Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 162 You pig, how dare you shove our cabbage

Lin Fan settled down in the hotel, had nothing to do, and logged in to Teana Music with his mobile phone to check his song data.

Glory and Running have been uploaded for 2 months, and the paid download money that can be earned is basically earned, and it is time to release new songs. If there was no Xia Yan's concert, Lin Fan might have released that new song by now.

But it's better now, releasing songs after the concert will be of great help to Lin Fan's popularity.

Lin Fan looked at the download data of the two songs and felt very satisfied!

At the same time, I just remembered that I haven't checked the popularity value in the system for a long time, and I don't know if the current popularity value of -4.2 million has increased a little.

To be honest, Lin Fan didn't want to look at that bad popularity value at all. If it wasn't for the fear that the system would automatically deduct money from the bank account, Lin Fan really wanted to just lock the system in a small dark room and never look at it again.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

System, check the popularity value.

[Current popularity value: -3556271, total popularity value 1903051]


The two songs Glory and Running added more than 200,000 popularity points to Lin Fan in the first week of uploading. Now, after two months, the two songs Glory and Running plus Xia Yan's Bubble, added another 678,590 popularity points to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was very distressed. If the 680,000 popularity points were added to the previous 200,000 popularity points, if they were exchanged, it would be 900,000 soft sister coins!

Sure enough, this black-hearted system! It's black from the inside out!

However, Lin Fan didn't notice that his total popularity is very close to 2 million! He is no longer a small guy!

This is 2 million followers! Not 2 million followers! If you add countless fans of passers-by, Lin Fan's popularity can already be called a quasi-second-tier star!

If this was in the previous life, with 2 million active fans, some people would immediately dare to declare themselves as the first-line!


Early the next morning, Lin Fan was taken to the concert venue by Yang Hongxia.

Yanyan's concert has actually been preparing since last year,

And warm up, we have prepared 15 tours across the country, and there will be two shows here in Shanghai... Yang Hongxia brought Lin Fan into the venue, and at the same time introduced him to some relevant information.

Only then did Lin Fan know that Xia Yan's official debut has not been long, just over a year. However, because Xia Yan has participated in many international competitions and performances since he was a child, he has laid a solid foundation early on. The general public in China may not have heard of Xia Yan, but in the music and fan circles, Xia Yan is not Not Nobody.

When Xia Yan officially debuted, these accumulations quickly turned into popularity and fans, allowing her to officially enter the second line after debuting for less than a year, approaching the first line.

Before the release of the new album, Xia Yan was already known as quasi-first-line!

The number of Xia Yan's fans is claimed to be 100 million, and most of them are fans of passers-by, most of whom are Chaobo fans and Kuaiyin fans, and most of the fans are good-looking fans, 70% to 80%. Die-hard fans are not that exaggerated.

Xia Yan has already reached all other indicators, what is missing is a platinum record, a platinum record that can become a masterpiece.

Xia Yan needs a platinum record to officially enter the front line and gain a firm foothold in the front line.

And the new album Bubble is now infinitely close to a platinum record! Xia Yan only needs to go to a few more concerts to consolidate the results, and Xia Yan will be able to step into the front line completely.

As for this achievement, Yang Hongxia knew very well that Lin Fan contributed the most!

This was also the reason why Yang Hongxia valued Lin Fan so much.

From the instrument teacher who cooperated with Xia Yan's recording studio, Yang Hongxia learned that Lin Fan still has several songs of very high quality in his hands, whether it is Lin Fan who wants to release the song himself, or hand it over to Xia Yan like Bubble , You can get your own share, it can be discussed!

After all, the only insider that Lin Fan has contact with now is Xia Yan, and Zhang Xinlan can only be regarded as Xia Yan's network, and Yang Hongxia feels that if she can still make Lin Fan run away from the palm of her hand, then she, the ace agent Don't do it anymore, retire early and go home to eat your money!

I feel ashamed!

