Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 182 Straight man, that's how straight!

Yu Mengmeng lay listlessly on her expensive huanghuali solid wood sofa, constantly refreshing the reservation page of the yard she longed for, but the reservations were always full. The last time I clearly saw a reservation coming out, but unfortunately Yu Mengmeng was a little slow, and was preempted by others, which made Yu Mengmeng very depressed.

In the fan group of the rice cooker, many people have reserved rooms in the longing yard, but none of the backbone of the fan fan fan club, including Yu Mengmeng, Wang Lingli, Li Shasha, etc., can only watch Followed other people to go, took photos of every corner of the homestay and Lin Fanshuaishuai's life, and posted them in the group to show off in every possible way.

This time it was even more extreme, and even made a small video of Fanfan playing and singing No Place to Face live! Yu Mengmeng was really envious of her real name.

It's so sour, but I won't say it!

While refreshing the reservation page pitifully, Yu Mengmeng silently dived among the cooking crowd, resolutely not giving them a chance to show off in front of her.

However, Yu Mengmeng couldn't sit still after several pictures of postcards signed by the general public were thrown out in the group.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t book a room in the yearning yard, find a hotel nearby, and then, you can visit the yearning yard; you can go to the little sisters to play together; you can watch Fanfan in a fair manner, and force Fanfan like before It's open!


Yu Mengmeng gave her a thumbs up for her wit, then quickly booked the hotel and air tickets, and then called her dear daddy to say, um, let me say that I am going to Huahai Island for a trip! Stay there for ten days and half a month. Speaking of which, the yearning yard has a limited time, and each person can only live for a week at most. But other hotels do not have such restrictions.

Yu Mengmeng felt that she had discovered her blind spot. She could live in the hotel all the time, and then she could go to Fanfan every day until she got bored.

So, Yu Mengmeng packed her luggage and happily rushed to the airport: Fanfan, I'm coming!


As No Land to Conceal became popular all over the Internet, many netizens also dug out the yard that Lin Fan yearned for, and an article from the self-media was pushed up.

At the beginning of the article, a large amount of data was used to explain the popularity of the song No Place to Shame, giving the song various meanings, and then introducing the creator of the song, Lin Fan. It was Lin Fan who was rumored to have an affair with Xia Yan.

Then the topic was brought to the yard that Lin Fan longed for,

Come up with highly controversial topics such as sky-high room rates, circumvention of money, smelly behavior that only accepts single women, cutting fans' leeks even if they don't make their debut, etc., which have been attacked by black people.

[The price of a standard room in Yearning Yard is 1688 yuan. Is this price expensive for a homestay? It depends on whether its supporting facilities are worthy of the price, let's see the pictures. 】

Then the author of the article posted dozens of photos, including promotional pictures taken by Lin Fan himself, photos spontaneously shared by customers who stayed in the hotel, and check-in photos taken outside by tourists who watched the excitement.

Yes, Yearning’s Yard has become the place where Huahai Island’s new internet celebrity checks in. Every day, many tourists come to take pictures and check in.

The author tried his best to select photos from different angles of the same place for comparison, and also found many photos of five-star hotels on Huahai Island for comparison, so that readers can have a clearer understanding.

[No blowing or blacking out, the internal facilities of the yearning courtyard room are luxurious, almost reaching the level of a 5-star hotel. Other supporting facilities are also very complete, not to mention the infinity pool and internet celebrity swings, the super large garden and the backyard are called barbecue holy places, the backyard is also equipped with billiards, mahjong machines, table tennis, an open kitchen for cooking, and even a gym There are all, the beach is right outside...]

[As for only accepting single women, it can only be said to be Lin Fan's personal appeal. He once publicly expressed his willingness to get out of singles on a certain talent show...

As for cutting fans leeks before debuting, the purpose of opening a homestay is to receive customers. Does the customer need to check the fan status when booking a room? Or because you are a fan, you have to refuse the reception? In this way, wouldn't those online celebrity shops also do the same? 】

The attitude of this article is relatively fair. After the black fans and trolls were washed away, and no one deliberately took the rhythm, the reviews of Yearning Yard were gradually reversed by these hot articles.

The anti-fans are now defeated, and many self-media have begun to want to gain popularity, using the slogan of defending and clarifying the yard they yearn for, but they are actually trying to gain Lin Fan's popularity.

But seeing that these scumbags were all speaking for himself, Lin Fan still opened a trumpet to give them likes one by one.

Fan Fan! A familiar voice sounded.

Lin Fan looked up, and saw a very familiar little cute girl hopped open the door and came in: You are, Yu Mengmeng? Why are you here? You have reserved a room?

It shouldn't be, Lin Fan remembered that the room was full today and he didn't check out.

You still remember me!

Yu Mengmeng was very happy, and ran to the bar to say hello to Lin Fan, I came to Huahai Island for tourism, and I didn't get a reservation, so I stayed in the hotel next door.

It can be regarded as a fan who came to travel seriously and not to see himself.

Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief: Travel is good, Huahai Island is still very good and fun. Oh, by the way, thank you for the homestay plan you gave me.

Although it didn't work, Lin Fan felt it.

No, no, it would be great if I could help you.

Yu Mengmeng rolled her eyes, Fanfan, can I come to your place to play? The hotel I live in doesn't have a swimming pool or swings. I want to come here to play on the swings.

Of course, you can come and play anytime.

Lin Fan knew that this little cute girl was hiding a rich woman. She tipped herself a lot of money in the Morning Star program. Like Li Xiaodong, she was one of the first batch of beneficiary fathers. Naturally, such a small request must be agreed.

Lin Fan swiped an elevator card for Yu Mengmeng: The swimming pool and swing are on the third floor. This is the elevator card. If you want to come and play, just come here. Just return the elevator card to me when you leave.

Customers who are not in the longing yard are not allowed to enter the accommodation area, let alone go upstairs. But in the garden in front of the hall, Lin Fan doesn't mind tourists coming to check in.

Great, thank you Fanfan!

Yu Mengmeng happily took the elevator card, Don't worry, Fanfan, I will definitely return the elevator card for you when I leave, and I won't throw it around!

Lin Fan didn't take it seriously, what are you afraid of, even if you throw it away, I can overwrite the data on this card and make it invalid.

Straight man, that's it!

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