Lin Fan's top priority is to find a place to live, and then upload the studio versions of Glory and Running to the Tianlai platform, and finally inspect the scenic spots to determine where his homestay is located.

Lin Fan originally wanted to find a random hotel to stay for two days, and when the new song was uploaded and the scenic spot to be inspected was confirmed, he could check out and leave, but as soon as he expressed his idea, Xia Yan stopped him.

Uploading new songs is easy, let Xiaoyu do it, she's fine anyway, Xia Yan said.

Even Xiao Yu pouted, it would be embarrassing to be said that by her best friend! Forget it, my best friend is beautiful, whatever you say is right!

Give me the audio source, and I'll upload it for you. Lian Xiaoyu said to Lin Fan.

Boss Lian is bothering you. Lin Fan was so happy that he didn't have to work on his own, and directly handed over the sound source to Lian Xiaoyu.

Even Xiao Yu didn't talk nonsense, and ran to the side to help Lin Fan upload the sound source.

Xia Yan then said to Lin Fan: As for accommodation, I suggest you find a similar place to live. Now that you are very popular, even if you are not a fan, many people will recognize you. Paparazzi...

Fans and passers-by are fine. At most, everyone will scream excitedly when they see you, watch for a while, and at most ask for an autograph and group photo. They won’t do anything to you. But the paparazzi are different. Squatting and taking sneak shots is a routine operation. It is difficult to accept that they follow cars, search hotel rooms, and even throw away garbage.

And illegitimate students.

Therefore, whether Lin Fan is staying in a hotel or renting a house, it is best to find the kind of security measures that are better, otherwise, Xia Yan thinks that she will soon be able to see various news about Lin Fan on the Internet.

This is also one of the reasons why Lin Fan is unwilling to enter the entertainment circle. I don't know how other artists adjust their mentality. Anyway, Lin Fan feels that if he is really secretly photographed by paparazzi, and is followed by an illegitimate child, he will definitely He was so angry that he exploded on the spot.

So, after Lian Xiaoyu uploaded the sound source of the new song, Lin Fan found a five-star hotel in Huahai Island, the Island Hotel, under Xia Yan's suggestion!

The room rate is as high as 3,000 yuan a day!

This is still an ordinary standard room!

But it made Lin Fan feel bad!

Can't afford it! Don't say two days, even one day can't afford it! One must know that the room fee for these two days is worth Lin Fan's modeling of many heads in the factory!

So Lin Fan dragged his suitcase and went out, turned right, and found a fast hotel to stay.

Well, the daily room rate is 159!

King bed room!

I can take a bath!

Bring a big color TV!

What bike do you want?

As for the paparazzi and fans that Xia Yan said, they are nothing in front of the high room rate!

After settling down, Lin Fan had time to take stock of his income during this period!

count money!

Especially counting your own money! This is simply one of the great joys of life!

Lin Fan geared up and began to count how much money he had.

First, the 1 million soft sister coins rewarded by the system, after tax! This is the biggest one, and the system distributes it through the tips obtained from Lin Fan's personal live broadcast room.

Second, income from song downloads that have been uploaded to the Teana platform. This is a long-term meal ticket, and the short-term income is relatively considerable in the first few months of uploading, and it will become less and less later. But this is only download income, not including other income. For example, advertising income, various copyright income, etc., this is also a long-term.

However, Glory and Running have just been uploaded, and there is no income yet. The music download income that can be obtained now is only I Caught a Cold in That Corner and Walk in the Rain. Because I changed the music platform once in the middle, it took less than 20 days to actually get the income, so the income in the first month was not as high as imagined.

After thirty-seven points,

The total download revenue of the two songs that Teana settled for Lin Fan:

1.15 million! After tax!

The third is Teana's signing fee of 300,000! This is a one-time income, also after tax.

The fourth is the various income obtained from the program group during the period of participating in Morning Star. There are too many types of this, so you have to do the math.

The advertising fees for the Morning Star program and various commercial shooting fees are not much, because they have to be divided into the program, the program group gets the big head, the agency gets the small head, and the remaining bits and pieces belong to the students themselves. Lin Fan didn't have a brokerage company, but he didn't get much, and the previous announcement fee had already been used to manage his contacts. All of them added up, only a mere 20,000.

Another one, the handicraft money that Lin Tony earned by laundering, cutting and blowing skills, was settled by the students, and settled by the program group, totaling: 30,000.

Also, 1,000 yuan for auction variety shows.

Total, 51,000, after tax!

Fifth, Zhang Xinlan's income from purchasing the cover copyright of Walking in the Rain, but this is mainly for commercial income sharing, so it is not yet the first month's settlement, this income is still in the wild for a while. The state of being intangible.

Finally, the fee for Xia Yan's invitation to sing! In fact, Xia Yan was going to pay Lin Fan the share of I Had a Cold in That Corner, but this song Xia Yan has not yet released, so this fee can only be settled later, and Xia Yan did not inform Lin Fan of this fee. Lin Fan didn't think about this cost either.

Inviting songs is also a share, because Xia Yan is very clear that giving 100,000 to 200,000 is not enough to express his gratitude, and he also learned that Lin Fan likes to lie down to make money, so the song invitation contract signed by Xia Yan and Zhang Xinlan's cover song Like the contract, it is a commercial share.

Therefore, Xia Yan can't receive any money for the time being.

Lin Lin Zongzong, do the math, Lin Fan's income from idol trainees in these 45 days totaled 2.5 million, after tax!

Well, 2.5 million, why is this number so ugly?

Who cares, no matter how ugly the number is, it's still money!

Lin Fan looked at the numbers he had calculated, his eyes widened, and his little heart was beating wildly! There are so many! Moreover, the point is that it has only been more than a month! You can earn so much money in just over a month! No wonder so many people desperately want to join the entertainment industry!

If, if brother debuts, will he be able to earn more?

Lin Fan hesitated for a moment, but soon this idea was forgotten by him!

He can earn more when he debuts, but he also has to bear the corresponding responsibilities, and at the same time live under the spotlight. Money is what Lin Fan wants, but this kind of life is not.

No matter what others are like, at least in Lin Fan's opinion, being an entertainer should also have artistic virtues, and you can't just make money and ignore other things. Maybe Lin Fan in the past would think it's nothing to cut off fans' leeks. Anyway, one wish makes one wish. Endure, what you love and what I want.

But since the rice cooker came to Huahai Island spontaneously and booked all the advertising spaces on a main road to see him off, Lin Fan could no longer agree with this kind of behavior of cutting leeks. He felt a little bit sorry for the fans and the money in the fans' pockets .

What's more, Lin Fan thinks that it's good as it is now.

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