Lin Fan followed Yang Hongxia all the way to the stage, only to find that it was not Xia Yan who was rehearsing, but a female singer she didn't know at all.

This is a newcomer launched by Xinghe Entertainment, and the higher-ups want Yanyan to bring her along. Yang Hongxia explained.

This is also something that cannot be helped. It is impossible for a concert to be sung by only one person from beginning to end. No one can stand such a high-intensity work. Therefore, inviting guests to the concert has become a necessary part. On the one hand, it can help the singer for a while, so that the singer can take a break and step off the stage to change his appearance.

Well, it can also give the audience a toilet time.

On the other hand, the invited guests can also increase the selling point of the concert, or as it is now, the brokerage company uses the number of guests to exchange resources, bring newcomers, and so on. There are also some people who need other guests to bring traffic because their popularity is not so sufficient, but Xia Yan doesn't need it.

Xia Yan's concerts are all others' traffic.

But overall, it's a matter of mutual benefit.

What do you think? Yang Hongxia asked.

Lin Fan was a little confused: How about what?

What's the level of this newcomer? Don't be perfunctory to me. I can go to Yanyan and ask again later.

Lin Fan complained: How is the level of newcomers in your company, you ask me? Do you want to hear good things, or do you want to hear bad things? It is easy to offend people by saying the wrong thing!

Fortunately, I have a systematic combination of skills [Huaxia's good tongue - articulate] and [sophisticated]!

Singing skills are much better than the students who made their debut in this year's draft!

Yang Hongxia was taken aback for a moment, and then realized what Lin Fan's words meant.

First of all, the newcomers of Galaxy Entertainment are also professional singers, and their singing skills are naturally much better than the idols who debuted in the talent show. This is about singing skills, not popularity.

Secondly, who is Lin Fan who made his debut in Morning Star this year? Li Yingqi, Zhuo Yuanquan, Li Xiaodong... In short, it wasn't Lin Fan himself. Being better than Li Yingqi and the others is not necessarily better than Lin Fan. But at first glance, this sentence is quite modest.

Yang Hongxia was overjoyed, this kid has a lot of thoughts! No wonder you dare to arch my cabbage!

Yang Hongxia watched the newcomer's performance for a while, and compared the gap between her and Xia Yan in her heart, well, forget it, the company still wanted to stuff this newcomer into her own hands, and use the banner of Xia Yan's junior sister to gain Xia Yan's traffic. If her level is not bad, Xia Yan probably wouldn't say anything.

But at the moment it seems that the difference is a bit too much, let's forget it, Xia Yan's traffic is not something everyone can catch!


Lin Fan finally saw Xia Yan backstage.

She was wearing a simple white T-shirt + jeans, her long black hair was casually tied into a high ponytail, her eyebrows were delicate, her expression focused, and she was communicating with the staff.

Xia Yan has already finished the rehearsal of the previous part of the solo singing, and now only the cooperation and interaction with the supporting guests are left.

Except for Lin Fan, Xia Yan only had one other guest to collaborate on the stage, and the other supporting guests performed by themselves, so they didn't need to cooperate with Xia Yan.

Seeing Lin Fan, Xia Yan couldn't help showing a smile: You're here.

One sentence, three words, with joy, anticipation, and a little bit of joy, the emotions are so restrained that Lin Fan wouldn't be able to realize it if it wasn't for the system's magical skills [Delicate Emotions] and [Sophistication] to be jointly activated.

Facing Xia Yan's gaze, Lin Fan nodded slightly: Here we are.

How's the rehearsal going? Yang Hongxia's eyes flashed, she took a step forward calmly, and stood between Xia Yan and Lin Fan, separating them.

The feedback from the director team is pretty good. Sister Xia, I'm taking Lin Fan to the rehearsal. Xia Yan didn't notice Yang Hongxia's small movements, and led Lin Fan onto the stage from the backstage entrance.

Yang Hongxia showed helplessness in her eyes, but she couldn't say anything in full view, so she could only let them go.

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