Text Chapter 174 Please give a five-star praise

Lin Fan was on Huahai Island, trying his best to promote his homestay, but Lin Fan's fans were asking for news about Lin Fan everywhere.

Now, it has been more than two months since the finale of Morning Star, nearly three months. Except for x-star who debuted as a group among the 100 students back then, Lin Fan is the only one whose enthusiasm has not completely subsided up.

In addition, there was a wave of scandals with Xia Yan, as an assistant guest at Xia Yan's concert, and a new song was released with Xia Yan on the same stage. Not strong!

The dry rice people who are used to Lin Fan's salted fish are already very satisfied, and their requirements for Lin Fan are already very low, just post a song!

Yo! Are you still a guest at the concert? Okay, we forgive you for disappearing for two months!

However, as soon as the rice cooker reconciled with Lin Fan unilaterally, Lin Fan disappeared again!

Xia Yan's national tour is still going on, but Lin Fan will not participate! How can this work! As soon as we forgive you, you go back to your old ways. Isn't that a slap in the face? Lin Fan must be found!

The action of fans is amazing! Lin Fan's itinerary was quickly picked up!

Lin Fan took a plane from Huahai Island to Shanghai, and it was easy to find out. He was seen while queuing up for the security check. Although Lin Fan has the paparazzi skill, it is impossible for people to travel without being seen. . So as long as you search carefully, you will be able to find out soon.

The cooks soon found out that after Lin Fan attended the concert, he flew directly back to Huahai Island from Shanghai!

Flower Island!

In other words, after Lin Fan left the Morning Star factory, he never left the island at all!

You think I left Dachang and went to the island, you think I opened a homestay in another scenic spot, you think it’s just what you think, I didn’t move at all!

Hehe, you are on the first floor!

Brother is on the eighth floor!

Not to mention, this fits Lin Fan's lazy personality!


Lin Fan didn't know that his fans were looking for him all over the world. He was happily watching the short video of Kuaiyin. Of course, it was not to watch the young lady dance, but to advertise the yard he yearned for.

After uploading a video of two young ladies swinging on a swing yesterday, the Kuaiyin account [Longing Yard] has gained a lot of attention. The Kuaiyin platform weights beauties, children, and pets. It was pushed, so it attracted a group of people to play it in a short period of time.

Many people left messages to express their envy, and said that if they have time to travel to Huahai Island, they must visit the yard they yearn for.

Lin Fan replied to these messages one by one, slandering while replying: Don't just talk, you are here! This small video has been posted for several days, and the attention has increased a lot, but none of them have been converted into customers!

And Heizi left a message below, saying that the yard he yearns for is all posed for photos, all with filter effects, but in fact it's not that good-looking at all, it's all a bluff!

Lin Fan was so angry that he edited a dozen photos into a video and released it, fully showing the advantages of the yard he yearned for: big sea view room, big swimming pool, big swing, big garden, big bathtub...

In short, it is big!

Tall and big!

After the photo clips were sent out, Lin Fan decided that today's Kuaiyin will end here. Although it's fun to watch the short videos, it's annoying to have people talking to you all the time. Lin Fan feels hungry after talking about it! Treat yourself to a bowl of golden egg fried rice!

Mmmm, with glitter, bling bling!

It's definitely not the kind of egg fried rice with gold leaf, white phosphorus, and fluorescent powder!


Early in the morning of the third day, two young ladies came to check out.

This is the first batch of customers in the yard that Lin Fan yearns for. Lin Fan feels that although these two young ladies are easy to be surprised, they are also very good at speaking, but they are still very nice. They agreed to help him promote the promise very happily. Although the promotion of the video has not yet seen the effect,

But Lin Fan believed that this was only temporary.

If the two of you are satisfied with your stay, please give a five-star praise to Yearning Yard, or recommend it to your friends.

The two young ladies lived here for two days, and they also discovered that although the supporting facilities in this yearning yard are very good, the accommodation experience is also great, and the boss is also very handsome... cough cough, please ignore the last point - but the business is Really deserted!

These two days are just their group of customers!

Don't worry, boss, I will definitely give you a good review! I will also recommend it to my friends! The breakfast you made is amazing! I will come to eat next time!

thank you very much!

Lin Fan personally sent the two young ladies out the door, watched them get into the taxi, and then went back, continuing to be in a daze, waiting for the next group of customers to come to the door.


The two young ladies came to the station, changed to the airport bus and entered the airport, went through the check-in procedures, and sat in the waiting hall before they had time to play with their mobile phones.

One of the young ladies flipped through her mobile phone photo album, found a photo, couldn't help laughing, and sent the photo to her circle of friends with the text: I came to travel, I didn't expect such a big surprise!

As soon as I sent it, I heard my friend screaming beside me: When did you take the picture of the boss?

That's right, this is exactly a candid photo of Lin Fan.

It was when I was shooting a short video. The boss will shoot for you, and I will shoot the boss! How about it, handsome!

Handsome! Quickly, send it to me! I want to save it and send the original picture!

No problem! Handsome guys are social public resources!


As night fell, a photo was sent in the fan group of Ganfanren. Wang Lingli, who was exchanging information with sisters from various stations and looking for Lin Fan's trace, glanced at the photo subconsciously.

I saw that it was an open-air infinity pool, and there was a white water swing next to it, which seemed to be the swing in the video of the very popular young lady swinging on Kuaiyin in recent days.

Standing next to the swing was a man with clear eyes, a slender neck, broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. He was looking down at the mobile phone in his hand intently.

It was none other than Lin Fan!

Even if there is only a side face, it is still Lin Fan!

Fans are so awesome, even with just a pair of eyes, they can tell the difference! If you are not convinced, you can refer to Lei Moumou, the chicken strip boy, who can recognize one of the 48 members of a certain girl group at a glance with just a pair of eyes!

[Beauties see the same thing: sisters! Found Fanfan! 】

[I am your ancestor: where? 】

[Fatty flexible: Hand over the address! 】

In an instant, the whole group was boiling! The hidden fan circle bosses were awakened one after another!

[Beauty sees the same thing: This is a photo forwarded from Moments, and I don't know the exact address! But it looks like the very popular swinging homestay! Just opened! It also only accepts single ladies! You said, will it be a common homestay? 】

It is no secret that Lin Fan is on Huahai Island. But Huahai Island is so big, it's impossible to just look for it, right? To be honest, this photo really points to Lin Fan very much, but it's just a point! Not sure yet.

At this time, the technical fans in the fan group jumped out.

[Selfie Maniac: The geographic location of this photo is closed, and there is no way to directly see the shooting location from the geographic location. But it doesn't matter, you can calculate the latitude and longitude from the weather, architectural style, sea view, sun height, plant state, etc...]

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Get to the point! 】

[Selfie maniac: The point is, the location where this photo was taken coincides with the longitude and latitude of the homestay address in the swing video! The yard you yearn for is the usual homestay! We found him! 】


After Lin Fan finished his meal, he suddenly heard a notification sound coming from the reservation software in the computer.

[You have received a reservation, please check the details! 】

[You have received a reservation, please check the details! 】

[You have received a reservation, please check the details! 】

Hey, there is a reservation? Good business today! Lin Fan walked into the bar, refreshed the backstage on the computer, and suddenly found that the background information was refreshed!

The homestay is full!

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