The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! , the brokerage company went bankrupt before I got on stage

Xia Yan's manager, Yang Hongxia, looked at the feedback data from NetSun, showed a satisfied smile, and said to Xia Yan on the other end of the phone: The response to this song is good, and there is a brand name as soon as it goes online. Fang contacted me and wanted to buy the copyright of this version of the advertisement. By the way, would you be interested in accepting an endorsement.

Sister Xia, just look at the arrangement, just don't make the schedule too full. Xia Yan doesn't care, one more endorsement or one less has little effect.

Yang Hongxia also agreed with Xia Yan's point of view: That's right, your focus should be on the album now. If the performance of this album can catch up with the previous album, then within a year, you will definitely be able to enter the first line.

Blue Star has a very mature classification of stars here. Although Xia Yan has reached the standard in terms of fan base, popularity, and quality of works, it is a pity that the number of representative works has not yet reached the standard, so it can only be regarded as the first-tier at present, and has not officially entered the ranks of the first-tier.

Compared with entering the front line, a brand endorsement is really nothing. Both Yang Hongxia and Xia Yan can understand this point.

The promotion of the new album will be launched across the board from next month. Variety shows, press conferences, road shows, publicity...the next two months will be busy, and by the way, there will also be Wangsheng Music's music festival... Yang Hongxia suddenly thought of something, Is Lin Fan still on the island? His two new songs are very good. I wonder if he has any other songs?

The key is whether you are willing to sell? You know, Xia Yan is not the only entertainer under Yang Hongxia.

Xia Yan smiled: Sister Xia is quite concerned about Lin Fan.

I really want to sign him. Yang Hongxia has nothing to admit.

Lin Fan has a good image and good temperament. He needs to be talented and capable. The key is that the audience is very popular. Who doesn't want such an artist?

Yanyan, you have had a lot of contact with Lin Fan, do you think it is still possible for him to be signed?

Xia Yan thought for a while: Not now, let's see later.

In the future, maybe no one will force him, Lin Fan will come out to do business by himself.

But this is all for the future. Xia Yan hung up the phone and asked Chen Yuan to help pack her luggage. She had to leave Huahai Island for two days. Although it was only a cover song, it still needs to be promoted, especially this song. To warm up for the pathfinding of the next album.

Xia Yan called Shanglian Xiaoyu: Clean up,

Let me take you to see how a normal artist runs the announcement.

In case you think that the entertainment industry is so easy to mess with, managers are so easy to be, and artists are easy to cheat!

Lian Xiaoyu followed Xia Yan all over the world to make an announcement.

Then, tired into a dead dog!

In the hotel room, even Xiao Yu lay paralyzed on the bed, not wanting to move a finger: Yanyan, do you big stars like you put so much effort into making announcements?


Xia Yan did some calculations. In the past two days, he has received a video interview, shot a set of magazine covers, participated in a press conference as a guest, recorded a variety show, and visited an artist under Yang Hongxia. Many, most of the time was spent on the road transition.

During this period, the most tormented was not the assistants Chen Yuan and Lian Xiaoyu who followed Xia Yan everywhere, but Xia Yan himself. Because just changing clothes and doing styling is enough to torture people, and all kinds of rushing and waiting are also time-consuming. The key is that these hours are fragmented and there is no way to take a good rest.

Xia Yan has been used to it for a long time, it is good to be able to take the time to take a rest, otherwise it is really hard to touch the ground when you are busy.

It was the first time for Lian Xiaoyu to run an announcement with Xia Yan, and she couldn't adapt to this rhythm at all: Oh! It seems that I am still far away from the goal of being a good agent!

In this regard, Chen Yuan can only say: Can you change your target? How about being a capitalist behind a broker?

The three of them were chatting, and Lin Fan's phone call went to Xia Yan's cell phone.

Xia Yan picked up the phone: Hey...well, okay! No problem!...I will tell her, see you tomorrow!

Lian Xiaoyu couldn't help being curious when Xia Yan finished answering the phone: What did Xiao Fanfan say when he called you?

Xia Yan's eyes flickered: He said he wanted to ask us for a favor.

Help? What's the matter? What problem did Lin Fan encounter? Chen Yuan was also very curious.

Help... bargain...

Chen Yuan was speechless, haggling? She looked at Lian Xiaoyu - a wealthy lady, and Xia Yan - a quasi-first-line female star. They don't look like people who can bargain? Do not! There is probably no such word as bargaining in the dictionaries of these two!

Find these two people to help him bargain? Was Lin Fan's head caught by the door?


Early the next morning, Lian Xiaoyu picked up Lin Fan by car, and they came to discuss the signing with the landlord.

Is this the place you chose?

Yes! What do you think? Give me some advice! Lin Fan desperately hinted that talking more about the shortcomings will help you bargain!

Lian Xiaoyu and Xia Yan strolled up and down, and Lin Fan had already gotten angry with them on the way here, and they were responsible for lowering the price, that is, picking criticism.

It's okay! The garden is too small, there is no swimming pool! Lian Xiaoyu dislikes this garden very much, and there is no swimming pool. How dare you call yourself a garden?

Xia Yan also said: Is there no hot spring? If there is a hot spring, it can also become a selling point.

The landlord knew it as soon as he heard it, these two, no, these three are stunned!

have to! Originally, he was worried that his house that no one cared about would be difficult to rent, but with the three of them here, it seemed that the business was settled. Moreover, maybe you can leave some loopholes in the contract or something.

Lian Xiaoyu and Xia Yan were in charge of finding faults, Lin Fan was in charge of lowering the price with the landlord in embarrassment, and the landlord was in charge of watching a play—no, it should be said to be acting!

Lin Fan: I will act! I act! I play hard!

Landlord: I just quietly watch you pretend.

In this way, Lin Fan signed a lease contract with the landlord under the Enjoy the Guests and Host.

The landlord watched Lin Fan sign his name at the signature place and press his fingerprints. Even though he was so experienced, he couldn't help showing a smug smile!

After signing the contract, Lin Fan transferred the rent and security deposit to the account provided by the landlord with great heartache. Looking at the balance displayed in his account, he almost couldn't breathe!

The money has just arrived in my hand and I haven't even warmed it up yet! That's it!

The landlord received the money transfer, handed over the key to Lin Fan, and ran away as if running away!

Lin Fan looked at the landlord's car speeding away, thoughtfully: Why do you think this landlord seems a little weird?

Is there? Lian Xiaoyu said carelessly, Is it because we have suppressed the price too hard, and the landlord is worried that if he stays longer, he will lose everything, so he ran so fast?

Are we keeping the price down?

Really? After all, the villa I bought before was much more expensive than this one! One of my villas can buy a villa like yours! Compared with my sister, you are a younger brother!

This, well.

Lin Fan felt that the price should be suppressed so hard that the landlord fled in despair.

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