Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 163: Everyone Has Their Own Caution

The rehearsal went very smoothly, because the two had already worked together in the recording studio, and now they just walked off the stage, communicated with the dance team about their positions, and then tried the microphone on the spot.

The most important reason why a tuner is powerful is that he has a good understanding of the person holding the microphone. He needs to know the voice and KEY of the other party, understand the lung capacity and singing skills of the other party, and make repairs at any time.

For example, some singers can't sing low or high notes, but some songs must rely on low or high notes to brew emotions. Don't be afraid at this time, millions of sound repairers are here to help you.

Although Xia Yan's own strength is strong, the concert site also needs to be fully prepared. The scene of a car rollover is a scene that no singer wants to see, not to mention that the invited guests need to fix their voices. Not every singer Able to fully open the microphone without tuning.

Although Lin Fan now has nearly 2 million active fans, compared to Xia Yan, he is really just a younger brother, but the title song of Xia Yan's new album Bubble was written by Lin Fan, the relationship between the two It was also unusual, so Lin Fan, as Xia Yan's concert guest, had a treatment that other guests did not have.

Three songs!

Lin Fan can sing three songs on stage, in addition to a new song sung by a duo, he can also sing two songs. Lin Fan didn't come up with new songs. Xia Yan had already told him that getting new songs would not maximize his profits. Instead, he might as well sing Glory and Running to consolidate his popularity.

These two songs have been on the line for 2 months, and they are still very popular, but the stamina is a bit weak. The most important thing is that Lin Fan didn’t make his debut at all. If you fight, you will be drowned.

Therefore, singing these two songs at the concert can promote these two songs again, and most importantly, it can increase some downloads.

Lin Fan thought Xia Yan was right.

Nothing is more important than money!


After the rehearsal, Xia Yan went to communicate with other guests, Lin Fan was standing by the side watching boredly, when suddenly a voice came from behind.

Brother Fan! Hello! I'm Jisha from Xinghe Entertainment. It's a pleasure to perform on the same stage with you!

Lin Fan turned around, and saw a beautiful woman standing behind him, and activated [Photo Memory], Lin Fan immediately recognized that this Ji Sha was the newcomer of Xinghe Entertainment that Sister Xia asked him to review just now.

Hi, I'm Lin Fan!

[Sophisticated] Skill activation,

Lin Fan's warm smile and polite nod made it impossible to pick out any flaws.

Brother Fan, I just listened to your rehearsal singing, it was really amazing! I used to think that the singing in the Morning Star audition was fake, but now that I heard your live performance, I feel that your singing skills are too good. Strong, comparable to Senior Sister Xia Yan!

Ji Sha took two steps forward, and the distance from Lin Fan was less than 50 centimeters, which was a very delicate distance.

Lin Fan smiled slightly, as if he didn't see the distance between the two of them getting closer: I heard that you just debuted? Your singing is also very good, much better than those of us who came from the draft!

Brother Fan is being humble! Your singing skills are really strong. I think those high notes just now are better than my vocal teacher!

Ji Sha smiled like a flower, as if being praised by Lin Fan was the most beautiful thing in the world, she unconsciously took another step forward.

Just as Ji Sha was about to say a few more words, Lin Fan suddenly took out her mobile phone, said Hi loudly twice, then pointed to the mobile phone, showing an elegant and polite apologetic look, and hurried towards the backstage, While walking, he shouted loudly: Hello? Hello? I'm in the Modu Gymnasium, the signal is not very good, wait a minute, I'll go out!

Ji Sha's raised hand paused in the air, and she didn't know whether she should let it go, but Brother Fan's smile was so stylish, and that little apologetic expression made her feel unable to blame her.

By the way, why did you find Brother Fan just now?

Ji Sha's assistant came up: Sister Sha, how are you? Have you got Lin Fan's contact information? Have you found out if the other party still has songs? Is there any chance for further contact?

Ji Sha looked depressed: Don't mention it, I didn't say a few words before I was interrupted.

As for whether it was a coincidence or Lin Fan deliberately avoided contact with her, Ji Sha was a little unclear.

Forget it today. It's too obvious to catch up with the purpose. Maybe it will make people disgusted. Tomorrow, there is another chance tomorrow...

Ji Sha looked at Lin Fan's receding back thoughtfully. Tomorrow's concert will officially start. Whether it's Xia Yan or Yang Hongxia, they don't have time to pay attention to other things. She should have a chance to get in touch with Lin Fan again... …Bar?


Backstage, Chen Yuan told Xia Yan what she just saw by passing water to Xia Yan: Yanyan, I saw Ji Sha go to find Fanfan just now.

Xia Yan didn't take it seriously: Yes.

Ok? Just um, it's over?

Chen Yuan was a little surprised: Yanyan, aren't you worried?

What are you worried about? Xia Yan smiled, Worried about her getting in touch with Lin Fan? Or worried that Lin Fan will give her the song?

Chen Yuan nodded sharply.

There's nothing to worry about. Even if Lin Fan gives the song, he won't sell the copyright. He prefers to take a share. Not to mention whether Ji Sha will give Lin Fan a share, even if she is willing to, with her strength and popularity, Can she give Lin Fan more share than I give?

Xia Yan is not short of popularity or money. He has strong personal strength and elegant temperament. Therefore, when cooperating with Lin Fan, he basically takes care of Lin Fan's interests. But Ji Sha can't, Ji Sha is a newcomer, and she urgently needs masterpieces to gain fame and lay a foundation.

In this way, Ji Sha must buy out the song and keep it firmly in her own hands, so as not to have a rift with her partner in the later stage, resulting in her not being able to sing her own famous work, which is ridiculous. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the entertainment industry.

Although Lin Fan is lazy and nerdy, he has an obsession with song copyrights, he can cooperate with him in any way, as long as he doesn't sell out! Therefore, it can only be said that Jisha's little thinking has touched Lin Fan's minefield from the very beginning, and it is completely unworkable.

As for Ji Sha falling in love with Lin Fan instead of singing, Xia Yan was even less worried.




At the same time, Yang Hongxia also knew about this matter. This is what the entertainment industry is all about. There are no secrets at all, but she did not express any opinion on this, but asked her assistant to prepare a contract.

Is there a brokerage contract? the assistant asked. Galaxy Entertainment wanted Yang Hongxia to bring Ji Sha. This matter has not been clearly stated, but there are several people on Yang Hongxia's side who know about it, and the assistant is one of them.

No, you go and prepare a cooperation contract. I've sent you a few key points. You follow suit. The conditions are relaxed. Send it to me when you're done. Yang Hongxia showed a determined smile.

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