Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 172 I have no interest in Miss Sister

Chapter 172 I have no interest in Miss Sister

Early the next morning, Lin Fan forced himself to wake up from the big bed covered with 18,888 RMB luxury mattresses. After a long time, the yearning yard received customers. Too lazy bad impression.

Well, get up first, wait for the client to go out to play, and then go back to sleep, it is such a happy decision.

Lin Fan had just finished washing up and was sitting behind the bar when the two young ladies went downstairs.

Boss, do you know any interesting places nearby?

These two young ladies are very familiar with each other. After helping Lin Fan to take a promotional video, they are all friends. They were a little bit distant before, but now they are all friends. Even more powerful.

Boss, you don't have any other customers here anyway, do you want to hang out with us?

This proposal is great! Boss, you are so handsome. It's a pity to live in a homestay. You should go out more often, show your face, and let everyone know that there are such superb handsome men here.

Yes, yes, maybe you can become a Kuaiyin Internet celebrity, then you don't have to worry about the business of the homestay in the future. Boss, let's go together?

Lin Fan didn't say anything yet, the words were finished by the two young ladies, and he felt like he was being molested again.


There was a light cough.

I saw the door leading to the backyard behind the bar, pushed open by a pair of slender hands, and a pair of long legs stepped in, with a slender waist, a bumpy figure, snow-white skin, and a face... The face was blocked by a pair of huge sunglasses He was more than half of his head, and he was wearing a sun hat with a wide brim, which blocked part of his face, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

But that figure, that temperament, that skin, instantly crushed the two girls who molested Lin Fan.

The visitor smiled at Lin Fan, passed by the bar in a familiar way, and walked slowly towards the Steinway grand piano in the hall.

Not to mention Lin Fan, even the two younger sisters couldn't help but cast their eyes on her, watching her sit gracefully in front of the piano, lift the piano cover, and a pair of slender and slender jade hands gently landed on the black and white Alternate keys.

Then, the melodious sound of the piano sounded slowly with the movement of her fingers, and without saying anything, it carried the audience.

The two young ladies felt a little guilty for no reason, looked at each other, quietly walked along the bar to the door, opened it, and slipped out!


The piano sound stopped, and the world was silent.

Lin Fan took a breath: Miss Xia... when did you come back?

Isn't Xia Yan holding a concert across the country? How do you have time to run back to Huahai Island?

The point is, when did I come and go to the backyard, and I didn't know?

Fortunately, fortunately!

When I was molested by the young lady just now, I didn't make a fuss, otherwise I would have been caught by Xia Yan on the spot!

Huh? Why should I be afraid of being caught by Xia Yan?

It's the younger sister molesting the older brother, not the older brother molesting the younger sister!

wrong! Even if it's my brother molesting my young lady, it's okay! Brother is going to leave the single!

Why should I be afraid?

I just arrived yesterday. The next concert is in Guangdong Province, which is very close to Huahai Island. I'll come back and take a rest.

Xia Yan smiled, and pointed her small chin in the direction of the door: How about it, these two young ladies seem to be very interested in you, do you want me to find out the news for you?

Lin Fan inexplicably felt a chill in the back of his head, and quickly refused: No, no, no! I'm not interested! Really! Not at all!

Really don't need it?


Lin Fan quickly changed the subject, Are you hungry? I'll make you whatever you want to eat! Are you thirsty? Let me make you a cup of rose tea?

Then have a drink, I've lost weight recently. Xia Yan stood up from the piano chair, turned around and walked to the sofa in the hall to sit down.

understood! Eat a fat-reducing meal!

Lin Fan came out from the bar,

First made a cup of tea for Xia Yan, then went to the kitchen, within ten minutes, a vegetable salad was brought out, plus a small piece of fried chicken breast.

Xia Yan looked around, but found no other customers: Your business is so-so! No customers come to your door?

More than mediocre, it was simply dismal. Lin Fan couldn't help complaining, fortunately, my brother didn't live in a homestay, otherwise, even with the magic skill [Tie Master] given by the system, without the worry of a receding hairline, I would still worry about losing my hair!

After all, the system only promises that the hairline will never recede, but there is no promise that there will be no Mediterranean kappa heads!

However, I still owe Xia Yan a huge sum of money! This is a bit sad!

Take your time. Lin Fan put the salad on the coffee table in front of Xia Yan.

Xia Yan took a sip of scented tea: Huh? This scented tea tastes very good, where did you buy it?

I do it by myself.

Lin Fan poured himself a glass of boiled water, and sat opposite Xia Yan, If you like it, I'll get you some later. I have a lot here, and I can continue to do it.

The system merged [Primary Planting] skills into [Life Ba Ya], Lin Fan didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when the homestay was renovated and Lin Fan started planting flowers and plants in the garden, he realized that this skill is awesome.

The potted seed saplings bought from the flower and bird market, after being taken care of by Lin Fan, bloomed in clusters of flowers, the seeds germinated quickly, and the saplings quickly took root, let alone some aquatic plants, which were about to explode .

Lin Fan watched those flowers bloom in groups. At first, they cut them out and put them in vases, and put them in the hall and guest room for decoration. Later, there were too many buds, so I picked the buds, and then forced the activation of [Life Ba Ya] to make these buds into scented tea.

Lin Fan himself doesn't like to drink scented tea, but after making everything, he just put it away. It happens that Xia Yan likes it, so I can give it to her, because a new batch of scented tea is about to be ready, and Lin Fan is worried about what to do with it.

Then I won't be polite.

Xia Yan didn't refuse. She really likes this scented tea, but she can't ask for Lin Fan's things for nothing. Well, Huahai Island is sunny all year round. Let Lin Fan order a pair of sunglasses. This is more practical. .

Xia Yan took out his mobile phone and sent Chen Yuan a message, then he began to eat the vegetable salad made by Lin Fan with his head down.

After taking the first bite, Xia Yan found out that Lin Fan's cooking skills are very good, the vegetables are crispy, the salad juice is delicious, and the fried chicken breast is also tender and delicious, which is not inferior to the chefs in restaurants outside.

Is this freshly picked? It's very refreshing. I saw you growing a lot of vegetables in the backyard just now.

Yes, there is an open space behind the kitchen that is just used to grow vegetables. Eat it with confidence, there are no pesticide residues, fresh and original ecology!

The [Baya of Life] produced by the system can not only grow flowers, grass and trees, but also vegetables. I don't know if others will accept it, but Lin Fan himself admires it.

You are a system that claims to be a superstar, but it turned out to give me a [super species] druid skill. The entertainment industry can no longer satisfy you. Your goal is the continent of Arad!

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