Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 175 A lot of long legs! so white!

Chapter 175 So Many Long Legs! so white!

Jingle Bell!

Hearing the sound of the wind chime on the door, Lin Fan opened his mouth naturally and said, Welcome to the yard you long for!

Ahhh! It's Fanfan! It's really Fanfan!

Lin Fan looked at the girl who had just entered the door calmly, and screamed with excitement when he heard his own voice, and jumped on the spot several times, unmoved at all.

Because of this scene, it has been going on for several hours.

From the moment Lin Fan got up this morning to receive the first group of customers, he discovered that they were all young girls who recognized him as soon as they saw him. They were so excited that they were basically his fans!

Lin Fan, who didn't want to cut leeks from fans, was found by fans in the end, and he took the initiative to come to his door to be cut leeks. Lin Fan could only express his helplessness.

Are you here to see me? Or to travel? If you came to see me, you saw it, and you should go back. If you come to travel, the room rate here is not low, and there are many homestays with relatively affordable room rates nearby. , it’s more cost-effective for you to live there.”

The girl blushed with excitement, and when she heard Lin Fan's question, she even stammered and couldn't speak a complete sentence.

I, I'm not, that, live! Live!

Speak slowly, don't worry. Lin Fan comforted him.

I live! I have a reservation! The girl finally calmed down a little, and she spoke smoothly, Fanfan! I want a monthly subscription! Give me a room for a month!

Fanfan is so gentle, it actually soothes my excited emotions!

Lin Fan couldn't help but frowned. The price of a standard room in the yard he yearned for was 1688 yuan, which would cost more than 50,000 yuan a month! When fans come over, it's fine to stay for a day or two, but if they really want to stay for a month, Lin Fan feels sorry for the money for her!

No! Lin Fan flatly refused, money is not spent like this!


Because, because there are regulations in the yard I yearn for! Everyone can only live here for a week at most! Lin Fan nodded heavily, Yes, that's it!

The girl was extremely disappointed: Ah, just a week...well, I'll stay for a week first...

You can stay for a week at most, but if you don't have any need, you don't have to stay for that long... Lin Fan persuaded, these fans are really too worrying.

The girl smiled shyly and nodded, but refused to answer Lin Fan's words: No matter! Anyway, stay as long as you can! As for what to do after a week, we'll talk about it after Fanfan chases people away!

While checking in, Lin Fan was worried, the guest rooms are all full, what should I do?

There was no client before, Lin Fan was worried.

Now that the business is booming, Lin Fan is even more worried.

Without him, everyone here is Lin Fan's fans! And these little girls don't seem to want to leave! If the yearning yard receives only fans, what is the difference from cutting leeks? Lin Fan is a serious homestay owner!

Lin Fan was worrying, and the compulsory skill [Camera Sensation Specialization] was activated! When Lin Fan raised his head, he only heard a few clicks, clicks, and then saw the backs of the young ladies who had just moved in and fled, and another bang of the door closing!

Lin Fan: I don't understand why the young lady likes to close the door so hard.

Behind the door, several young ladies patted their chests: How is it? Did you catch it?

Caught it! Front view! Wow! So photogenic! Every one is so handsome!

Hurry up, post it in the group, and let those women see that we live in an ordinary homestay! I'm so envious of them!

So, in the Ganfanren fan group, five photos in a row swiped the screen! Blow up all the diving ones directly.

[The school is about to collapse: Ahhh! so handsome! Lick the screen! My pan's peerless looks! Shoot more! 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: How many of you! Don't come here to show off! If it wasn't for my sister's handicap, she didn't grab the reservation, where would it be your turn to brag in front of her! I'm furious! I'm so envious! I really want to book an ordinary homestay! 】

Wang Lingli, who did not get a room reservation,

I was almost made to cry by these flamboyant fans!

[Death-killing Scissorhands: Don't patronize the sneak shots, ask when Fanfan will come out for business? It’s okay to release songs even if it’s not in business! 】


Lin Fan's fans have moved into Yearning Yard one after another, and more fans have also flocked to Huahai Island. Yearning Yard's rooms are full, but it doesn't matter, you can stay in nearby B\u0026Bs and hotels! Anyway, knowing that Lin Fan is there, the fans are satisfied.

When the fans were satisfied, Lin Fan felt uncomfortable.

Although Lin Fan's fans are relatively restrained, mainly Lin Fan's own salted fish, steamed noodles, fans will not behave too excitedly, the dozens of people who live in the longing yard, except for talking to each other with their mobile phones every day. In addition to patting and patting Lin Fan, there are all kinds of onlookers watching Lin Fan.

Watching Lin Fan play computer, watch Lin Fan read, watch Lin Fan exercise, watch Lin Fan eat... But one or two are standing at a safe distance, watching like this, Lin Fan is free and they come up to say a few words Once Lin Fan showed displeasure, they immediately dispersed and quickly disappeared from Lin Fan's sight!

Get angry, it's not to that extent, the little girl just looks at you, and looks at you from a distance, not getting close. Don't get angry, feel aggrieved again! Feel like a monkey being watched in a zoo!

It made Lin Fan lose his temper at all!

The most important thing is that some young ladies have already begun to put on bikinis boldly!

After all, the yearning yard is close to the sea, and the beach is the beach when you go out. It is normal for tourists to wear bikinis and gauze skirts, but this pair of long legs is so bright and white! Almost blinded Lin Fan's eyes!

Recently a little ischemia!



At the same time, the news that the yearning yard is Lin Fankai's homestay was also announced, along with the room rate of the yearning yard!

Standard room, 1688 yuan!

In an instant, black fans and trolls were in a state of battle!

[Colorful black: stealing money! What a broken homestay, a standard room costs thousands of yuan! It's just a scam! 】

[The young man who needs to be rescued: A draft student who has not even made his debut, what kind of homestay is he running, this is not a good business, it is simply cutting leeks! I've never seen anything like this, the draft is over and we still have to cut leeks! 】

[The five elements lack a tendon: Isn't the most disgusting thing only for single women? There is only one man in the entire homestay, and the others are all women. Who knows what dirty and disgusting thoughts are in their hearts? You fans, be careful! Check the room for pinholes and the like! 】


It has to be said that these malicious speculations and remarks immediately attracted the attention of netizens, and it even aroused the vigilance of Lin Fan's fans.

Although Wang Lingli is not in Huahai Island, he still took a lot of photos of the supporting facilities and environment of the homestay through other fans who successfully stayed in the yard that he yearned for, and released them through the fan support club to clarify for Lin Fan that the price of the room is so high. It is justifiable, and the supporting facilities and environment are worth the price.

However, as soon as the support club spoke up, Heizi and the trolls immediately became excited! Not afraid of your response! I'm afraid you won't respond! If you don't respond, we can't tear it up!

All of a sudden, the Internet is full of gunpowder!

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