After singing their respective parties, Lin Fan and Xia Yan's voices merged into one, and suddenly rose up. The chorus is the most essential part of this song, and it is also the place that can most tease the fans on the scene.

Let the wind blow and the wind blow

Wash away the tears in the eyes in the darkness

Just let the past disappear, the original you in the wind

The one who remembered me

Lin Fan's deep voice began to completely let go, and Xia Yan's singing skills also fully blossomed at this moment. Both of them are professional singers, and their emotional interpretation of this song is also delicate to the extreme. This is an unparalleled audio-visual feast , everyone was fascinated by it.

The song was not long, and soon it was ending, and the fans at the scene shouted wildly.





It was Lin Fan's first time on the stage of a concert, and he was involuntarily driven by the atmosphere of the scene. He felt that his whole body was heating up, as if there was a force that wanted to vent, which was something he had never felt on the stage of Morning Star.

The stage of Morning Star has the largest audience, that is, during the group night, but at that time, the protagonists are members of X-STAR. Although there are many fans of myself at the scene, but at that time I was very tight.

Now when I come to Xia Yan's concert, I don't need to worry about the live broadcast, and I don't need to think about who knows me, because the following are basically Xia Yan's fans, and I just need to sing to my heart's content.

As sung in The Wind Blows.

Just let the wind blow, the wind blow, keep blowing.

I just need to sing to my heart's content, keep singing, let go of singing.

Xia Yan looked at Lin Fan beside him, with the corners of his mouth curled up at an attractive angle, he picked up the microphone and said, Everyone said, is the song Big Wind Blowing just now good or not?

It sounds good—

It sounds good—



All kinds of breaking noises at the scene,

The fans seemed to want to vent all their enthusiasm.

As long as everyone likes it! This song, like the title song Bubble of my Bubble album, is written by Lin Fan who is close to me. Do you know him?

Xia Yan made no secret of his admiration for Lin Fan, and loudly introduced Lin Fan to his fans.


Wow, are you really together?

Ahhh, so handsome!


The answers at the scene were chaotic, and no one could hear what the people below were shouting. The concert has always been like this. Xia Yan didn't expect to get an answer at first, so he continued to play: If you can write Bubble, you can write The Wind Blows, do you want to hear Lin Fan sing two songs alone?


Fanfan, I love you!



The stage was handed over to Lin Fan, and Xia Yan turned around and stepped off the stage to change her clothes and look. She didn't have much time, only two songs, so Lin Fan needed a little help to make things happen.

Lin Fan didn't chat right away, after all, it was Xia Yan's venue, and there were all Xia Yan's fans, who knew how many people knew him, so he decided to warm up first and let everyone get to know himself.

A piece of Run is dedicated to everyone!

With a speed of 70 mph, Lin Fan ran with the wind and headed towards freedom. Even if the people below were not his fans, Lin Fan was still infected by the glow sticks all over the sky. He wanted to release all his strength.

Fans off the field may not know who Lin Fan is, but many of them have heard the song Running. As soon as the prelude of Running sounded, the scene immediately exploded.

Fly with the wind and have dreams as wings

Dare to love, dare to do, brave to break through!

The 80,000 people quickly moved in unison and sang loudly. Everyone may not know each other, but everyone loves the same song. This may be the charm of the concert.

After the song Running ended, everyone quickly recognized Lin Fan, and the screams and cheers below were not much worse than when Xia Yan was present.

Do you like the song Running?

Lin Fan was also sweating profusely! After singing two songs in a row, he already felt exhausted. The concert is a completely different experience from the recording studio. The recording studio can relax his body, sing slowly sentence by sentence, and slowly find the state. But it was different, I had to quickly adjust my state, go all out to mobilize the atmosphere of the audience, and exhausted my whole body's strength for every song.

This reminded Lin Fan of the global superstar in his previous life—Michael Jackson. No one can compare to Jackson’s concert scene. You may say that Jackson’s songs are good and popular, or that his appearance is good, or that He can play cool, but no one can deny that Jackson is singing every song with all his strength and life at the concert.

If anyone has watched Jackson’s concert or watched the live video, he should have noticed that Jackson’s clothes have been soaked in sweat since the first song. His professionalism is not some Small fresh meat can be compared.

Well, Xiao Xianrou is not qualified to compare with Jackson.

Feel sorry!


The atmosphere of the scene was driven, and everyone was immersed in the aftertaste of Running. After the song came out, no one had ever heard the live version, so Lin Fan's live version completely satisfied everyone at the scene.

It seems that everyone likes Running very much, so for the next song Glory, I hope to hear a higher decibel from you. Let me hear your voice, please?

Lin Fan shouted loudly, and the audience screamed back.

The night gave me black eyes,

I use it to find the light!

As soon as the classic lyrics came out, the 80,000 people at the scene once again sang in unison.

The song Glory is not very interactive, and here are basically Xia Yan's fans. Usually, it is difficult to achieve a chorus achievement, but who made this line of lyrics popular?

That's right, Lin Fan is a slob who only cares about the number of downloads and popularity in the system when posting songs, and doesn't pay attention to other news. In addition, on Earth, this line of lyrics comes from a very famous modern poem One Generation. Although Lin Fan realized that this line of lyrics might be very popular, he didn't expect it to be so popular!

Sing along at someone else's concert! If it wasn't for Xia Yan's concert, Lin Fan was worried that he would be beaten up after he left the stage after singing!

I asked you to come over to assist in the performance, but you took my place?

Let's fight, Sao Nian!

Although the audience at the scene may not be able to sing all of them, just taking this line of lyrics is already very powerful! Haven't you seen that other supporting guests are performing hard on the stage by themselves, but there are very few who can interact with the scene?

Lin Fan still remembers the social death scene where a popular singer interacted live in the previous life!

That kind of scene is extremely embarrassing!

Under the stage, Xia Yan, who had already changed into her outfit, walked to the entrance of the stage and got ready. She looked at the shining person on the stage and smiled.

Worried that Lin Fan will take away her stage?


Lin Fan's achievement of being able to achieve the chorus of the whole audience is indeed very good, but compared with Xia Yan, it is still a little bit worse.

After Lin Fan sang a song, he gave up the stage, and Xia Yan came on stage: Bubble, I give it to everyone.


The audience responded with a bang!

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