Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 181 Sisters, aren't you tired?

The popularity of No Land to Conceal continues to ferment on the Internet, and the number of followers of Lin Fan's Chaobo account is also increasing. Various celebrities, entertainers, commentators, and self-media have jumped out one after another. Everyone wants to catch a wave This huge traffic. In particular, many rock singers stood up and expressed their support for Lin Fan.

Needless to say, Xia Yan immediately reposted Lin Fan's news on Chaobo, making it clear that the chariots and horses supported Lin Fan. Even Luo Yu also released Chaobo news.

[Luo Yu: This song No Place to Shame is really amazing. It's one of the best Chinese rock songs I've heard in the past ten years... Lin Fan, looking forward to your next song. 】

Not only Luo Yu, Zhang Xinlan, Ding Erxun, Ke Xirui, the four mentors of the Morning Star program have posted super blogs to like this song, and even the students of Morning Star have come up to catch the popularity, X- Members of STAR are not exempt.

Li Xiaodong, Lu Bingyang and Zhuo Yuanquan were really happy for Lin Fan, and sincerely wanted to hug his thigh, but Li Yingqi was very upset.

It's just that Li Yingqi had no choice but to publish the content edited by the PR department on Chaobo because of the manager's advice, and follow the crowd to catch Lin Fan's popularity.

The manager stared at Li Yingqi after he finished posting the news, and then clicked on him: This Lin Fan is amazing. Once this song comes out, his status as the creator is firmly established. If you have a chance to meet him in the future Don't be like that in the big factory, you know?

Li Yingqi scoffed.

The manager said sternly: Don't take it seriously. Lin Fan is already very popular, and now he is throwing out good songs one after another. Who knows if he has other songs in his hand? Even if he offends an artist, It’s the first line, it doesn’t matter if you are popular now. But if you offend a highly popular creator, you will definitely regret it one day.”

Moreover, it has been several months since I left the big factory, and the popularity and popularity of people like Li Yingqi have already begun to decline, but what about Lin Fan? Instead of falling, it has risen steadily, with a tendency to soar into the sky.

According to the information received by the agent, Dachang's new variety show has already begun to select guests. It is said that many people have proposed to invite Lin Fan back to participate in the show.

However, this time not as a student, but as a mentor!

The agent took a look at Li Yingqi, and it was obvious that Li Yingqi was the real son of Dachang, but the new variety show would rather invite other artists than praise Li Yingqi. It can be seen that in the eyes of the high-level, Li Yingqi's importance has plummeted, but he himself still I didn't realize this, and I thought I was in the Morning Star program, a royal family that everyone would give in to!


big head!

How about calling Lin Fan first? In Dachang, he had met Lin Fan a few times, and it didn't seem awkward to call to congratulate Lin Fan on his new song.

The manager's eyes flickered, he avoided Li Yingqi with his mobile phone, and called Lin Fan's mobile phone.


Did not get through.


At this moment, Lin Fan was answering Yang Hongxia's call.

I originally wanted you to cooperate with me to record a few small videos and upload them to the Internet to cleanse your homestay of those black waters of slander. But I didn't expect that your song can be played so well. A lot of things prepared by the side are useless...

Under normal circumstances, when celebrity artists are exposed on the Internet, apart from issuing clarification statements and warnings from lawyers, the most common means used by brokerage companies is to create another hot spot and divert the attention of netizens.

Yang Hongxia is also planning to do this, because she has the real hammer of the villain in her hand, as long as she releases it, the focus on Lin Fan's homestay will be shifted immediately.

I just didn't expect that the new song released by Lin Fan could be played so well, it directly aroused heated discussions on the whole network, and people from all walks of life left the stage. When it was released, the black fans and trolls were directly overwhelmed by passers-by with tap water!

There is no way to fight back!

I feel sorry for my opponent for a second.

Then, Yang Hongxia silently took back the big material from her opponent, planning to keep it and use it next time. It's just that the artists under her hands are too powerful, which makes her manager a bit incompetent.

That's right, Yang Hongxia has unilaterally classified Lin Fan as an artist under her command.

Even Xiao Yu had this illusion.

However, sister Xia is more confident!

However, this is also good. Simply defeat your opponents and avoid dragging your homestay into the public opinion war. If you want to do business well, you can't let the homestay be coerced by netizens' comments, otherwise no matter how good the environmental conditions are, If you are questioned more, it will be very troublesome.

Yang Hongxia smiled and said, A lot of people should be looking for you now, right?

That's right. Lin Fan felt dizzy when he heard this, They are all unfamiliar numbers. I thought they were customers at first, but it turned out that they were all unknown.

As soon as they came up, they got close in various ways, and asked Lin Fan if there were any good songs in his hand, whether he was willing to sell them, and if he didn't sell them, the other party said that they would also accept them.

These are relatively reliable, and there are still people who come up directly and want to invite Lin Fan to participate in a certain singing competition, a certain ace variety show, a certain singer's concert...

The point is, Lin Fan has never heard of any of these competitions, variety shows, or singers!

The kind that doesn't even have any impression of the plug-in with the [Photo Memory] plug-in.

This is the difference between having an agent and not having an agent. Yang Hongxia smiled, If you have an agent, the agent will solve these trivial matters for you, so that you can focus more on what you want to do .”


Even the boss?

Lin Fan shook his head hastily, forget it, he would rather have his phone ringing than give in to Boss Lian.

Yang Hongxia just mentioned one thing, but did not expand on this topic: Your mobile phone number has been leaked, I suggest you to get a private number, and don't connect with the hotel, otherwise it will be leaked easily.

When Lin Fan opened a homestay, when the landline was not installed in the early stage, he left his mobile phone number for the contact number. It was revealed that the Yearning Yard was opened by Lin Fan, and Lin Fan's cell phone number was also exposed, that's why so many calls were made directly to Lin Fan's cell phone.

In addition, there are several variety shows here that want to invite you. The person in charge of the show knows that I have signed a cooperation agreement with you, so they all found me here. How about it? Are you interested in going to a variety show? Yang Hongxia After thinking about it, he added, The notification fee is not bad.

Lin Fan refused: Forget about variety shows, I'm not interested in these, I just want to post songs. Sister Xia, please help me refuse.

Okay, I know how to reply to them. But if you change your mind in the future, please let me know in time.

Let's talk about it later.

Lin Fan hung up the phone, looking at the group of girls in the lobby outside the bar who were still having a carnival, his forehead twitched: Sisters, you've been crazy all day! Are you not tired?

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