Lin Hong is a senior white-collar worker who has a fixed annual leave of 7 days every year.

Not long, but fixed, just so willful!

So what Lin Hong likes most is to travel with her friends during the annual vacation. In these years, she has actually visited the famous scenic spots in China. She doesn't like to visit scenic spots more and more, because there are heads everywhere, she would rather waste her 7-day vacation in a hotel.

This is also the status quo of many people in the workplace. What everyone is keen on is no longer traveling, but vacations, vacations in the true sense.

Find a city with a pleasant temperature and picturesque scenery, and stay in a hotel for a few days. When I want to go out, I just wander around in the city. I don’t go to scenic spots, and I walk freely in the small streets and alleys. When the mood comes, I go to the bar to sit. When the mood is not good, I sleep in the hotel until noon and then get up.

It doesn't matter retaliatory consumption, it doesn't matter that you have to look at every corner of the scenic spot, you can do whatever you want.

This year, Lin Hong's annual vacation is approaching again. She searched Kuaiyin for the recently popular homestays, wanting to find a place that suits her relaxation, and then came across a fairy-like video.

A woman in a long white dress is sitting on a white swing. Below the swing is an infinity swimming pool reflecting the blue sky. In the distance of the swing is an endless sea with several sailboats floating by. In the distant sky, A few seagulls are flying happily.

The sea breeze blew up the woman's long skirt, and the melodious laughter seemed to resound in my ears. This video was shot without a trace of fireworks, and it was beautiful.

Store name: Yearning Yard.

You are the one!

Lin Hong's heart was moved! This kind of homestay is the place I yearn for, and only by living can I feel happy! Looking at the price, 1688, um, is a bit expensive, but for Lin Hong with a monthly salary of 20,000, it is nothing.

Look again at the booking reminder.

Hey, there is no room for the past week!

No way, so hot?

Lin Hong clicked on the reservation page of this Longing Yard and refreshed the room, but was dumbfounded!

Not to mention the next week, even the next three months, this homestay is fully booked!

what's the situation?

Is this homestay so popular?

Lin Hong was a little unwilling,

After finally finding a homestay I like, why can't I even book a room. Not reconciled, Lin Hong opened Chaobo, searched the yard she yearned for, and wanted to find out why this homestay is so popular.

Then, Lin Hong saw the overwhelming information.

[Desperate Big Pineapple: Lin Fan harvests fans, what's wrong with the 1688 yuan price room? 】

[Aunt Bohemian: 1688 yuan is a sky-high price, so the life upstairs is probably as fast as 168 yuan, right? 】

[The screen name has already been registered: Hehe, fans will be harvested, dare to refuse fans to stay? I guess as long as he dares to do this, this homestay will definitely go bankrupt! 】


There was quite a lot of noise in the comment section, but Lin Hong is not the kind of person who will be coerced by online comments, she has her own views and opinions on things. Lin Hong could see that amidst the negative scolding, some people argued for this homestay, and even posted photos to prove that the homestay charges are not high.

Lin Hong looked at the photos carefully, and found that even if the shooting angle was a coincidence, and the beauty filter was turned up, it was aimed at the infinity pool, the full sea view room, and the room with a lot of space after placing a piano. In the hall, such charges are not too outrageous.

Lin Hong refreshed the page again, hey, is there any room available? Hurry up! Book one first! The big deal is to go to Huahai Island for a field inspection, and if it really doesn't work, just unsubscribe.

Before 6 p.m. on the day of booking, you can cancel the subscription for free. Lin Hong, who often travels, is very knowledgeable!

The reservation is successful!


Two days later, Lin Hong, who successfully arrived outside the yard she longed for on Huahai Island, was shocked by the large garden at the entrance. If she didn't know that this was a homestay, Lin Hong would have thought it was someone's private villa!


As soon as Lin Hong entered the door, she saw a young handsome guy standing up from behind the bar counter. He was really good-looking, with a clean smile, and he didn't have the wretched temperament that those bad reviews on the Internet said.

Lin Hong stepped forward: Hello, I have reserved a room. But can I check the room and environment first before deciding whether to stay?

The other party seemed to be a little stunned for the first time hearing such a request, but quickly nodded in agreement: Yes. There is only the last room left here. I will take you upstairs to have a look.

Okay, sorry to trouble you.

Lin Hong followed the other party through the spacious hall. Lin Hong glanced at the piano and confirmed that it was a villa-level Steinway grand piano with a market price of no less than one million. Then take the elevator from the left side of the hall to the second floor and enter the last empty room.

As soon as she entered the door, Lin Hong was shocked by the floor-to-ceiling glass with a full sea view, and then there was a super-sized LCD TV, as well as exquisite furniture and a super-large surf bathtub. Not to mention that it was exactly the same as the photos on the Internet, the difference was very small .

Lin Hong suppressed the excitement in her heart, and asked again: I heard that your homestay also has an infinity swimming pool...

It's on the third floor, do you want to see it?

Lin Hong nodded fiercely, and the two took the elevator up to the third floor.

On the balcony on the third floor, Lin Hong saw the white water swing at a glance, which was exactly the same as in the Kuaiyin video! The infinity pool is exactly the same! Lin Hong couldn't wait to move into the yard she longed for, and then took a short video of her fairy-like swing and went back to show off.

Lin Hong didn't hesitate any longer: Boss, check in!


Seeing is believing, Lin Hong's vision is quite broad, and she can measure that the supporting facilities of this homestay are worthy of the price. In a tourist attraction like Huahai Island where land is expensive, such supporting facilities, such living conditions, The pricing is not high at all.

Sure enough, the comments of those people on the Internet are not credible. Fortunately, I came to the field to investigate, otherwise I would have missed such a good homestay.

Lin Hong finished the check-in procedures, went back to the room, thought about it, took out her mobile phone and took several photos of the room, then went up to the third floor to take a few photos, then logged into her super blog account and posted a message Graphic dynamics.

[Shuangmu Chenglin: With a skeptical attitude, I booked this homestay with a lot of controversy on the Internet, but it turned out that I was the one who was wrong. I'm not a fan, I don't brag or criticize, just look at the pictures and talk. 】

A nine-square-grid photo was posted below the text, taken with the original camera, no filter and no beauty, but this kind of photo is the closest to reality.

In addition to Lin Hong, many of Lin Fan's fans are also speaking out for the yard they yearn for, using real photos and living experience to confront the black fans, but unfortunately, they seem a little powerless in front of the huge navy.

Until, Lin Fan's new song was released.

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