Main Text Chapter 173 Inexplicably a bit ashamed (Please recommend tickets! Ask for monthly tickets!)

Yearning's Yard's business is not good right now, and there's no one here, so even if Xia Yan sits here and eats generously, he doesn't have to worry about being recognized.

Drinking scented tea made by Lin Fan himself, and eating delicacies grown and made by Lin Fan himself, Xia Yan felt very comfortable.

Suddenly, Xia Yan fell in love with this kind of life.

Perhaps, such a life is really desirable!

Xia Yan ate quietly here, while Lin Fan sat down at the tea table, picked up the unfinished small wood carving and continued to carve.

The antique stand next to the tea table is filled with various small wood carvings, including flowers, birds, fish and insects, but there are no human figures. The first human figure wood carving Lin Fan is carving, and the model is none other than Xia Yan.

After the system upgrade, [Elementary Sculpture] and many other skills were integrated into [Life Ba Ya]. At first, Lin Fan thought that these basic skills were gone, but one day he was too bored, so he found it at random. When I sculpted the leftover scraps of a decoration, I realized that these skills have not disappeared.

Therefore, sculpture became one of Lin Fan's hobbies to pass the boring time.

Seeing Lin Fan concentrating on carving, Xia Yan was a little lost in thought. He thought he had a deep understanding of Lin Fan, but he didn't expect him to be able to carve.

Music talent is already very high, he can do styling, makeup, planting, homemade scented tea, cooking is also very good, and now he can sculpt, what else does he not know?

Or, what other specialties did Lin Fan have that he failed to discover?

Xia Yan became more and more absorbed in watching, and almost forgot to eat.

Time passed in such a quiet time, until Lin Fan was a little tired, straightened his waist and moved his shoulders, Xia Yan just woke up like a dream, quickly lowered his head and continued to eat.

After Xia Yan finished eating, Lin Fan took away the tableware: Do you want to rest for a while? The room is always reserved for you.

Xia Yan nodded, he was really tired from the concerts recently: Then I'll go up and rest for a while.

So, Lin Fan swiped a room card for Xia Yan, and Xia Yan went upstairs.

On the third floor, the room I stayed in last time, Xia Yan opened the door and went in, and saw the painting on the bedside table: sunshine, beach, girl on a swing, the use of bright colors makes people see this painting When painting, it seemed as if I saw that free and happy girl with my own eyes, showing a knowing smile.

The painting that Lin Fan gave to the two young ladies is at most a sketch, a 2-hour product!

The painting that Lin Fan gave to Xia Yan can be called a fine work of fine brushwork!

I can still draw...

Xia Yan murmured softly.

Lin Fan is like a treasure, when you think you have discovered all his hidden goodness, but the next moment, you will find that there are more surprises waiting for you, waiting for you to constantly discover and be constantly The fascination with his brilliance seems to never end.

Xia Yan sighed, and then called Chen Yuan.


Two hours later, Chen Yuan drove the car to the courtyard of Xiangxiang, parked the car, and then took two large boxes from the trunk.

Lin Fan saw it from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and hurried out to help: Why so much luggage? Give it all to me.

Thank you Brother Fan!

Chen Yuan was also not polite to him, because besides these two suitcases, there were other things, Yan Yan asked me to bring them here, saying that I would take them directly to her room.

Her room is on the third floor. She said just now that she wanted to take a rest. I don't know if she's up now.

Should get up, non-working hours, speaking and resting time is very regular, and naps will not exceed one hour.

While the two were talking, they entered the door with big bags and small bags, and saw Xia Yan had already gone downstairs. Then the three of them took all their things to the third floor, only then did Lin Fan know that Xia Yan asked Chen Yuan to bring something over.

Clothes, shoes, and bags account for the vast majority. In addition, there are hats, sunglasses, a full set of toiletries, cosmetics, skin care products, and two sets of four-piece bedding. Xia Yan dislikes the bedding in Lin Fan's homestay It looks like it doesn't show that this is her exclusive room.

Xia Yan said: Since they are all my exclusive rooms, of course I have to use my own things.

Regarding this, Lin Fan can only say, as long as you are happy.

Xia Yan asked Chen Yuan: Did you buy anything?

bought it.

Chen Yuan picked up a gift bag and handed it to Xia Yan, There is a specialty store on Huahai Island. If the size is not suitable, you can go to the specialty store to exchange.

Xia Yan took the gift bag, took out a pair of glasses case from the bag, and handed it to Lin Fan: This is a thank you gift for taking your scented tea, you can see if it suits you. There is a specialty store for this brand on the island. If it doesn't fit, you can change it.

But there is a high probability that it is appropriate, because when Lin Fan was in Morning Star, even the width of the face, the circumference of the head, etc. were calculated by fans. I understand very well.

Just a little scented tea, it's not worth much... Lin Fan wanted to take it, but he still wanted to show that he was very sophisticated.

It's not worth much.

Xia Yan said with a smile, The main reason is that I really like the scented tea you make, and I want to drink it often in the future. I can't keep taking your things for nothing. Moreover, handmade things are often the most precious. I This can be purchased directly.”

In the end, Lin Fan still accepted Xia Yan's thank you gift. A pair of nice-looking sunglasses. From Lin Fan's professional stylist's point of view, this pair of sunglasses was not worthless as Xia Yan said, but rather worthless. Fei, comparable to the limited edition sunglasses given by the system.

Lin Fan felt that he was taking advantage of such an expensive thank you gift with just a little scented tea made by himself. Forget it, let's look back and see what else is suitable as a gift in return.

In the evening, Lin Fan stayed with Xia Yan and Chen Yuan to have dinner in the yard that he yearned for. Chen Yuan was very hopelessly overwhelmed by Lin Fan's cooking skills, and kept eating hard, pretending not to see the two talking. Very happy to look at each other.

Before leaving, Xia Yan glanced at the museum shelf in the hall, and said to Lin Fan with a smile: The wood carving is finished, just like the painting, just put it in my room. Looking forward to the next time I When you come here, you can see it.

Lin Fan looked up at the sky: How did Xia Yan find out that what he carved was hers? Having said that, I quietly drew pictures for others, and even carved wooden statues for others, and was discovered by others. I am inexplicably ashamed.

painting? Wood carving?

Chen Yuan was a little puzzled, but she didn't dare to ask, for fear of knowing too much. However, what should sister Xia do if she asks? Answer truthfully? Or pretend you don't know anything?

At this time, the screen of Chen Yuan's mobile phone lit up. When she saw it, she was really afraid of something. Sister Xia had sent a message.

[Sister Xia: Yuanyuan, are you with Yanyan? Yan Yan's phone didn't get through. 】

Chen Yuan glanced at Xia Yan and replied silently.

[Kaiyuan: Yes, Miss Xia, Yanyan and I are having dinner outside. 】

[Sister Xia: Then you eat first, tell Yanyan, call me when you are free tonight, I need to confirm with her about some things at the concert. 】

[Kaiyuan: Okay, Miss Xia. 】

After Chen Yuan finished replying, she sighed: Yanyan, I can only help you so far.

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