Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 167 Get popular, that's how awesome it is!


Yang Hongxia's proposal is really cool, isn't it!

Lin Fan himself doesn't have to do anything, just hand over the song to Yang Hongxia, don't need to run publicity, don't need to humbly beg for help, don't worry about being suppressed data, don't worry about releasing a new song, passers-by don't know, just wait to make money! Even if you have to pay commissions, you will earn more than you do now! What is there to hesitate about?

Sister Xia provides services for herself and pays for herself, which is only right and proper!

Moreover, Miss Xia is a professional!

Unlike Lian Xiaoyu, it is a walking pit!

Lin Fan didn't want to make a debut because he had to run announcements, go on shows, go to acupuncture points, and always pay attention to his image, be careful of paparazzi and illegitimate children, etc. The most important thing is that he can't fall in love freely, and Lin Fan doesn't want to start by himself The studio is too troublesome, and there is no reliable person to entrust it to, so let Xiaoyu go.

Yang Hongxia will help take care of everything, and she doesn't have to do the above things, just sign a cooperation contract. Lin Fan thinks this proposal is great!

It can be said that this proposal touched Lin Fan's heart!

Sure enough, the top manager who can bring out so many first-line stars is a bull!

The smile on Yang Hongxia's face has never stopped!

It doesn't matter if I can't sign you, let's cooperate with the head office, shall we?

earning the money together!

Then, besides the commission, don't I need to pay anything else? Lin Fan held his hand firmly.

Paying doesn't count. I hope to get a right of first refusal. If you want to sell the song, I have the right of first refusal. Of course, I won't buy it out, and everything will be based on dividends!

no problem!

Lin Fan has no objection. Without Yang Hongxia, Lin Fan would give priority to Xia Yan and Zhang Xinlan. I have never met other artists!

Yang Hongxia showed a satisfied smile: Okay, this is the contract, please read the detailed rules, if there is no problem, we will be partners after signing the contract!

Lin Fan laughed from the bottom of his heart: Sister Xia, my pension will depend entirely on you from now on!

Once the contract is signed,

The host and guest enjoyed themselves.

Since then, Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia have become strategic partners. Yang Hongxia is responsible for helping manage all of Lin Fan's songs. In return, Lin Fan only needs to pay Yang Hongxia 10% commission and the cost of purchasing various resources. If there are new songs to sell , Yang Hongxia has the right of first refusal.

The cooperation conditions are very simple, Lin Fan is not subject to any restrictions, Yang Hongxia does not need to ask Lin Fan to pay attention to anything, let alone restrict Lin Fan, as long as Lin Fan does not violate the law and does not recruit himself, the two should be able to cooperate happily quite a while.


When Lian Xiaoyu learned that Lin Fan had signed a contract with Yang Hongxia, she was so angry that she didn't eat for a few days, and ran to Xia Yan and cried loudly: You said he has no heart, and I have been running around for him, learning how to make a An excellent manager, he is lucky to have signed a contract with Miss Xia!

Xia Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: Why didn't you tell me when you cheated others? Besides, Lin Fan and Sister Xia are just a cooperative relationship, not a brokerage contract like mine. In other words, if you see Lin Fan in the future, you should call Lin Fan Boss!

Lian Xiaoyu burst into tears: I haven't even become the boss yet, my former employee became the boss first! Do you think I have failed? Do I want to go home and inherit my dad's billions?

Xia Yan laughed out loud: Well, I feel that you really should go home and inherit the family property!

Lian Xiaoyu cried even louder!

She felt that she would never have the chance to become Lin Fan's boss again in this life.

She regrets it!


The cooperation between Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia was not publicized, but Lin Fan's new song became a hit!

The record of Great Wind Blowing in the previous life is astonishing. You can say that it is a song of saliva, you can say that it is suspected of stitching, you can say that it is not good or not, but you cannot deny its speed of spread!

And this is precisely the reason why Lin Fan chose this song!

Golden songs need time to settle, and salivary songs can spread in the shortest possible time and increase their popularity!

Lin Fan is in urgent need of popularity to pay off the debt, and Xia Yan is also at the moment of the door, just need to help her push, Xia Yan can completely enter the front line, at this time, it is better to release this song than a golden song.

Not to mention, it was Lin Fan and Xia Yan who sang this song. This is a more powerful combination than in the previous life. Their singing skills, appearance, and popularity are all close to the front line. They have their own popularity and popularity. In less than 10 minutes, the number of Kuaiyin plays of this song exceeded 100 million!

Quickly increase your popularity and pay off the system's debts!

Quickly increase Xia Yan's popularity and help Xia Yan sprint to the front line!

Well, by the way, you can make a wave of quick money!

Kill three birds with one stone!


Lin Fan praised his little cleverness!

Well, maybe it will hurt my reputation as a creative talent a little bit. After all, this song is a little less than the previous songs, but who knows me now? Someone! A certain one! What's more, Lin Fan never cared about such a false name!

