Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 164 Take a Cup of Heavenly Water

Xia Yan's concert started at 8 o'clock in the evening, but because this is the first stop of the national tour in Shanghai, it is also the focus of publicity, and it is the only venue with a four-sided stage, so ticket checking started early in advance. Artists from all walks of life also began to send blessing flower baskets, all kinds of which are full!

But Lin Fan can't see these things. As an assistant guest, he is currently doing makeup and hair backstage. In the same dressing room as Lin Fan, there was a boy with dyed white hair. He didn't look very old, but the dark circles under his eyes were a bit heavy... Oh, I read it wrong, it wasn't dark circles, but smoky makeup.

Lin Fan just glanced at it, nodded politely, and then forced the skills [Compelling Temperament—God-level Dressing Stylist, Edward Scissorhands Secret Biography·Three Divine Skills of Washing, Cutting and Blowing, Celebrity Makeup 108 Skills, Celebrity Skin Care 72 [style] activated, three times, five times and two times, and then I finished my makeup.

Sword-browed and star-eyed, not to mention good-looking, her temperament is also very outstanding, and she is a little lazy amidst her youthfulness, um, she is really attractive!

Lin Fan was blinded by his handsomeness again.

Not to mention Bai Mao, even the stylist who made Bai Mao's makeup and hair couldn't help but secretly stare at Lin Fan: Who is this? This modeling technique is a bit too good, right? Are the current artists even taking away the jobs of stylists? It's too annoying! Having said that, do I want to be a teacher?

Lin Fan didn't care about other people staring at him. He was watched by people every day in the big factory, and he was also filmed by the live broadcast camera. Lin Fan was used to it. There were only a few people in the dressing room, so they watched casually.

Bai Mao was taken away by the staff after finishing his makeup and hair. He was a warm-up guest, and he came on stage much earlier than Lin Fan. After the performance, he had to catch up with the next announcement, and the time was quite tight.

Lin Fan waited in the background for a long time before the staff came over and led him to the stage entrance.

Along the way, the cheers and applause of the audience became louder and louder, and there was also the sound of singing in unison. On the contrary, it seemed that Xia Yan's singing voice was a bit weak, which also showed Xia Yan's popularity and the popularity of the song from the side. very high.

At the entrance to the stage, Yang Hongxia was waiting there, saw Lin Fan approaching, and said with a smile, How are you, are you nervous?

Regardless of whether Lin Fan was nervous or not, Yang Hongxia was actually very nervous herself.

This is a hurdle for Xia Yan to sprint to the front line. After rushing over it, Xia Yan entered the front line. Although Yang Hongxia has coached more than one first-line artist, she still has to be nervous about hitting the first-line artist.

Lin Fan didn't think too much: Fortunately, anyway, it's over after going up to sing.

With [Sound of Nature - Singing never out of tune, absolute pitch, advanced singing skills],

No matter how nervous he was, there would never be a car accident scene, so Lin Fan was very calm.

Brother is a person with skills!


Next, let's invite an assistant guest, Lin Fan!

The voice of the host on the stage fell, and the lifting platform on which Lin Fan was standing began to rise slowly. On the stage, the host exited the stage, the lights dimmed, sparks burst out from the edge of the stage, the follow-up lights fell, and Lin Fan and Xia Yan appeared in the sight of the audience at the same time.

Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!


Fanfan! It's Fanfan! I'm going to die!

There were bursts of screams erupting at the scene, and Lin Fan could only feel waves of sound rushing towards him, as if he had returned to the group night scene of Morning Star, the tingling feeling that went straight up his back to the sky. Submerged him again, goose bumps all over his body!

It seems that the soul is trembling!

Lin Fan was a little dazed, this feeling was both familiar and strange, which made him a little uncomfortable.

However, a voice from the depths of his soul told himself that this was what he wanted.

This voice must have come from the original body.

All the lights on the stage were on, and Lin Fan couldn't see the audience in the distance clearly, so he could only passively accept the emotions conveyed by the audience, joy, excitement, excitement... Straightforward, undisguised release, by the audience on the stage received by people.

Nearby, Lin Fan turned his head to look at Xia Yan who was beside him, and saw that she was wearing a black tube top dress, her long black hair was simply draped behind her shoulders, her eyes were red and her lips were elegant, she was looking lightly at smiling at himself.

Lin Fan was inexplicable, and that bit of daze disappeared.

Just sing.


The sound of the music gradually rose, and in line with the rhythm of the drums, Lin Fan's natural voice resounded over the 80,000-person concert venue.

Take a glass of water from the sky, and shine it on the bright moon in the world...

Lin Fan's voice at the moment can be said to be very deep and very magnetic. In the rhythm of the age, he sang with a little laziness, and he firmly grasped the audience's ears as soon as he opened his mouth.

The audience at the scene are all fans of Xia Yan. They came to the concert to see Xia Yan and to hear Xia Yan sing. In the eyes of fans, the supporting guests are all tool people, especially those like Lin Fan who have been rumored to have an affair with Xia Yan before, and are not welcomed by Xia Yan's fans, let alone loved.

In addition, the song Big Wind Blows is a new song that has not been released to the outside world, and there is no fan base at all, so when Lin Fan started singing, the scene became a little cold.

The venue is cold, and if you switch to other singers, you may panic, because the atmosphere of the concert venue is very important. Once the venue is cold, it will be difficult to heat up the venue.

But Xia Yan didn't panic, she was very confident in Lin Fan's new song, it's better to be a little cooler now, so that everyone can appreciate the rhythm of this song more clearly.

The most attractive part of this song is its rhythm and rhythm. Sure enough, the sound of the scene was quiet, and the rhythm of the music was clearly conveyed to every audience.

Hey, this song sounds good, it's a bit retro.

Let's listen to the rest, I hope this Lin Fan won't mess up Yanyan's concert!

I think it's okay.

On the stage, after Lin Fan finished singing, Xia Yan took over the beat of the music, and used her recognizable voice to penetrate every corner of the concert:

Let the wind blow and the wind blow

Blow away the pain and sorrow in my heart

Let the rain wash away and let the wind sigh for you

As if it was destined—”


The entire audience was amazed by Xia Yan's penetrating vocals!

In addition, the whole song Great Wind Blows has a strong rhythm, and the repetition frequency of the chorus is high enough, which strengthens the memory points of the song itself, and then integrates the retro wave with the Chill atmosphere, retro style and Cantonese arias evoked The nostalgic mood brought people back to the 90s in the old record in an instant, and the audience seemed to see a new wave of retro coming!

The cooperation between Lin Fan and Xia Yan also brought out the best in each other. Xia Yan's singing style is full of charm and penetrating power, while Lin Fan perfectly connects with the low and hoarse voice unique to men, making the whole performance smooth and layered, which is memorable endless.

Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!


It sounds good! It's so brainwashing!

Love it! Love it! The wind blows! The wind blows! Keep blowing!

Yang Hongxia saw the audience's reaction in the background, and saw the two sparkling people on the stage performing with ease, the corners of her mouth rose wildly!

Xia Yan hit the front line this time, steady!

This is the first time I have seen Yang Hongxia, a 20-year-old first-line singer and talented singer, who has been in the industry for so many years! What's more, there is Lin Fan who is not inferior to Xia Yan in every aspect.

Sister, you will always be NO.1 in the brokerage world!

No one can shake it!

PS: The Wind Blows Wang Heye/Liu Xijun

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