The hustle and bustle of the barbecue party gradually dissipated with the night, and the mess was cleaned up by everyone working together. After saying good night to each other, everyone went back to rest, but most of them had trouble falling asleep.

The cooks were excited to have a close contact with Lin Fan, and discovered a shining point of Lin Fan. They all had a feeling that the deeper they knew Lin Fan, the more attracted they were to Lin Fan.

Obviously, it was the fans who came to Lin Fan's homestay that affected the business of Lin Fan's homestay, and pushed Lin Fan and Xiangxiang's yard to the forefront, but Lin Fan didn't feel dissatisfied with them because of this, and stood up for the fans because they lost to the black fans support.

Now I don’t have the slightest airs to get along with everyone, cook for everyone by myself, make barbecue for everyone, send autographed postcards to every fan who stays, and also plant flowers and vegetables, and write beautiful songs, such a good love How can Dou make them not like it and not pursue it?

Really, no regrets in the pit.


Lin Fan couldn't fall asleep either.

Like the original body, Lin Fan is an orphan, and he is also a homebody when he grows up, but the original body has a little more courage than Lin Fan, and is willing to take the initiative to step out of the self-enclosed comfort zone to get in touch with a wider world. Signing up with Lian Xiaoyu to become a trainee.

Lin Fan lacked such courage.

Lin Fan’s experience from childhood to adulthood made Lin Fan really not good at dealing with people. His code of conduct has always been to not bother others if he doesn’t bother others, and his pursuit is not high. It is enough to guarantee his basic life. As for others, It's not that Lin Fan doesn't want to, but reality doesn't allow Lin Fan to think too much.

As time passed, Lin Fan didn't think about it anymore.

But who knew that Lin Fan actually crossed over, became a draft student, stepped onto the stage where everyone was looking forward to, and gained a large number of loyal fans—although, these fans may have come because of the original body in the first place, But now it's Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's indifferent, irrelevant and alienated heart was shocked by this group of lovely fans time and time again, cracking open the cracks in this self-enclosed heart, without complaint or regret Support him, warm him, and protect him, from the stage of Morning Star to the present and even the future.

Lin Fan had never experienced barbecuing, singing, and playing with so many people on Earth, but he had experienced it several times in Blue Star.

One was the fan meeting, the other was the hot pot game at the group night of Morning Star, the other was when fans spontaneously organized to see him off when he left Dachang, and the last was the barbecue party just now.

[Photographic memory] When the magic skill was activated, Lin Fan could clearly recall the appearance of every fan he had seen, remember every word he heard the fans said to him, all of which had already been deeply Engraved in his heart, Lin Fan could no longer turn a blind eye or listen to it.

Since you can't ignore it, let's face it squarely.

Lin Fan wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, pretending not to notice the wetness on the back of his hand, then opened the door and went to the bar to check the check-in information and see who had stayed for a week.

Yu Mengmeng took people to hold such a barbecue party today. On the one hand, he wanted to spend time in the yard he longed for, and on the other hand, he wanted to see many people off.

Lin Fan stipulated that the maximum stay time for each person should not exceed one week, and many fans came on the same day, and everyone had to check out together when the time limit expired. Tomorrow is a one-week period, and it is estimated that many people will walk together.

Lin Fan looked at the check-in information, it's okay, there are less than 20 fans, and there is enough time, at worst, I won't sleep tonight, and I should be able to get everything ready before dawn.

Just do what you say, Lin Fan set up the easel, dug out the memory fragments corresponding to each person from his mind, and then, draw!

Yes, Lin Fan wants to draw a sketch for every fan who stays, and give it to them as a gift, um, with his own signature, they even like his own signature so much, how about receiving a sketch by himself? Drawing sketches should be more fun, right?

If the time is too late, then give them the small wooden sculptures carved before as a gift?

Lin Fan believed that as long as it was given by him, they would probably like it very much.

After drawing for several hours, Lin Fan felt that his arms and back were sore, so he stopped to take a rest, thought about it, went to the kitchen to tinker for a while, and then came back to continue fighting.


Before dawn, fans came downstairs one after another to prepare to check out. Lin Fan looked at the time, it was only 4 in the morning: So early?

The flight time is early. If you rush over now, there is still some time, otherwise you will be too late.

How are you going?

Yearning's Yard is quite far from the airport. It's fine during the day, but it's very inconvenient before dawn. Lin Fan suddenly felt that his homestay still lacked a car, which would be convenient for customers to catch a plane late at night.

Well, buying a car needs to be put on the agenda.

The girls replied: I already booked a car on my mobile phone last night, and it will arrive in a few minutes.

Okay, wait a moment. Lin Fan finished the check-out procedures for them, left the bar, and walked towards the backyard.

The girls watched him leave curiously, and after a while, they saw Lin Fan coming out with some paper lunch boxes.

Lin Fan handed the lunch box to them: This is the porridge I made, and I also made the pickles that went with it. Time is too tight and I didn't have time to make some buns and fried dough sticks. You just have to eat a little and go out on the street so early There is no breakfast.

Then he took out a stack of sketches from behind the bar, picked out the corresponding paintings, and distributed them to them. Before a girl had time to draw, Lin Fan gave her a wood carving: This is a gift for you, take it with you. You made it, don’t be disgusted.”

The girls looked at the lunch boxes and presents in their hands, and looked at Lin Fan's eyes that were flushed from boiling, and the tip of his nose was sore, they were both happy and distressed: Fan Fan, you are so kind! Here, seeing you, hearing you singing, and eating your barbecue, we are very satisfied...

Lin Fan chuckled: If you don't want it, just return it to me.

The faces of the girls changed instantly: Oh, the car is here! We are leaving, see you soon!

Then he pulled the luggage, the lunch box, and the gift, and rushed out of the gate without looking back, as if he had been kicked out by something.

Lin Fan sneered, ah, woman!

Then he chased after him: You guys...

In the end, these girls thought that Lin Fan was here to take back the gift, and each of them, as if they were facing an enemy, quickly stuffed their luggage into the trunk of the taxi, and got into the car in a hurry: Hurry up, hurry up, master! Let's go! Hurry up!

Okay, sit still! The driver stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped away.

Only the second half of Lin Fan's sentence drifted out: Bon voyage~~~

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