Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 146 Running Freely towards Dreams

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! , the brokerage company went bankrupt before I got on stage

The moonlight on Huahai Island is exceptionally bright, and the summer wind of the graduation season brings not only the scorching summer, but also the bright future of the teenagers.

Li Meng just hung up the phone call from her mother, and now she is packing her luggage in the dormitory. Now she is the only one left in this university dormitory where she has lived for a year. able to determine their own future direction.

My mother made it very clear on the phone, hoping that Li Meng could go back to her hometown, find a clerical job, get married and have children step by step, and live a stable life.

Li Meng knew that her parents were thinking of herself, but this kind of life was not what she wanted. The life that Li Mengmeng wanted was far from what his parents expected, and Li Meng didn't dare to tell his parents.

He hadn't graduated before, so he could shirk it. Now that he graduated, Li Meng understood that he had to make a decision for himself after all.

The road ahead is confused, maybe, you can go back and see the situation in your hometown first?

Li Meng packed her luggage, walked out of the dormitory where she had lived for four years, and the university that had carried her four years of youth, and embarked on a journey home.

Boarding the bus to the airport, Li Meng couldn't help but be speechless at first glance: The bus is full of young girls! Also wearing a white shirt with the same pattern on it!

What the hell is a cooker?

Which idol support group is this? A certain talent show was recorded on Huahai Island, even Li Meng, who is not a fan of stars, knows about it.

Because that talent show has an episode every year, it used to be recorded during the winter vacation, and then it was broadcast at the beginning of the next year. The fans on the island came to support.

It's just that this year's show has been changed to a live broadcast, but Li Meng still didn't pay attention, probably it should have ended, right? It's just that the thought of riding in the same car with a group of fans gave Li Meng a headache! At the same time, it's also very strange, why don't they rent a car?

But Li Meng didn't say anything, it's his right to charter a car or not. Li Meng found his seat, and the seat next to him was already occupied. Li Meng sat quietly, fastened his seat belt, and waited for the departure.

The girl next to Li Meng was chatting with the people in the front and back seats. Although she couldn't hide her excitement, her voice was relatively restrained, and she didn't make any noise. But seeing their excited appearance, Li Meng felt that the journey had passed without a trace. It stopped.

Everyone, hurry up! Fanfan posted the new song! Suddenly, a voice came from the back row, and for a moment, the girls in the car were a little excited.

Is it finally released? Hurry up and download it!

The girl sitting next to Li Meng also quickly turned on the music on her phone, found two new songs released by Lin Fan, clicked to download, and then clicked to listen. Like her, many people clicked on the public release.

Seventy miles—

The voice was a little noisy, and Li Meng slightly adjusted his sitting posture with some discomfort.

The girl noticed Li Meng's little gesture, and quickly apologized: I'm sorry, did I disturb you, I'm sorry.

Then he said to the others: Use earphones to listen! Don't play it! Pay attention to the influence of public places, and don't trick Fanfan!

Know it!


Oh, where are my earphones? You share one with me, let's listen together!

Everyone turned off the public release, turned off the public release, those who were looking for earphones looked for earphones, and those who did not have earphones also turned down the sound. Soon, the noisy music disappeared, and these girls also focused on listening to the music. It seemed much quieter.

Li Meng breathed a sigh of relief. She is a person who likes to be quiet and hates noisy environments. She can still tolerate the noise in normal public places, but there are so many people in a car playing a song together, it is still uneven. Let it go, she feels a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, these fans are quite high-quality, and they also pay attention to the influence of public places, which is quite rare.

However, even though it was much quieter, Li Meng could still hear the faint sound of music, which seemed to be not bad?

It's okay to be idle, Li Meng finds out the earphones and puts them on, connects to the mobile phone, and then searches online.

Well, they were talking about music just now, right? What else is there to eat? What speed, what seventy? No matter what, just type it in and click search! As soon as it was refreshed, a new song Running was recommended to the first item on the search page, and Li Meng clicked to try it out.

The speed is seventy miles, the mood is free—

The singing of the song is relaxed and joyful, with a little inspiration. It doesn’t look greasy when it should be gentle and romantic, and it’s full of power when it’s time to be passionate and aggressive. Li Meng hasn’t heard such a heart-opening song for a long time. Everyone pursues the power of dreams, instead of standing still, and will never take the first step to make changes because of ideological struggle.

Li Meng thinks this song is really good and can resonate strongly with her! Now she is in this stage of confusion and hesitancy, this song literally sang to her heart, disintegrating all her hesitation, hesitation, and unsteadiness!

At this moment, Li Meng seemed to have cleared the fog covering his eyes, and saw the direction of progress clearly!


Huahai Island Airport.

The flights that the cookers take are not the same, and the short reunion ushered in a moment of parting, and the young girls are not upset about it, because as long as Lin Fan continues to sing, even if they are far apart, the cookers will not. will be separated.

Goodbye, sisters!

Let's meet again when we have time!

The next time we meet, at least it will be at Fanfan's concert! I don't know when the next time this salted fish will open!

Hahaha, wait and see! Anyway, with these two new songs, I think I can hold on for a few more months!

Goodbye, and bon voyage!


Watching other people enter the security check and wait for the flight, Wang Lingli and a few other fans sat in the airport lobby. Their flight was still early, and the security check hadn't even passed the security check. They came so early just to see off other people.

Having nothing to do, Wang Lingli listened to Lin Fan's new song Glory again. She liked this song more than Running. As for the reason...

Little girl, what song are you listening to? An old man sitting next to him suddenly asked.

Me? Wang Lingli was a little embarrassed. She couldn't find her earphones and had to play them publicly. Although the sound was very small, it still affected the people around her a bit. I'm sorry, I'll just turn them off. .”

It's okay, it's very nice. The old man was cheerful and didn't mind at all, I sang a sentence in the song, what about the dark night, the eyes...

The night gave me black eyes, and I used them to find the light.

That's right, that's the sentence! The lyrics are so good! I haven't heard such a good word for a long time, back then... The old man chatted slowly with Wang Lingli.

The brilliant summer day gradually sinks to the west, falling below the blue sea level, night falls, the stars are twinkling, this summer night is quiet and noisy.

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