Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 177 In the crowd, there are you and me

Lin Fan put down his phone, and was silent for a few minutes, then he used his computer to log in to the backstage of Teana Music, picked a new song from the recorded audio source, uploaded it, and released it!

Then he picked up his phone again and posted a new post.

[Lin Fan: A new song, for all those who support me! Let everyone be wronged! Tianlai Music Lin Fan Fan Club】

The dynamic has just been released, and as soon as it is refreshed, someone has already left a message below.

[Tremble, mortals: Is Fanfan releasing a new song? I will definitely support you! 】

[Sa_Sa: Fanfan releases a new song at this time, is it to confront those black fans? It seems that this is not the first time that Fanfan has faced the front, right? I just like Fanfan's little temper! Support new songs! Support pan! Just in the end! 】

Of course, the black fans also came out to show their presence, but Lin Fan didn't even look at what the black fans said, and just clicked to report! Silence! Account blocked!

One-click three-in-one!

Oh, fight hand speed!

Brother is a man with the skill of [Finger Never Cramps]. He can do things like delete posts, blacklist, report, and silence.


On the other side, Yang Hongxia also received news that a large number of black fans were deliberately smearing Lin Fan, all kinds of rhythm, and Lin Fan's fans were torn apart. He wanted to contact Lin Fan to deal with this crisis, but found out that Lin Fan's Chaobo account had released new news.

The new song has been released? Is this going to end in person and confront the black fans head-on?

Yang Hongxia was a little helpless, this young man was impulsive, forget it, let's listen to new songs first to see how the quality is, after all, she can get 10% of a song! Let's see who dares to buy the navy to black Lin Fan deliberately, resulting in poor sales of the song and affecting the commission. She, Yang Hongxia, is not a vegetarian either!

After logging into Teana Music, Yang Hongxia clicked on Lin Fan's new song.

The sound of the electric guitar quickly exploded in Yang Hongxia's earphones.

Oh... Oh...

Accompanied by the very rhythmic guitar and drum beats, a loud and high-pitched male voice rushed from Yang Hongxia's ears to her heart as if breaking through many obstacles!

Yang Hongxia frowned slightly: This is,


The Glory released by Lin Fan before is biased towards light rock, but the proportion of pop elements is still very large, it is not pure rock, but this new song is the purest rock!

Yang Hongxia was very worried, Lin Fan must have a rock and roll dream hidden in his heart, right? This is troublesome, although everyone is shouting Rock and Roll Never Die, but in fact, rock and roll is really getting harder and harder!

Not to mention anything else, but it has been a long time since there has been a rock song that can be played on the major music charts in China today, so we can get a glimpse of the tragic status quo of domestic rock music!

Alas, Lin Fan was really reckless this time.

Yang Hongxia is already thinking, if Lin Fan's new song can't achieve the effect Lin Fan wants, then how to operate this crisis public relations can change the public's impression of Lin Fan.

However, before Yang Hongxia could come up with any practical and effective plan, she was interrupted by a second high-pitched voice!

Oh... Oh...

The voice is high-pitched, full of confidence, with an indomitable momentum, as if to break through the clouds!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of electric guitar, bass, and keyboard was accompanied by the heavy beat of the drum set, and Lin Fan's voice seemed to ring heavily in his ears!

Among the crowds, there are you and me.

Meet and get acquainted with each other.

In the crowd, it's you and me.

Put on a good face and smile.

Don't need to say too much, you know it yourself.

What do you and I want.

Don't care about a lot, let alone be sad.

One day you will understand that I—


For a moment, Yang Hongxia only felt that a cluster of flames was ignited by the singing in the depths of her soul, and felt that the blood in her whole body was boiling, and her spirit was also excited!

Rock! This is the charm of rock and roll!

Not only Yang Hongxia, at this moment, everyone who clicked on the song No Place to Shame for the first time was infected by the emotion of this song!

Heavenly music, the comments below this song are skyrocketing at an alarming rate!

[Let's have a bowl of fresh meat: This song is so hot! This is rock and roll! This is my rock and roll! 】

[Cunkou Burning Head Master Wang: That voice at the beginning! Almost shouted out my soul! I almost couldn't help but want to jump up! 】

[Your boyfriend is offline: I want to listen to the scene! Rock and roll can only explode if you listen to the live version! One person begged Lin Fan to hold a concert in blood! 】

[You can be a child when you are young: blood book +1! 】

[Eight hundred funny than rushing to Beibo: Blood book +10086! 】


Lin Fan's current popularity can't be compared with that in Morning Star before, but Lin Fan first appeared in Xia Yan's concert as an assistant guest, released a song Big Wind Blowing, and the popularity has not gone down. There is also the matter of the longing yard, black fans and fans are tearing apart, and now the whole person is black and red, even if passers-by don't know who this person is, they will probably be familiar with it at once.

Now that she releases such a rock song again, Yang Hongxia believes that Lin Fan is only one chance away from making his official debut, so let him be so protective of his fans, and think about staying in a homestay as an otaku in the next life!

Now, though, it's time to get to work.

Yang Hongxia called Lin Fan, but she didn't get through!

After thinking about it, he called Xia Yan again, but he still didn't get through!

Yang Hongxia immediately understood: the cabbage I planted so hard is really going to be crushed by pigs!


Yes, Lin Fan is on the phone with Xia Yan. Strictly speaking, it should be Xia Yan who called Lin Fan.

Those things on the Internet, you should be implicated by me.

Although Lin Fan has black fans, he doesn't have so many black fans! With this momentum, you can tell at a glance that you have bought a lot of sailors! Buying so many sailors just to blackmail an independent musician who has not made an official debut and just released songs? Is this a waste of money?

So Xia Yan felt that Lin Fan should have been implicated by himself. The family members are very dissatisfied with their successful entry into the front line, but they have nothing to hide. The only person who has had a lot of contact recently is Lin Fan, so Lin Fan must have suffered a disaster.

Lin Fan himself also felt that this was probably the case. It's just that he didn't vent his anger on Xia Yan. He was just trying to gain Xia Yan's popularity, and now it's normal for his opponent to attack him as a breakthrough point. He can't just want benefits for anything.

It's okay, Miss Xia, this has nothing to do with you.

Lin Fan can think about it, if you're black, you're black, at worst, I'll turn off comments on Superblog, so I don't see it.

The purpose of posting the song is to support the fans, to let them see that they are here, not fighting alone, and this song is also a benefit for the fans, to reward the fans who have struggled all night but have been wronged. Go head-to-head with black fans? That's too much to look down on black fans!

Even if you say that, I can't turn a blind eye. Don't worry, Sister Xia is already preparing to fight back, and I may need your cooperation when the time comes.

Lin Fan readily agreed: No problem! We must cooperate!

PS: No Place to Shame, Black Panthers

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