Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 149 The bubbles in the sun are colorful

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! , the brokerage company went bankrupt before I got on stage

While Lin Fan was busy taking over the yard and trying to renovate the homestay, Xia Yan also started to promote his new album and chart new songs! And this new album, the title song has changed from the original one to two, one of which is the song that Lin Fan invited before!

Music Without Boundaries is a professional song-playing program, and participating musicians will play songs with their own newly created works. It is said that musicians of various styles gather together to present a wonderful singing stage for the audience. Authoritative statistics, top-notch stage effects, and exclusive disclosure of musicians' off-stage daily routines.

Many musicians will come here to promote their new songs, and Xia Yan is no exception.

Because Blue Star has a very high awareness of copyright protection and has done a good job in various safeguards, as long as many musicians have good works, their lives are actually quite good, and it has also promoted the birth of many music programs.

Playing songs is one of them.

This is not the first time for Xia Yan to appear on Music Without Boundaries. She also came when her album was released before, but the treatment is far from what it is now.

In the past, although Yang Hongxia was escorting her, Xia Yan still had to bring her works, and then follow the schedule of the show to record a show. This process was led by the show.

But it’s different now. As Xia Yan’s popularity is getting higher and higher, the coffee position has also entered the quasi-first-line. If you cooperate with this program again, you can already control most of the initiative. When Xia Yan officially becomes the first-line, then It's time for the program team to ask to cooperate with Xia Yan.

From the song selection meeting, modeling preparation, stage rehearsal, to the final stage presentation, this program will show the audience in an all-round way how musicians complete a work, and finally present the effect that the audience sees.

But when this process came to Xia Yan, it was a bit difficult to proceed.

Because this song was written by Lin Fan in Dachang, and then handed over to Xia Yan when she was going to be an assistant guest, this is basically the first link: song selection.

However, these are all scenes from Morning Star, so is it possible that scenes from other programs will be broadcast in the program Music Without Boundaries? I'm afraid I'm going to be drowned by the audience's saliva!

But if this session is recorded separately, the audience is not an idiot. Although Morning Star didn't say it clearly, but Lin Fan combined the composition and lyrics of this song. It can be seen at a glance that this is a script, which was added later.

The program team can't help it.

I had no choice but to ask Xia Yan: Can you invite Lin Fan to appear on the screen?

Xia Yan shook his head: I'm afraid not.

Lin Fan finally left Morning Star, and now he is working hard in the house, and no one can get him out right now.

So what should we do? Skip this r? Then Xia Yan's shots and duration are much shorter than others, even if Xia Yan doesn't care, can Yang Hongxia agree?

In this regard, Yang Hongxia said: Can you add a monotony to our words! Then the time of other links will be a little longer, just make up enough time.

All right, you guys have no objections, and the program team also has no objections, anyway, everyone is wasting their time! This is what we do best!

So, Xia Yan sat in the single interview room and happily accepted the interview of the program team.

Question: I heard that Teacher Xia's title song was added to the album later. I heard that the album was basically completed by then?

Xia replied: Yes.

Ask: Why do you do this last, instead of being ready in advance?

Answer: Because I didn't know Lin Fan when I made the album.

Question: Ms. Xia has high hopes for Lin Fan. Are you not worried that this song is not in harmony with the style of the whole album, or that the progress is not up to date, which will affect the release of the album?

Answer: Don't worry, I've caught up, it doesn't matter.


This interview can't be done!

Xia Yan: ...

Ask, how do you answer if you don't ask me?


Every issue of Music Without Boundaries has a group of guests. Xia Yan, as the guest of this issue, is second to none in terms of strength and popularity, and was put on the last stage.

Of the first four guests, three came to promote the single, and only one released an album at the same time as Xia Yan, so he was Xia Yan's competitor.

Xia Yan listened carefully to the songs of the four guests in the background. Among the three singles, only one song can pose a threat to Xia Yan, and the singer who also came to promote the new album has a good title song, but Xia Yan Yan was not discouraged, because she felt that the song she brought was even better.

Finally, it was Xia Yan's turn to play.

Wearing a small white wrap dress, Xia Yan walked onto the stage slowly, stood still in the center of the stage, and smiled slightly at the audience, instantly receiving warm applause and cheers in response.

Xia Yan had no choice but to do a 'silent' movement, and the voices at the scene gradually quieted down. Then, he heard the sound of the piano, Xia Yan raised the microphone and sang in a low voice.

Foam in the sun is colored

Just like me who was cheated, I am happy—”


The other guests in the backstage couldn't help being stunned, because the opening tone was too low. If such a low tone is used for the beginning, how can we deal with it so that it doesn't appear so obtrusive, so as to reduce the visual sense of showing off skills?

Moreover, not only the first stanza, but also the second stanza was not lifted up. Such an opening is not good for playing songs. Xia Yan would not make such a low-level mistake.

Could it be that there will be a different performance in the future?

Before the thoughts in the minds of the guests dissipated, Xia Yan began to raise his voice: I should have known about the bubble—

Xia Yan's singing skills are unquestionable. Although the low-pitched singing from the beginning did not help the song, it did catch the audience's ears.

The lyrics are also very emotional, with complex emotions of loss, hesitation, bravado, and self-deception mixed together, which makes people feel a little distressed inexplicably, which shows that Xia Yan's ability to convey emotions is also very strong.

But Xia Yan was not immersed in such emotions, but changed his tone and sang in a bright tone, freeing himself from the sadness and hesitation.

what's sad

Why are you sad

It's all bubbles—


Whether it's the audience at the scene or the guests in the backstage, after Xia Yan sang what's sad, why are you sad in a continuous high-pitched voice, they were overwhelmed by this cry again!

In an instant, the scalp is numb! A shudder runs down my spine!

This is shouting, roaring, venting! All emotions explode and sublimate in these few sentences.

This is the climax of the song, the piano sound rises back to high pitch, the drum sound joins the resonance, and Xia Yan's voice also rises further. At this stage, the vocals and the main theme fit perfectly. !

This song is so good!

This song is steady!

Xia Yan's new album is ready!

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