When recording a new song, Lin Fan was once again dominated by Xia·Little Witch·Yan. With the familiar Do it again, it only took half a day to record this song!

Comparing it to the snail speed at which Lin Fan recorded his own songs when Xia Yan was not around, there is really no harm without comparison, Lin Fan even despises himself!

After recording the new songs for the concert, Xia Yan helped Lin Fan watch the songs he recorded during this time.

There are a total of 9 songs, and it took more than half an hour to listen to all of them. In particular, Xia Yan listened to several songs in it several times. After listening to them in total, more than an hour passed.

Seeing Xia Yan finally took off the earphones, Lin Fan quickly asked, How is it?

These songs, from the arrangement to the instruments, the recording of the vocals to the final track, are basically completed by Lin Fan himself. Will it be unacceptable after entering a world?

It is better to listen to the opinions of local professionals.

Xia Yan looked at Lin Fan with complicated eyes, unable to speak for a long time, and finally found his own voice: You...forget it, if these songs of yours are released, they will basically be at the level of the title songs of the album, just the difference in style If it is too big, otherwise it will be an album, and it will not be a problem to sprint to platinum.

There are a total of 3 billion people in the country, and the copyright protection is very good, so Blue Star's record sales indicators are much higher than those in the previous life. A gold record is 5 million copies sold, a platinum record is 30 million copies sold, and a diamond record is 50 million copies sold. It also corresponds to the singer's coffee level. First-line singers must have a record that has reached the platinum level, while the index for top-tier Uranus superstars is a record that has reached the diamond level.

As for the world-class emperor superstars, they started with three diamond records.

Xia Yan said that Lin Fan's songs are made into an album, which has the level of sprinting to platinum, which is equivalent to acknowledging that Lin Fan has the ability to become a first-line singer.

It's only been a while, Lin Fan, who didn't know anything and didn't understand anything at the beginning, just relying on his face to dawdle in the talent show, has grown to this level.

Let's just make it into an album.

Lin Fan didn't take it seriously, making an album is so tiring! I still have to shoot the MV, find a producer to make it, and announce it after it's done. I ran various announcements, went to variety shows, did road shows, and watched Xia Yan. I ran for two full months! Just to promote a new album!

Lin Fan, a big salted fish, said, isn't it delicious to lie down and make money? Why do you have to blame yourself? You can make money by posting songs online,

The big deal is to earn a little less.

Xia Yan saw Lin Fan's careful thinking, so he didn't persuade him much.

Why are you persuading him?

Do not advise! The more you persuade, the more rebellious you become! Just let Lin Fan go on like this, and when Lin Fan finds out that he is getting poorer and poorer, not only poor but also owes a lot of foreign debts, he will take the initiative to start a business!

You can decide for yourself. However, I suggest that you do not release these new songs. It is best to release the chorus first after my concert is over. Wait until the popularity of the chorus subsides, and then consider Release new songs. Once the popularity goes down after the release, release another one, and keep posting this way, so that your income will be maximized.”

Lin Fan nodded again and again: Miss Xia is right, I listen to you! You are a professional!

Xia Yan couldn't help showing a sly smile.

Lin Fan's mind is actually very simple, lazy, but if he wants to make money, it's best that the money can go into Lin Fan's pocket by himself.

So as long as Lin Fan's two demands were met, Lin Fan almost obeyed. Just like Xia Yan bought a lot of things for him before, although they were expensive and not very practical, they met Lin Fan's desire to open a homestay and play with young ladies. Lin Fan only cared about money, not What opinion.

Xia Yan originally had two days free to work on the new song with Lin Fan, but he didn't expect to record the new song in half a day, and the running-in went smoothly, and he also saw Lin Fan's talent, which can be said to be very rewarding.

That's it for now. I'll use this song to do the final stage design first. When it's rehearsal time, I'll send someone to pick you up.


Xia Yan left again, the enthusiasm for the new album gradually faded, and she was still busy with the concert.

After sending Xia Yan away, Lin Fan could finally wake up naturally, and be a happy salted fish, waiting for customers to come to his door.

I sleep until I wake up naturally every day, and after getting up, I make myself something to eat.

Then, then there is the daily daze!

A new homestay, no matter how beautifully decorated it is!

But the price is also very beautiful!

The standard room is 1688 yuan a day.

MMP, 6.1 million foreign debts!

My own super-five-star decoration standard, charging 1688 yuan, is already very close to the people! If you follow the standard five-star hotel, no one will say that it is expensive if you charge yourself 3688 yuan!

But I don’t have a good-looking lady at the front desk, I don’t have gentle room service and wake-up service, and I don’t have a five-star chef to provide free breakfast to the tenants, so it’s not an exaggeration to charge 2,000 yuan less, right?

Besides, my appearance is also very high! Although I'm not a five-star chef, I'm definitely a man who has a system-【culinary expertise】, and I've always been gentle, and I'm sure I'll be loved by single girls!

Dreams are wonderful!

the reality is cruel!

6.1 million foreign debts, 20 rooms of 1688 yuan, if the room is full every day, it only takes 6 months to pay off the debt! If expenses, taxes and fees are included, it is estimated that it will take 10-12 months.

9.5 million decoration + 500,000 rent, if the house is full every day, it only takes 10 months to pay off the debt! If expenses, taxes and fees are included, it is estimated that it will take 16-18 months to pay back, that is, one and a half years.

Can I fill the room by myself?


Lin Fan was in a daze for a week on that 268,000 leather sofa!

Not a single customer came to the door!




This made Lin Fan suspicious, did he choose the wrong business?

Regret now, is it too late?


Until Xia Yan sent someone to pick Lin Fan up to rehearse the concert, Lin Fan's homestay didn't receive a single customer!

Business is sadly dismal.

Lin Fan silently closed the booking process of the B\u0026B, locked the door, and hung a sign of Closed for 5 days on the door, wiped away his bitter tears, and went to the city where the concert was located—Madou.

When they arrived at the scheduled hotel, Xia Yan was not there, but Lin Fan was picked up by Yang Hongxia in person.

This was also the first meeting between Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia.

Hello, Lin Fan. I'm Xia Yan's manager, Yang Hongxia. I'm a little older than you. If you don't mind, you can call me Sister Xia together with Xia Yan.

Hello, Miss Xia!

Of course, Lin Fan doesn't mind. Yang Hongxia is the number one manager of Galaxy Entertainment, and also the ace manager in the entertainment industry. She has made many celebrities popular. Now, there are at least four or five out of ten first-tier and second-tier artists in the entertainment circle. All of them are related to her, and the remaining five or six have to call her sister when they see her.

A true industry leader, Lian Xiaoyu's target.

Well, Lian Xiaoyu herself decided this way. As for whether it can be achieved, Yang Hongxia said that she just needs to be happy.

Yanyan is still rehearsing in the venue, and he probably won't be able to come back until evening. You take a rest first, and I will pick you up tomorrow to attend the rehearsal at the venue.

Lin Fan was kind and generous: Okay, thank you, Miss Xia.

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