Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 171 Find a young lady who is willing to swing...! !

Main Text Chapter 171 Find a young lady who is willing to swing...! !

Finally received the customer, Lin Fan's heart that had been hanging on was relieved a little: it should not be that he chose the wrong business, but as Yang Hongxia said, it was the lack of publicity! That's why no customers came to the door!

It's definitely not my brother's fault!

Lin Fan refreshed the reservation software and found that there was still no reservation, so he couldn't help but feel worried.

Although I don't rely on homestays to live, the business is too bad!

Lin Fan felt that he had to think of a way to promote it!

In fact, if you want to promote, the fastest and most convenient way is for Lin Fan to post an advertisement on his super blog. Although Lin Fan's popularity has gone down, as long as Lin Fan posts a super blog, there will still be many cooks who are willing to pay for Lin Fan of.

After all, Lin Fan also has 2.55 million active fans!

But Lin Fan didn't want to cut the vermicelli leeks.

So, Lin Fan opened a small account, and posted an advertisement under his super blog!

Rub your own heat!

I am really too clever!

Not only that, Lin Fan also took various small videos of his homestay and uploaded them to the Kuaiyin platform, hoping to attract more tourists to stay.

This is the effect...

Hehe, a trumpet that doesn't even have a fan, expects to post a video to become popular all over the Internet? Dreaming!

A man who is not willing to buy even Doujia is not worthy of traffic weighting!

Lin Fan was a little worried, what should I do? Even if I still have income from song downloads, but the rent and labor in this yard are all out, so I can't get any income at all!

Lin Fan was drinking iced watermelon juice, thinking about what to do. Suddenly, the compulsory skill [Learn to be rich in a car——Photographic memory] was activated, and he suddenly remembered the coquettish operations of those homestays in his previous life to attract customers.

Well, it seems that there is a trick called what?

Young lady swinging... What are you swinging about?



Lin Fan suddenly gained momentum, haha, I'm still smart!

With the method, all that remains is to find a young lady who is willing to swing...!

It just so happened that there are two young ladies staying in the longing yard! I don't know if they are willing to help me with this.


Not difficult!

Should agree?


Take a short video?

The two girls looked at each other, both a little wary. Although the boss is handsome, the girls still have to be careful outside, not to be dazzled by the beauty.

Yes, I don't know if you have seen it, but there is an infinity pool on the third floor of the longing yard...

Before Lin Fan finished speaking, the two girls rushed to answer: I see, I see! There is also a beautiful swing!

Yes! That's the swing! I want to make a small video of swinging. Don't worry, if you don't show your face, just take a picture of your back. You are wearing beautiful skirts...

Lin Fan roughly described the scene, and the two girls understood in seconds. It turned out that they were going to shoot such a serious promotional video, huh! They thought Lin Fan was going to be a hooligan and shoot a swimsuit video!

Why is it a little disappointing, alas, I can't take advantage of the handsome boss openly.

Then, we helped, how can you thank us, boss?

It's not enough to take advantage of it, but it's okay to flirt with it. The two girls feel that they can't suffer this wave!

Thank you for sure, Lin Fan thought about it, how tacky is the free room fee! Talking about money hurts feelings! It must be fresh and refined, without paying for it!

Brother now has so many foreign debts, no one wants to take money out of Brother's pocket anymore!

Nobody can!

Remember, no one can do it!

I can draw. After the filming is over, let me draw a sketch of each of you swinging.

Customers who are willing to stay in a standard room at 1688 yuan generally don’t care too much about the room fee. They care more about the accommodation experience and supporting services. Therefore, hearing Lin Fan’s suggestion, the two girls looked at each other: make a deal!

The client agreed,

Lin Fan got ready.

In fact, there are not many things to prepare. A mobile phone is used for shooting, and then the modeling of the model. After shooting, it can be sent out with music and editing.

Shooting small videos is not a problem at all for Lin Fan who has a camera sense specialization, let alone the modeling of the models!

Lin Fan helped the two girls choose two long dresses with big swings, one white and one red, and he also styled their hair, because they didn't need to show their faces, which saved the need for makeup. But Lin Fan's proficiency and skill in modeling also amazed the two girls.

Boss! You can also do hairstyles!

The level of the boss is no worse than those of the stylists! Last time I participated in the company's product launch event, I spent hundreds of dollars on a special haircut. I don't think it looks as good as the boss's!

Boss, do you want to accept customized services?


Lin Fan found out, these two young ladies can really talk! You can chat about anything for a while, and it doesn't matter if you pick up or not, as long as they have a good time chatting on their own! Lin Fan also knew someone like this, and that was Lian Xiaoyu!

Even the boss has a higher rank than these two young ladies, she can talk to herself, and her logic is self-consistent, whether you are embarrassed or not, she is not embarrassed anyway!

Alas, when it comes to Lian Xiaoyu, I miss Xia Yan a little bit, and I don't know how Xia Yan's national tour is going.


The small video was shot very smoothly, and the two young ladies also had a great time.

After the video was shot, the music was set, and the editing was completed, Lin Fan showed the two young ladies to watch it. After confirming that there were no problems, he posted it on the Kuaiyin platform.

Well, it was the trumpet called [Longing Yard]. The two young ladies also liked this little video very much, and forwarded it with their own accounts, and even showed it off in their social circles. Because they themselves did not expect that such a small video is quite artistic!

I used to make fast notes before, why didn't I think that the swing can still be like this... swinging?

Lived in such a good homestay, saw such a handsome boss, and made such a short video! By the way, the handsome boss also promised to give them a painting! It's worth the trip! After going back, I can play for at least half a month!

Lin Fan also fulfilled his promise, launched [Eight Essence of Life - Drawing], intercepted a certain scene in the short video, and drew a sketch for the two young ladies.

Two paintings, two hours.

Lin Fan finished the painting of two beautiful single ladies who went out for a walk.

The two young ladies who got the painting were even more satisfied. They don't understand the art of painting, but they just think the painting is very beautiful. So they took a picture of the painting immediately and showed it off in the social circle again.

Lin Fan ignored them. He returned to the hall on the first floor, activated the [Photographic Memory] skill, which reminded him of a certain scene, and impatiently drew it down with a brush.

After finishing the painting, Lin Fan looked at his painting, and saw the sea and the sky were the same color, with white clouds dotted between the blue sea and sky, a slim girl sitting on a light swing, her wavy long hair was gently floating by the sea breeze, as if to It's like going away with the wind, the skirt is flying, which makes people yearn for.

Secretly giving himself a thumbs up, Lin Fan put the painting into a photo frame, then took it up to the third floor, and put it in someone's exclusive room.

Close the door, leave, and hide merit and fame deeply.

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