Don't ask why, it's tiring to ask!

Yang Hongxia's movements are also very fast. The singers of The Wind Blows are Lin Fan and Xia Yan. Both parties can get money from this song, not to mention that this song can make Xia Yan's current fame Push it up again, so almost when there is a sign of ignition on the Internet, various marketing accounts have already begun to promote it overwhelmingly.

Lin Fan released a new song again, how many amazing and brilliant songs has this undebuted person written?

Xia Yan's Great Wind Blows blew out the new trend of Mandarin + Cantonese

100 million views, Kuaiyin was swiped by \u003cGreat Wind Blowing\u003e!


With all kinds of rainbow farts on the marketing account, Lin Fan's fans finally found out about Lin Fan's new song belatedly!

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Fanfan is actually open for business! And she quietly went to Xia Yan's concert! Quietly released a new song! Without an announcement! If I didn't see the trending search, I wouldn't even know about it! Am I chasing a fake idol? 】

[Splitting durians with empty hands: Hehe, instead of paying attention to his new song, shouldn't you pay attention to his concert that turned out to be Xia Yan? These two people can't really have an affair, can they? 】

[Mom said that if the name is long, there will be fools who will read it: start, start, start! Let's eat melons later, such a nice Great Wind Blows, shouldn't we go to a wave of data? By the way, Brother Fan, do you have any new songs? Can it be done all at once? 】


The voices on the Internet are also polarized!

[I never tear down towers: Can a song like this be popular even when the wind blows? Are you crazy? This slobbery song is Mandarin mixed with a few words of Cantonese, and you are crazy about it, it's too funny, this is a suture monster! 】

[Pinch your fingers and count, this is a bra: What's wrong with the stitching? This song is so good because of the perfect combination of Xia Yan's Cantonese and Lin Fan's Mandarin, and it's easy to get confused? 】

[Small breasts follow my dad: Have you noticed? This song became popular, and it was Xia Yan who became popular, but Lin Fan didn't get much attention? This is obviously a song written by Lin Fan. I mourn for Lin Fan for a few seconds! 】

[尒蕏萉萉: By the way, because of this song The Wind Blows, Xia Yan is now so popular that he is turning black! Her album also exploded again, let alone, I went to listen to Bubble! 】


Where there is powder, there is black!

If someone is popular, there will be right and wrong!

If there is a topic, there will be popularity!

There are a lot of voices on the Internet, some are criticizing, some are praising, some are rainbow farts, and some are black-headed. No matter what everyone says, they can’t stop the strong wind of Big Wind Blowing, blowing every corner of the Internet, It even blows to the streets and alleys in reality.

In just two or three days, The Big Wind Blows had more than 300 million views, and the trending searches became popular again and again.

Xia Yan's fans are also awesome. They can't hold up the marketing accounts of Lin Fan and Xia Yan's CP with fans, but they quickly brushed up the data of the song Great Wind Blowing beautifully. The album Bubble also quickly entered the ranks of platinum records!

Xia Yan, successfully entered the front line!

This speed was beyond the imagination of Xia Yan and Yang Hongxia. They thought they would not be able to achieve it until halfway through the tour or after the tour ended. Who knew that the first concert only took 2 days to reach the set goal.

In fact, Xia Yan's Bubble album itself is very close to the platinum record. Saying that it doesn't work is somewhat inconsistent with the facts!

Saliva song, popular, that's it!


On the night when the platinum record was achieved, Xia Yan's management company, Galaxy Entertainment, held a celebration banquet at the super five-star hotel in Shanghai - Four Seasons Hotel.

At the celebration banquet, Xia Yan was overwhelmed by the stars, and everyone came forward to congratulate him. Lin Fan didn't want to attend, but Xia Yan made it clear that he needed to thank Lin Fan at the celebration banquet, so Lin Fan had no choice but to accept it. Standing in a corner with a glass of champagne in a daze.

Lin Fan was in a daze, but none of the people present was in a daze.

Xia Yan was able to step into the front line in such a short period of time, because a sensible person knows that Lin Fan has contributed a lot, so not only the managers and singers in Galaxy Entertainment are eager to move, even the guests invited to the celebration banquet, They are all eager to try.

Yang Hongxia was supposed to be by Xia Yan's side, but she didn't know when she stood by Lin Fan's side: Lin Fan, do you have any new songs? Are you going to sell them?

Well, I don't want to sell it yet, Xia Yan also suggested that I don't rush to sell songs!

Lin Fan's [Social Sophistication] skill was activated, and he knew very well that in the eyes of everyone present, he became a favorite. He actually wanted to hold an auction on the spot, just like the auction of variety show qualifications back then, but this was Xia Yan's celebration banquet, and Lin Fan felt that if he did this, Yang Hongxia would kill him if he didn't mention Xia Yan.

Yang Hongxia was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: Since they are not going to sell it, then they will leave it to me, and let you understand that I didn't take 10% of yours for nothing!

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