Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 183 The Bustling Little Rich Woman

After Yu Mengmeng came, she soon became friends with other fans who lived in the longing yard. Every day except going back to sleep, she just stayed here without moving, as if she was fighting for a long time.

Lin Fan was quite happy to see her at first, but after a few days, he got a headache when he saw her.

Fanfan, sing us a song!

Fanfan, you have a piano here, do you know how to play the piano, show us a show!

Wow! Pan Fan! You can also carve wood! This little wood carving is so exquisite, can I take a photo and send it to Moments?


Vigorous as a 3-year-old child! The mouth is borrowed, and I am afraid that if I speak slowly, I will give it back if I lose my mouth.

It's like the second Lian Xiaoyu.

Hey, by the way, I haven't seen Boss Lian for a long time, where did Boss Lian go?

Ah Choo! Lian Xiaoyu rubbed the tip of her nose, Who is scolding me?

Lian Feng glared at her angrily: The whole Internet is scolding you. During this period of time, you should stay at home obediently, and wait for the rumors to pass before going out, so as not to affect the group's stock price.

Lian Xiaoyu resigned to his fate honestly, the stock price will affect how much dividends he can get at the end of the year, and he can't cause the group's stock price to fall because of his brain damage.

Alas, who would have thought that this class of stockholders would be so sensitive that they would have a crisis of confidence in Lianshan Software's stock because they were ridiculed by the entire network.

Alas, where is my sister going to reason.


Lin Fan just lamented that Lian Xiaoyu had been missing for a long time, and quickly forgot about it. By the way, Lin Fan's attention was attracted by Yu Mengmeng.

A delivery van was parked outside the longing for yard, and Yu Mengmeng was leading several people to bring several boxes in from the van, put them in the garden, or carry them to the open kitchen in the backyard, there were also many boxes in the kitchen People are surrounding the counter, busy there.

What are you doing? Lin Fan couldn't help being curious.

We are preparing for the barbecue part tonight, can't you tell? You are so stupid!

Yu Mengmeng despised Lin Fan for a while,

You just wait and eat, there are so many of us, we will make everything right, don't worry!

Lin Fan was worried.

Sure enough, soon, there was a burst of ping-pong-pong noises and screams from the kitchen.

Ah, ah, the fish has escaped, catch it quickly!

Don't swing around with the kitchen knife!!! It's easy to accidentally injure people... I'll go! You smashed the scallops into meat with one hammer, how can you eat this?

Shouldn't you smash it open and grill it directly? I remember that the charcoal-fired scallops I ate were all meat lying on the shell, without the upper... cover?

That's not all, the few in charge of lighting the fire in the garden have been tossing for half an hour, but they still haven't lit the charcoal stove. Moreover, you only started grilling at night, and there are still several hours before the sun goes down. What kind of trouble are you lighting the stove now?

Baked air?

Lin Fan was on the verge of collapse.

Why did the Flammulina velutipes fall apart after being strung together?

Who made these potatoes? Wear them whole? Don't you know how to slice them?

Do you want to slice...

Lin Fan asked Yu Mengmeng: Can't you just buy other people's barbecue skewers?

Why do you have to be hard on yourself? If it doesn't work, you can also invite a team that specializes in barbecue parts to help you. You are only responsible for eating!

Yu Mengmeng is extremely innocent: Isn't it more fulfilling for everyone to prepare together?

Who knew that there are so many new-age women here, and many of them swear that they can cook, but the results are more pitfalls than others.

In fact, not everyone is cheating, and there are several people who are very skilled in handling ingredients, but they are not very conspicuous among a large group of scammers.

Lin Fan was speechless, went directly to the kitchen, and drove away a group of people who were not helpful, leaving only those who could handle the ingredients: Go, go, go out, don't get in the way here! Also, go tell For the one in front, don’t turn on the stove, I’ll fix it later in the evening.”

Usually, do you still know how to barbecue?

That's a must! Lin Fan took over the kitchen, If you are in a hurry, go and wash the fruit, cut a fruit plate, and prepare some iced drinks.

Leave it all to us. Yu Mengmeng took care of everything and directed the others to get busy.

Pick some lettuce grown in the backyard and wash it. You can wrap it in barbecue and eat it, so you don't get tired.

no problem!

The whole yearning yard was busy. Lin Fan focused on the preparation of barbecue ingredients, sorting, selecting, peeling, washing, cutting, and threading. He put a lot of ingredients into strings and listed them on the trays. Soon, A large number of skewers were piled up on hand, and they were transferred to the refrigerator by others for temporary storage.

Outside the kitchen, under the leadership of Yu Mengmeng, the cooking staff also prepared plates of fruit, bottles of iced drinks, and moved the stereo to the garden, ready to barbecue and sing karaoke, everything is ready to wait for the night to fall up.

Well, they can only do some simple work.

Time passed quietly in the busyness, and the sunset was dotted between the ocean and sky of Huahai Island. Lin Fan led the people to send all the ingredients to the garden, and then started to light the fire and light the stove.

Lin Fan spread a layer of charcoal on the charcoal net, piled it into a pyramid shape, poured solid alcohol, put the pre-prepared paper strips into the furnace, and the charcoal started to burn.

After 15 minutes, the open flame gradually disappeared, and white ash appeared on the surface of the charcoal. Lin Fan spread the charcoal evenly, put his hands on the grill to feel the temperature, and then placed the skewers evenly in the center of the grill to start grilling.

Longing for the yard barbecue part, officially started!

A group of little greedy cats headed by Yu Mengmeng looked at Lin Fan's barbecue eagerly, and saw the meat skewers on the stove sizzling under the charcoal fire, and a drop of hot oil slowly slid down the lines of the plump meat. I couldn't help swallowing my saliva.

Fortunately, Lin Fan has the system skills [cooking specialization], and the speed of grilling is still very fast, and batches of grilled skewers are delivered to the dining table.

Yu Mengmeng grabbed the first skewer of barbecue, and opened her mouth to bite without thinking it was too hot. The meat has been scoured by charcoal fire, and the aroma is overflowing, and because of the color of the pepper, salt and chili sauce, it becomes more flavorful, tender, crispy, fresh and salty, and the spicy and spicy dances in the mouth in an instant, and the delicious taste reaches the root of the tongue. Mouth full of meaty aroma.

Good time...

The color of this meat is burnt and buttery, and the taste is slightly spicy with a fresh fragrance. It is not greasy or smelly, and the meat is tender and delicious...

Stop showing off, shut up and eat yours!


Beef, mutton, ham sausage, eggplant, potato and green pepper, beer, mineral water, watermelon, banana and grapes, bikini and long legs... The fire is in full swing, the smoke is curling up, the aroma is overflowing, and the cheerful laughter fills the whole yearning yard , Even the passing tourists couldn't help but stop and look inward.

Eating, drinking, laughing and making noise, the girls gradually mastered the knack of barbecue under Lin Fan's teaching, and they freed Lin Fan, allowing him to take a rest and eat and drink with everyone.

Fanfan, let's sing a song! Yu Mengmeng proposed loudly, and everyone responded immediately.

Sing Place to Shame!

Yes, yes, just sing this! I like it so much!

Lin Fan didn't refuse, took the microphone and opened his mouth to sing: The crowd is in the sea!

Others sang along: There is you and there is me!

Meet and get acquainted and ponder each other—

The singing sound spread from the yearning yard to the beach outside, and with laughter and the sea breeze in summer night, it spread to farther places.

Occasionally, someone heard the familiar melody in the wind, and couldn't help singing a few words along with it.

The night gradually deepened.

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