The release of No Land to Conceal completely detonated the entire Internet. The navy who was still in Heilin Fan B\u0026B before was a little confused. He was copying and pasting the black text mechanically. As a result, it seemed that he didn't respond at all and released a new song up!

A shot pierced the air, and the feeling of emptiness made the sailors feel a little empty.

What did I hack? lonely?

Originally, some marketing accounts were trying to catch some heat, writing articles such as Why is the price of this man's homestay so high? , Harvesting leeks? An undebuted person treats fans like this! ,shock! This man who was rumored to have an affair with Xia Yan actually had a relationship with a single young lady... article, but the trend of the Internet is changing rapidly, everyone has just coded the article, and the hot search and many big names have turned the direction of the wind.

Reproduce Classic Rock! Lin Fan injected new vitality into rock music!

It is he who made all of us rock 'n' roll people feel ashamed', and the new rock frenzy broke out?

Take off the mask, stop pretending to be decent, stop smiling!


The wind direction of the whole network seems to have suddenly started to change. Under Lin Fan's Chaobo account, black fans and trolls are taking rhythm and splashing dirty water on various social networks, waiting for Lin Fan's fans to launch an attack. In the end, no one paid any attention to them!

Everyone flocked to Tianlai Music, leaving messages and comments under this song No Place to Shame.

[You also go to bed early: It’s been a long time since I’ve heard such pure rock music, that kind of freedom and indulgence that bursts from the depths of the soul, and the voice seems to be able to penetrate everything and hit the heart directly. 】

[Strange Power Girl: Listen to it! I don't like that kind of loud music, but this song is different, full of power, and directly flattened my prejudice against rock music. 】

[In the future, I will walk the kidneys but not the heart: extremely penetrating, strong resonance, and a hearty feeling. I declare that this is my favorite song this year, bar none! 】


Not only the praise from netizens and fans, but also the circle of music critics have praised this song.

[Ethics are too expensive and you can't afford them: This song No Place to Shame seems to take me back to the rock era. The rock singers of that era were rebellious, struggling and confused. They wanted to do a good job, but the road ahead was full of thorns. Want to break free, want to be free. The lyrics are expressed in the way of anger and shouting, vividly showing the struggle of a teenager, and it is also a true portrayal of that generation at that time. Lin Fan sang this song to such an effect,

Very powerful and shocking! 】

[Families who have trouble getting up: Lin Fan's singing in this song is a mixed voice with local vibrations and a high-pitched high-pitched voice, which gives people a feeling of tearing. It is difficult to pronounce words in the voice-changing area continuously. The most important thing about the song is the feeling of being invincible, the strength that belongs to the golden age of rock and roll, the cry that only singers of that era can make, and Lin Fan sang this feeling. 】

[Voice of the Soul: Today's rock and roll circle has fallen. Many rock singers only use roaring and electric guitars to make noise, and they think they are expressing their attitude, but they are actually moaning! As a result, rock became more and more niche! Lin Fan's No Place to Shame made me see the past glory of the rock world again, and it also made me feel ashamed. I am not as good as a latecomer! It is really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead! 】


The speeches of the music critics quickly received a lot of likes, retweets, and comments. Even some Internet celebrities and independent singers came out to catch the heat, and even some singers and artists in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 18th ranks were not far behind. , taking the opportunity to give this song a thumbs-up to get all kinds of enthusiasm.

More importantly, Lin Fan once again airborne the hot search!

The entry Lin Fan's No Land to Conceal quickly appeared on the super blog's hot search, ranking first in the air, and quickly aroused widespread discussion. The number of views quickly exceeded 5 million, and it is still rising rapidly!

The popularity this time is much higher than Lin Fan's previous hot searches. Netizens from the tap water flocked to various social platforms to discuss topics related to No Place to Face. The black fans and trolls were directly overwhelmed by the tap water of the netizens, and they were completely unable to organize any effective counterattack or defense.

The sunspots are all dumbfounded, this is a terrible loss, right? So many sailors were suppressed by a song? The sunspots all have some self-doubt.

What's even more irritating is that some netizens went to Heizi's message to reply.

[No bangs rely on temperament: Hahahaha... Inexplicably feel sorry for these sunspots and sailors. Originally holding up the keyboard and screaming to attack Lin Fan, Lin Fan turned around and took out a tank, directly crushed it, and won Pretty casual. 】

There were still a lot of people below who followed suit, so angry that Heizi and the sailors rolled up their sleeves and started tearing up again. Unfortunately, under the overwhelming momentum, there was no splash at all.


In the yearning yard, Lin Fan looked at his mobile phone worriedly. He had been calling from a few hours ago, and they were all from unfamiliar numbers. After calling, I found out that it was neither.

They are all calls from people who claim to be a certain singer's manager, an independent musician, a certain Internet celebrity, etc., all kinds of close calls, various invitations to sing, various consultations and cooperation...

Lin Fan didn't dare to answer a few more calls like this, but he was worried that he would miss Yang Hongxia and Xia Yan's call and dared not turn off the phone. In the end, he had no choice but to set a reject call from strangers, which prevented himself from phone was blown.

Lin Fan also unplugged the landline in Yearning Yard, but Lin Fan couldn't be quiet because the fans living here were crazy.

Yes, that's right, it's crazy.

They were already fighting against black fans and sailors on the Internet. Lin Fan released new news and new songs. These dozens of fans also discovered it immediately. These people will not flinch or be afraid of fighting with others. The girls, however, were easily made to cry by Lin Fan's words, I've made everyone feel wronged.

While crying, he stubbornly refused to admit: What are you doing! Why are you posting such nasty words! No matter where you are wronged, you are not wronged at all. Heh, Fanfan doesn't understand girls' hearts at all, and wants to play with young ladies ? Go dreaming!

While disgusted, I clicked on the song No Place to Shame to listen to it, and once I heard it, I went crazy.

Ahhhhhh! What a beautiful song!

It's burning! Why are the songs written by Fan Fan so good!

By the way, this is rock, right? It's said on the Internet that rock is even more explosive when you listen to it live!

One word awakened the dreamer, and dozens of fans quickly reached an agreement and gathered towards the bar in the lobby on the first floor: Fanfan, we want to listen live! Hurry up and sing this new song live for us! If you don't sing, you won't even think about it today. Get out of the bar!

Don't pretend to be salty fish, wake up!

Lin Fan looked up, and saw a group of fans whose faces were still wet and their eyes were red and swollen, but they pretended to be ferocious and stared at his fans viciously, and suddenly became speechless: What do you want? Rebellion?

The cooks are used to fighting with Lin Fan, and they are not afraid of him at all: Listen to the music!

I want to hear you sing live.

Sing quickly, or I won't come out for you, I won't give you food, I won't give you water, I won't give you toilet!

Ah! woman!

Lin Fan snorted and stretched out his big hand: Go, get my brother's guitar, the one on the instrument stand!

There was a burst of cheers in the hall, and the singing and cheers in the courtyard that yearned for this day never stopped for a long time.

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