings, it is of course because the paintings are all drawn by others. It can be regarded as a general gift to yourself.

Nothing wrong!


Wang Yan returned to her home from Huahai Island, a fifth-tier city, with less stress in life, lower prices, more free time, and a comfortable life. The key is that it is very convenient to ask for leave. Wang Yan first snatched the reserved room in the longing yard, and then went to ask the boss for leave, but the boss readily agreed.

But for the fans in the fan support club, other sisters living in first-tier and second-tier cities, it is difficult to ask for a day off, let alone a week.

When she went to work the next day, Wang Yan canceled her vacation and distributed the gifts she brought back to other colleagues in the company. Then, she carefully packed the small wood carving from Lin Fan in a transparent gift box and put it on her desk.

Originally, such a gift should be well placed at home, but Wang Yan has a very naughty little nephew at home. She worried that when she was not at home, the little nephew would rummage through her things, so Wang Yan had to bring the small wooden carving to the The company comes.

Colleagues also saw this thing: Hey, Wang Yan, where did you buy this wood carving, it's so delicate.

Wang Yan replied proudly: I can't buy it anywhere. This is a gift from my idol! This is the only one!


All right, as long as you are happy. Everyone didn't say anything, and just praised a few words. Wang Yan didn't care about other people's eyes, as long as she thought Lin Fan was very powerful.

Wang Yan, your idol is amazing, such a small wood carving is so exquisite.

Xiao Zhang from the sales department did not leave, Can I take a photo, I have a client who likes to collect all kinds of wood carvings, and I can use it to start a conversation with him.

No matter whether the wood carving is well done or not, it is just an introduction for Xiao Zhang to communicate with customers. If the customer's evaluation is high, the communication will be twice the result with half the effort. If the customer's evaluation is not high, Xiao Zhang will not take it back and tell Wang Yan.

You shoot it.

Wang Yan naturally didn't care, she really thought that Lin Fan's carving skills were very good.

Thank you, I'll make an order later and treat you to dinner!

After Xiao Zhang took the photo, he went to chat with the customer.

[Xiao Zhang: Brother, this is a wood carving that a friend of mine treasured. You are an expert in this field, so please give me your hand. 】

With photos, there are front, side, full picture, and details, which can be said to be very caring.

Xiao Zhang thought that the customer would have to wait for a long time before he could reply to him. As a result, within two minutes of sending the photo, the customer replied.

[Xiao Zhang, this wood carving of your friend is very good. Can you help me ask if your friend is willing to sell it? The price is negotiable! 】

Xiao Zhang looked at the message he received on his mobile phone, and opened his mouth, a little in disbelief. This brother's vision is very tricky, and he is willing to buy it just by looking at the photos. Could it be that Wang Yan's wood carving is really valuable?

The question is, will Wang Yan sell it?

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