Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 143 Brother, I definitely didn't cry!


The salute exploded! The colorful confetti was blown out and fell down one after another, reflecting the bright sunshine of Huahai Island in June, and it was as gorgeous as the fireworks in the night sky.

Wang Lingli yelled through the loudspeaker amidst the roaring gun salute: Fanfan! We'll see you off! Flowers! Road!

Fanpan! Let's walk the flowery road! The cooks shouted one after another.

Let's walk the flower road together!

Thousands of words gathered into this blessing: I wish Lin Fan a smooth journey and all the best in his long journey ahead!

Lin Fan felt that his eyes were calculating, the wind in Huahai Island is a bit strong today, it's really annoying! Looking at the smiling faces, Lin Fan's heart was filled with emotion. After hesitating for a long time, he finally lifted his heavy feet, took a step, and walked onto the flower path prepared for him by the cook.

On both sides of the road, the cooks cheered and applauded, watched Lin Fan move forward step by step, and sent their blessings one after another.

Fanfan! Keep going! Opening a B\u0026B is also great!

Usually! The B\u0026B is open, so let me know on Chaobo. I have a date. It doesn't matter if you don't accept me. I have a single girlfriend who I can introduce to you!

Fan Fan! When will the new song be released? I can't wait to download it!

Fan Fan! You can't give up writing songs even if you open a B\u0026B! If you dare to give up writing songs, I'll block the door of your B\u0026B and make it impossible for you to do business!

Usually... Be careful when you leave the order, do you know that there are many coquettish sluts out there who are greedy for you!

... Fanfan! May your dreams come true!


Listening to these blessings, Lin Fan's heart was filled with slow warmth and even more infinite emotion. These people did not know each other, but because he participated in a program and sang a few copied songs, now they never They came from all over the world to see him off, not asking for anything in return, just to send a word of blessing.

Lin Fan only felt that he was a little sorry for these lovely fans, and also a little impulsive. For the sake of these lovely fans, he would not give up lightly in the future.

Perhaps, I should use my own way to repay these lovely fans.

Lin Fan secretly made up his mind.


Walking all the way to the end of this street, seeing the familiar car waiting there, Lin Fan knew that it was Lian Xiaoyu who came to pick him up.

However, he waited here silently. Thinking about it, even Xiaoyu knew that the cooks were going to surprise Lin Fan, so he also watched the fun and deliberately did not go to the factory to pick Lin Fan up.

It is also fortunate that the people who cook rice are generally of high quality, and they are not so hot-blooded. Otherwise, if other idols come out alone to face so many fans, without security personnel to clear the way, they will be overwhelmed by fans in minutes! Maybe there will be a stampede!

It can only be said that the noodles are cooked with the steaming, and the people who cook the rice follow the salted fish, so many unnecessary accidents are avoided.

Lin Fan walked to the side of the car, stuffed his luggage into the trunk, then turned to face the way he came from and the densely packed fans on both sides of the road, and bowed deeply.

Thank you! Thank you for coming to see me off!

as well as.


Lovely you guys!

Lin Fan sat in the co-pilot, and even Xiao Yu stepped on the accelerator, and the car flew out like an arrow off the string, leaving everything behind, going farther and farther until Lin Fan could no longer see it in the rearview mirror. anyone.

As if he was very tired, Lin Fan sank himself into the seat, tilted his head back slightly, pressed the back of his hand on his eyes, and his tentacles were wet.


Seeing Lin Fan leave, Wang Lingli, Yu Mengmeng and the others also had their eyes wet with tears! Holding the loudspeaker, Wang Lingli choked for a long time, and finally condensed into one sentence: Cookers, clean up! We can't discredit Fanfan!

Today, everyone who does the cleaning, my sister, I'll treat you to dinner! Yu Mengmeng also waved her hand,

Great pride.

The cooks laughed happily, and the originally rather sad atmosphere was swept away by this sentence of cleaning.

Like the sky of Huahai Island, blown by the sea breeze, it is clean, bright and fresh!

When people look at it, they feel peaceful.


Lian Xiaoyu was originally worried that there would be crazy fans or illegitimate students coming to follow the car, so he made a few circles outside before driving Lin Fan towards Xia Yan's recording studio.

Ok? Why go to Xia Yan?

Because Lin Fan's two new songs haven't been uploaded yet! Absolutely not to use Xia Little Fairy Yan's charm to help him take Lin Fan down!

Not to mention urging Lin Fan to pay back the money!

Arriving at Xia Yan's recording studio, Lin Fan has already adjusted himself, but his eyes are still a little red, but last night he ate hot pot until 4 in the morning and didn't have a good rest, shouldn't his eyes be red? Lin Fan is not afraid at all! Anyway, I definitely didn't cry!

Absolutely no crying!

Where are you going next, have you considered it? Xia Yan asked Lin Fan, ignoring his red eyes.

Lin Fan replied: Find a place to live first, then investigate domestic tourist attractions, and finally decide where to open a homestay!

Lian Xiaoyu interjected: Do you need my help? I have read a lot of information on scenic spots recently, and I can help you refer to site selection. After all, some scenic spots are very popular in publicity, but you will not know what's tricky inside until you go to the actual situation. !

There are also various documents that are not so easy to handle. You have no money and no connections. It is troublesome to do this! Lian Xiaoyu smiled, How about it, do you want to consider letting me be your agent to help you? Running errands for these chores?

Lin Fan was vigilant: I can do the inspection myself! It's not that the certificate is difficult, but it's not that I can't do it. I'll do it slowly!

A smile flashed across Xia Yan's eyes: But it costs a lot of money to inspect the scenic spot.

Yes, yes! It will cost a lot of money! You have to go to the scenic spot to experience life and inspect the market. You have to stay in one place for a while, right? The prices in this scenic spot are not low, and you can't just visit one place... ...Moreover, most of what you have observed is only superficial, and you cannot see some internal information...

Lian Xiaoyu rolled his eyes: And even if you have inspected the scenic spot, you need to rent a house to open a B \u0026 B? Do you want to decorate it? Do you want to promote it? There are so many things! Are you sure you can handle it all by yourself? Think about it, renting a house, furnishing plans, supervising the progress of the project, checking the quality of the project...

Stop, stop! Lin Fan couldn't listen anymore, Boss Lian, I'll find a place to live first, and I'll think about these things after I settle down.

Lian Xiaoyu wanted to say something, but was stopped by Xia Yan: You really need to think about it carefully. If you need any help, you can call us at any time.

Xia Yan gave Lian Xiaoyu a look, and Lian Xiaoyu shut up.

Forget it, let Xiao Fanfan go for now, and after Xiao Fanfan settles down, my sister will come to the door directly! It's better to settle down first, otherwise Xiao Fanfan may not be able to find him by running around!

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