The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! , the brokerage company went bankrupt before I got on stage

Network administrator, turn on the computer! A man wearing a peaked cap, a white shirt inside, a short-sleeved resort-style shirt on the outside, and the same pattern of coconut tree pattern pants on the bottom, and a man wearing black flip-flops lightly Tapped the bar.

In a certain Internet cafe, the network administrator at the counter took the ID card of the other party without looking up, swiped the card to turn on the phone, and asked, How many hours?


Number machine!

Thank you! The man took the ID card handed back by the network administrator and walked towards the number machine.

The network administrator glanced at the identity information displayed on the computer screen, Lin Fan? Actually has the same name as that elected seat? Not to mention, this ID looks quite similar.

In fact, it was Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was not willing to spend thousands of dollars to live in a five-star hotel, but found a small hotel to stay in. It was cheap, but there was no computer!

Lin Fan also wanted to look up the information of tourist attractions all over the country. It was really too troublesome to rely on a mobile phone alone, so he had no choice but to go out and find an Internet cafe. Fortunately, there is one near the hotel, so Lin Fan came over wearing a drag board.

With the homestay plan given by Yu Mengmeng in hand, Lin Fan feels that it shouldn't take much to determine a location, right? First filter out the more famous scenic spots in the country, then pick one you like, and finally look at the local situation, it should be almost the same?

Lin Fan felt that his idea was very reliable! Just do it!

Filter the scenic spots first!

Hey, this is not bad! This one works too! This will not work! It's rubbish at first glance! Write it down first, and watch them one by one later!

In ten minutes, Lin Fan picked out several scenic spots. As for the selection criteria, first search the search engine, and then look at the eyes! That's how willful it is!

After the scenic spot is selected, let's look at the air ticket...I'll go! so expensive! What about high-speed rail? If you don’t have a direct train, you just need to transfer, and the fare is comparable to the air ticket! The train tickets... even the station tickets are sold out!

There are no hotel reservations, and there are no more rooms in the B\u0026B. Is the business so good?

Lin Fan, who was completely unaware that the summer tourism peak had arrived, was full of question marks.

What can we do now?

Huh? There are still rooms in this scenic spot! Look... Isn't this Huahai Island? flower……

Lin Fan seemed to be enlightened!

correct! Huahai Island is also one of the best scenic spots in China! Why do you want to go to other scenic spots to investigate? Wouldn’t it be nice to open a homestay on Huahai Island? Also save money! Just check directly to see if there are any houses for sale or rent near the scenic spot!

Even if it's a little far away from the attraction, it's okay.

Anyway, the whole island can be regarded as a scenic spot!

It must have been caused by too much contact with Boss Lian recently and her pig brains have infected her, or she has been misled by the two bastards Li Yingqi and Tu Jingyi, it is definitely not my own brain damage!

Lin Fan directly turned off all the information he found ten minutes ago, and turned to check the house sale or rental information, not to mention, there are quite a lot! The price is a bit scary! can not afford! Or rent it!

Lin Fan sifted through it, picked a few and recorded them, and decided to go to the field for a field trip in a while! It's definitely not because these places are relatively close to the sea, and there is a high chance of meeting young ladies in swimsuits!

An hour later, Lin Fan got off the plane, left the Internet cafe, hailed a taxi, and went to investigate the site.

After wandering around for a whole day, Lin Fan, who feasted his eyes, finally confirmed the location of his homestay!

Well, it's that fast, definitely not because it's too hot and I don't want to run another day tomorrow!

It's definitely not because I don't want to spend high prices to live in chain hotels anymore!

A three-storey independent building near the sea, with one room, a large garden and a large yard, and a basement with a wide view and a direct view of the beach. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The scenery is good and the maintenance of the house is at the same time. The cost has also risen sharply, and the decoration cost will not be low.

If Lin Fan was an expert, he would definitely be able to use these shortcomings to lower the price with the landlord, but Lin Fan is not. Lin Fan is just a pure newcomer, there is no standard for site selection, it all depends on mood and eyesight. Lin Fan was very satisfied with this place, and made an appointment with the landlord to sign the contract tomorrow, and then left.

There is no way, there are too many enthusiastic ladies and sisters by the sea, Lin Fan is worried that if he doesn't leave, he may run away from home with a nosebleed.

Come back tomorrow, well, it's best to bring a few people together to build momentum, bargain or something. I don't know how the bargaining skills of Lian Boss and Little Fairy Xia are? Probably not bad, right? Aren't women born to be good bargainers?


After Lin Fan left Xia Yan's recording studio, Xia Yan didn't pay much attention to Lin Fan's affairs.

Xia Yan, who should be persuaded, has already been persuaded. What Lin Fan does next is his own business. Xia Yan is also very busy now, because she sang the version of I Caught a Cold in That Corner It was uploaded to the Netsun music platform at exactly one o'clock in the morning.

In fact, this version has been prepared as early as last month, but first, Wangsheng music suppressed Lin Fan's data, and then some cooks voiced for Lin Fan, which led to Lin Fan directly downloading his own song from Wangsheng. Frame, switch to music.

Xia Yan kept suppressing her own version and didn't send it out. Even if her manager Xia Jie called her to tell her, she didn't let go.

Now, Lin Fan's reputation has already started, and his music performance is also very good, there is no case of data being suppressed, and the person in charge of connecting with Lin Fan is also very dedicated, Xia Yan thinks she will sing a cover now The release of the version will not have any impact on Lin Fan.

Just in time, I also want to warm up my new album.

So, starting from 1:00 am, Netsun Music's homepage advertising space, various channels, super blog and other social accounts began to make efforts to promote Xia Yan's cover version.

[Wangsheng Music: @夏言情情's interpretation of I Suffered a Cold in That Corner will be launched soon, and some feelings can be understood by you and me without words. 】

[Quick tone: Xia Yan's version of I Had a Cold in That Corner will be launched soon, let's listen to the stories in those songs @夏言@网盛音乐]

At exactly one o'clock in the morning, Xia Yan's cover version was launched on time. Xia Yan's fans who stayed on the music website also clicked to download immediately. After confirming the download, they clicked on the music source to listen.

Xia Yan's version is very different from Lin Fan's version. The most obvious thing is that when Lin Fan recorded this song, his singing skills were not comparable to Xia Yan's. In addition, this song is indeed more suitable for female voices. Coupled with Xia Yan's unique light voice, and Xia Xiaoxian's face, the combination is at least three blocks away from Lin Fan's version!

[This user has become a fairy: cover the original series of forced to death+! 】

[Take your husband for candy: Hahaha! Upstairs the truth! Yanyan held this version down for so long before releasing it, and he took good care of the original singer. 】

[Spicy little fairy: Lin Fan is so courageous, he dared to give the rights to the cover song to Yan Yan! Isn't he afraid that the version of Yanyan will directly smash his job? 】

Of course, the comments are not one-sided praise, after all, some people just like to listen to the original song, and have prejudice against the cover version, no matter how good the quality of the cover version is, it is not uncommon for them to dislike it. In addition, opponents and black fans will also have a rhythm in the end, so there are also many negative comments.

It's a pity that these negative reviews didn't make waves, and were quickly overwhelmed by positive reviews.

In front of Xia Yan's powerful fan base, there is no one who can fight!

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