Yang Hongxia went to deal with the senior executives and guests of Galaxy Entertainment, and Xia Yan also had her own circle to deal with. Except for the two of them, Lin Fan hardly knew anyone present, and was not interested in socializing with others, so she simply hid in the Next to the buffet table, enjoy the buffet of a super five-star hotel.

Mmm, it tastes good! With my 80% success!

In other words, if my homestay provides dine-in meals, how much should I charge?


Lin Fan wanted to hide from Qingjing, but some people didn't want Lin Fan to hide.

Mr. Lin! It turns out that you are here, Mr. Lin, which made it easy for me to find you.

A voice came from behind, and when Lin Fan turned his head, he recognized that this person was Wu Zhong, the boss of Wangsheng Music who went to Dachang in person last time and offered him extremely generous conditions.

As soon as Lin Fan saw Wu Zhong, he remembered that he had categorically rejected Wu Zhong's offer of a one million signing fee, and his heartache was mixed with a hint of sadness.

Wu Zhong walked over with a glass of red wine, with a warm smile, as if he and Lin Fan were close friends, and he didn't see any grievances at all: The desserts in this hotel are very good, and they have won international awards. Teacher Lin must try it. taste.

Wu Zhong smiled, and Lin Fan also laughed: Really, since Mr. Wu said it, then I really want to taste it.

Mr. Wu introduced several special dishes of the hotel to Lin Fan, and Lin Fan tasted them one by one very cooperatively. This good attitude gave Wu Zhong the illusion that Lin Fan seemed to have forgotten the fact that the data was suppressed at the beginning, or Said, this matter has been completely turned over.

The song Big Wind Blowing that Mr. Lin collaborated with Mr. Xia this time is very good. I heard that the title song Bubble of Mr. Xia's new album was also produced by Mr. Lin? Mr. Lin is so young and has such a strong creative ability. It's admirable. Wu Zhong said with emotion.

Mr. Wu has won the prize.

Lin Fan was very perfunctory and modest, and felt uncomfortable when Mr. Wu called him Mr. Lin.

Xia Yan marched into the front line, Wu Zhong could be forgiven for calling her Teacher Xia, but calling himself Teacher Lin, hehe, that can only be courteous for nothing, rape or steal.

Sure enough, Wu Zhong said with a smile: Mr. Lin is modest, Mr. Lin is so talented, it's a pity to only be a behind-the-scenes musician. I mentioned to Mr. Lin last time that the original music program hosted by Wangsheng Music, I don't know Mr. Lin Are you interested?

Wu Zhong paused: If Teacher Lin is willing to come and play,

So my promise last time is still valid.

The last promise?

Lin Fan remembered that Wu Zhong said last time that as long as he returned to Netsun and issued a reconciliation statement, he would get a 28% contract and 1 million signing fees, as well as a music program hosted by Netsun Music. The default ranking, and a best newcomer award at the Netsun Golden Melody Awards.

This kind of promise allowed Lin Fan to see Wu Zhong's bearing and methods for the first time, and at the same time, it also made Lin Fan understand one thing, that is, this person is not easy to mess with, very bad!

To deal with such a person, Lin Fan can only remain unchanged and respond to all changes: Sorry, Mr. Wu, I really don't have time to participate in the show. To tell you the truth, my homestay has already opened, and I came here this time because I promised Miss Xia a long time ago.

Wu Zhong didn't show any displeasure when he was rejected, he still had a smiling face: Really, then I really want to congratulate Mr. Lin, ah, no, I should be called Boss Lin! Congratulations, business is booming!

Wu Zhong just saw Lin Fan present and came up to check Lin Fan's background to see if there was any possibility of cooperation. After all, Xia Yan has been supporting Lin Fan all the time. As Xia Yan's partner, Netsun should also consider Xia Yan's opinion. It is not good to have too much trouble with Lin Fan.

After confirming that Lin Fan did not plan to debut in business, it also gave Xia Yan enough face, and Wu Zhong did not stay any longer. He is also very busy, and has to deal with the senior management of Galaxy Entertainment, and also observe whether there are any outstanding ones. Artist, by the way, Xia Yan has entered the front line, and the contract between Wangsheng and Xia Yan will also change accordingly.

Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief after Wu Zhong left. Lin Fan was always a bit uncomfortable when dealing with such industry bosses. The kind of people who have torn skin behind their backs can still greet you with a smile in front of others. Lin Fan really admires such a person, and really doesn't want to deal with such a person.

Because how much kinder they smile in front of you, how cruel they are when they stab you in the back.

Brother Fan!

Before Lin Fan had been clean for a while, someone came to him again.

Ji Sha was wearing a light pink tube top short skirt, her long legs were exposed, Lin Fan called her good guy, this little skirt was slightly more than the swimsuit that Xia Yan wore in the yard she yearned for back then. Just a little fabric!

Are you sure it's an evening dress and not a conservative swimsuit?

Ji Sha tilted her head and smiled at Lin Fan, as if she was pleasantly surprised: Brother Fan, do you also like desserts? I really like them too. Desserts are really the most healing food in the world. Unfortunately, the manager looked at them strictly. , don’t let me eat more every time. Your dessert looks delicious, can you give me a small bite?”

Lin Zhinan Fan raised his hand and greeted the hotel buffet chef: Please give this lady a piece of your shop's signature dessert, the sweetest, no, the most depressing one!

The chef nodded to show his understanding, and elegantly served a dessert to Jisha: Your like is the greatest compliment to us!


Jisha's sweet smile froze for a moment, but soon returned to normal. She took the dessert politely, but she didn't eat a bite, she just held it in her hand.

Brother Fan, Senior Sister Xia Yan is busy there, how about I show you around? There are a lot of powerful people here today, let me introduce you?

Another gracious one.

Lin Fan glanced at Ji Sha vigilantly, and politely distanced himself a little: Don't bother you, I'm fine here.

Ji Sha was not discouraged: Brother Fan doesn't want to go, so I'll stay here with you.

No, no, I'm not a child, am I still afraid of life?

Lin Fan smiled and refused, big sister, hurry up and leave, didn't you see that someone has noticed this way?

Although Wu Zhong is the boss of Wangsheng Music, when he came to Lin Fan, at most people would think that Wu Zhong was optimistic about Lin Fan and wanted to make a deal in advance to facilitate future cooperation. It was an early accumulation of capital investment, so everyone didn't think it was strange .

But Jisha is different.

After all, Ji Sha is a newcomer that Galaxy Entertainment is very optimistic about. She was selected against Xia Yan. Although she is still far from Xia Yan's level, the people inside the company have quite high expectations for her, otherwise she would She doesn't want to put Ji Sha in Yang Hongxia's hands and become Xia Yan's junior sister.

Therefore, as soon as Ji Sha approached Lin Fan, many people noticed it, and Ji Sha didn't know if she didn't realize it or did it on purpose. In short, she just clung to Lin Fan and didn't leave.

Well, I'm not leaving, I'm just lounging!

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