Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 166 The feeling of hugging the thigh, so cool?

Xiayan Magic City Concert is off to a good start, and the sprint to the front line is just around the corner!

80,000 people sang \u003cBubble\u003e, Xia Yan became the first singer of the new generation!

Xia Yan and Lin Fan sang a new song in a chorus, and the strong wind set off a new wave of retro music!


As soon as the first concert ended, Xia Yan was on the trending searches. Not only that, the entire online platform was full of news and information about Xia Yan.

Xia Yan and Yang Hongxia want to use the concert to drive the album to reach the platinum album achievement and sprint to the front line. This is not a secret in the circle.

Xia Yan has the strength to enter the front line, but her debut time is short, and her accumulation is still a little insufficient. But after this national tour, Xia Yan's entry into the front line is basically a certainty.

Even, Xia Yan can enter the front line without the end of the national tour.

Many people are waiting for Xia Yan to enter the front line, Galaxy Entertainment, the brand that Xia Yan endorses, other artists who have cooperated with Xia Yan, and of course Xia Yan's fans.

Lin Fan is also looking forward to Xia Yan's entry into the front line, so that Lin Fan can follow Xia Yan and enjoy the dividends of the songs more comfortably. Having said that, Xia Yan's new album Bubble gives a lot of dividends! It's a pity that it was all spent on homestay decoration and shopping.

But for now, it's better to release the new song first, and let's talk about it after a wave of downloads and popularity.

Just do what you say, Lin Fan has already uploaded Great Wind Blowing to Tianlai Music, and only waits for the concert to be released before it is released. Now just log in and click publish.


Lin Fan refreshed the page, and found that the download volume of The Wind Blows he just released was increasing at an astonishing speed!

Is it so popular?

Lin Fan couldn't believe it, this song was only released last night, or it was first released at a concert, and it can convert so many downloads today?

Xia Little Fairy Yan is really amazing!

The fighting power of fans is really strong!

Hiss, it's terrifying!

Lin Fan took a breath,

Checked the popularity value in the system again.

[Current popularity value: -2902301, total popularity value 2557021]

Since the last time I checked, my popularity has increased by 653970, and my total popularity has reached 2.55 million! This is 2.55 million die-hard fans, not 2.55 million people who have only heard their name!

Moreover, the feeling of hugging the thigh is so cool?

How do you suddenly get a little addicted?

Before Lin Fan could think about it, there was a knock on the door of the room. When he opened the door, it was Yang Hongxia.

Yang Hongxia showed a smile: Lin Fan, do you have time, I have something to talk to you about.

Lin Fan still had a good impression of Yang Hongxia, not to mention that Sister Xia had helped him a lot before: If you have time, Sister Xia, please come in.

Lin Fan invited Yang Hongxia into the room. Yang Hongxia saw the mobile phone on the coffee table and the page of Tian Lai Music at a glance, and she knew what Lin Fan was doing just now: A new song has been uploaded?

Uploaded. I have to thank Sister Xia and Miss Xia for giving me this opportunity to be a guest at the concert, otherwise my new song would not be as hot as it is now.

The thing of mutual benefit is that you have the strength, otherwise it will be useless even if you are on the big stage. Yang Hongxia took advantage of the situation and sat down on the sofa, Your new songs are released like this?

Lin Fan poured Yang Hongxia a glass of water: Sister Xia, don't brag, I can also write a few songs, which is incomparable to Miss Xia. As for posting songs, isn't that how they all post them?

Yang Hongxia smiled: Of course not! When a new song is released, you have to announce it to fans in advance, negotiate promotion channels with the platform, formulate a promotion plan, and cooperate with multiple parties, so that the benefits can be maximized! You don't promote it, just post it directly. Song, rely on the advertising space on the platform to promote it to you, except for your loyal fans, who knows that you have released a song?

Fans are the foundation, but passers-by are the revenue point! This is called the long-tail effect! No matter how good your song is, if you don't go out of the circle, what is the difference from harvesting fans? In Morning Star, that program is your publicity platform, and now it's Youyanyan's concert to help you promote it. What about the future?

Yang Hongxia asked, What do you plan to do in the future?

In the past, he could catch the popularity of Morning Star, but now he can catch the popularity of Xia Yan, but Lin Fan can't keep chasing the popularity, right? This is not a long-term solution. Even if Xia Yan and Yang Hongxia don't mind Lin Fan's popularity, what about Galaxy Entertainment?

Galaxy Entertainment has worked so hard to bring out a first-line singer, but instead of bringing their own artists, they let an outsider hold their thighs. The company's dissatisfaction is certain, and it will also attract criticism from outsiders, which is not conducive to Xia Yan's development, and also to Lin Fan. reputation is affected.

Lin Fan understood: Sister Xia wants to persuade me to debut?

If you want to debut, you don't need me to persuade you, do you?

Yang Hongxia didn't force her to persuade her, Of course, if you really decide to make your debut, I hope you can become my artiste. My Yang Hongxia brand is quite famous in the circle, so I won't treat you badly. Don't say anything else, you see Words will tell.

Lin Fan nodded, Yang Hongxia was really kind to Xia Yan, she didn't restrict her much, and helped Xia Yan deal with the aftermath everywhere, Xia Yan was able to sprint to the first line after debuting for more than a year, Yang Hongxia's contribution is indisputable.

Well, it's not comparable to Lian Xiaoyu's kind of crap.

Then Miss Xia is here?

Lin Fan was still very curious, since he wasn't trying to persuade him to debut, why did Yang Hongxia come here?

Since entering the door, Yang Hongxia is still smiling, and she doesn't look like she wants to settle accounts with Lin Fan? Lin Fan thought to himself that Yang Hongxia should not have seen through her little thoughts.

Yang Hongxia took out a contract from her bag and put it in front of Lin Fan: As I said just now, this is not the way to post songs. I know you still have a lot of songs in hand, I think you also hope that your own Benefits can be maximized, and I can do exactly that. So why don't we work together?


Yes, cooperate.

Yang Hongxia smiled and said: It doesn't matter if you don't want to make a debut. Everyone has different ideas, so there's nothing to say. But you may not know that in the eyes of people in the circle, you have already made your debut. You don't have to rush to deny it. As long as you post Singing, you are already in the industry, the world is everywhere, as long as you want to make money by releasing songs, you have already made your debut!

Lin Fan was slightly taken aback, a little silent, and then he came over in a little bewilderment. Although he didn't go around doing business like idols and singers who debuted, but he posted a song, which is actually a debut in disguise, but this is his debut. Some alternative, more Buddhist.

Speaking of this, Yang Hongxia smiled again, Of course, if you don't care about money, but only for music dreams and art, just pretend I didn't say that.

Sister Xia thinks highly of me. I release songs just to make money, the kind that makes money lying down and letting the money run into my pocket by itself.

Lin Fan had nothing to admit.

Love money, Lin Fan is serious!

That's okay, let's talk about making money. If you want to make money, I can help you make more money. You don't need to make a debut, you don't need to live under the spotlight, as long as you can produce quality-guaranteed I will take full responsibility for the work and publicity. I guarantee that you can earn more money than you are now, I dare not say it will be doubled, and the gain will be at least 30%.

Yang Hongxia paused for a moment: Besides, I will deal with all the twists and turns from the entertainment industry. If anyone tries to attack you or blackmail you, I can take action!

Of course, I'm not working for you for nothing. You have to give me my commission. If you need to hire the navy to buy resources, you still need to pay. But even if you give me a commission, your income will be higher than it is now. More. How about it, what do you think of my proposal?

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