Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 142 Surprise from the rice cooker!

When leaving Dachang, everyone bid farewell to the program team. When it was Lin Fan's turn to hug the director, the director couldn't help but say: There are more than a hundred chapters, so I should be able to have a name, right?

Lin Fan blinked, with an innocent face: I really don't know your name!



Lin Fan pushed the suitcase and got out of the big factory where he had been staying for more than a month. He couldn't help but look back. This place is the place he has stayed the longest since he traveled here. Apart from performing on stage, there is actually Not to worry about food and drink, and free accommodation, for a time traveler like Lin Fan, it is a very good opportunity to integrate into this world.

It has an unusual meaning to Lin Fan.

Now that I have to leave, I really feel a little bit reluctant.

The main reason is that Lin Fan actually has nowhere to go.

Other students have homes, but Lin Fan doesn't.

After Yuanshen signed the contract with Lian Xiaoyu, he quit his job in the milk tea shop, returned the rented house, and moved to the staff dormitory arranged by Lian Xiaoyu.

After a month of urgent training, I came to Dachang.

Now even Xiaoyu's company has closed down, and the staff dormitory is gone. The suitcase in Lin Fan's hand is all the belongings of the original body. After walking out of the gate of the big factory, Lin Fan has to face this strange blue man alone. Star, face life again.

Fortunately, I still have a long-term meal ticket for song copyright fees! The kind of money that can take the initiative to run into your pocket while lying down!

Thinking about it this way, Lin Fan felt that he was not so pitiful anymore. He didn't have to work and still had an income every day. This kind of life was the dream of many people in his previous life, and Lin Fan was very content.

The money is there, but the house is missing. The most urgent thing is to find a place to live in first. Unfortunately, the system is a scam. It will take 2 years for my 180㎡ to be delivered. Otherwise, why bother about the house! Fortunately, there is no need to delay the delivery of 180MM, otherwise I will really be scolded!

Having said that, where is the best place to open my homestay?

Lin Fan was thinking about things while pushing the box outside.

Behind him, the director whispered to PD Liu Jia: Do you think this kid will be scared to death when he goes out?

Liu Jia thought for a while: It's not enough to be scared to death. I bet he will be so scared that he will run back with his tail between his legs and ask for help!

The director was very skeptical: Can he run back?

Liu Jia was speechless, maybe he couldn't come back?

The director and Liu Jia looked at each other, and cast a sympathetic look at Lin Fan's back.


Lin Fan walked along the street, and when he turned a corner, he heard warm cheers!

Fan Pan came out!

It's finally out! I've been waiting all morning!

You've only been waiting all morning! We squatted here and waited last night, okay!

Hahaha! Look at Fanpan's little eyes, it's scary enough!

Lin Fan was really scared!

At a glance, there are densely packed people on both sides of the road!

Not only that, from the street that entered Dachang lined up, the street was full of advertisements and light signs for Lin Fan's support. You know, this road is the main road of Huahai Island. In fact, there are not many support venues here, and the price is high. Under the package, play his stage live videos and posters.

You know, now that Morning Star has completely come to an end, and X-STAR has also formed a group, the support from fans of the eliminated students is not very meaningful except to show that their idols are very popular. The money is really wasted.

However, the cook doesn't care. They still booked the advertising space of the whole street and the largest advertising screen, and came from all over the country to watch the group night live,

After watching the scene, they waited from last night until now, just to see Lin Fan off.

Yes, just to give Lin Fan off.

Because it is very likely that after Lin Fan leaves today, he will no longer appear in the public eye. Even if he does appear, he will no longer be an idol or a draft student, let alone support from fans.

Therefore, all the people who could cook came here, and this is how such a scene came about.

The strength of this support has surpassed the fans of other students in the sixth season of Morning Star, and even surpassed the entire X-STAR group. This is already comparable to the support of those top-notch fans in the entire entertainment circle.

Such a big movement can't be hidden from anyone.

But Lin Fan really didn't know about this. No one told him, including the students who left last night or early in the morning, including the staff of the program group, including Lin Fan's fans, everyone kept the news hidden. , just waiting for Lin Fan to come out by himself.

Such a huge surprise to see.

Or it could be called fright.

Fan Fan! Wang Lingli, who was standing in the front row, smiled smugly, If you hadn't released a new song last night, you wouldn't even think about leaving today!

Hahaha! Yes! That's right! You finally have a little conscience, and you fulfilled your promise before midnight, otherwise it's up to you today!

I didn't expect Fan Fan to have such a strong desire to survive. I thought I could force him to stand on the street and sing a new song for us today!

Oh, what a pity!

Lin Fan was speechless. It turns out that while the system tricked him, it also unintentionally blocked another trap for him?

However, seeing so many fans came here to support him, Lin Fan could tell that many people had been waiting here since last night.

Many of these people were familiar faces from the last fan meeting. There was no other way, and it was hard for Lin Fan to forget the magical skill of [Photographic Memory] was activated.

Not only does he remember their faces, Lin Fan even remembers their names, after all, he is the man who wrote To.

Wang Lingli, Li Shasha, Yu Mengmeng... Lin Fan's chest was congested, and his eyes were swollen.

What are these people doing here?

Why is this! My brother is about to leave the island, and he even came to help! Brother is the one who needs support! What are you doing! What a waste of money! So many advertising lights, and that big screen, how much does it cost! Prodigal girls! Not thrifty at all! Let's see what you do when you are scolded by your family!

Lin Fan complained crazily in his heart, but his feet were filled with lead, and he couldn't even move.

The cooks were very happy, but they had no choice but to be happy when Lin Fan was frustrated. They were just benefiting themselves at the expense of others, basing their happiness on Lin Fan's pain!

I'm dying of laughter, Xiao Fanfan was really scared by us!

It's not a loss! You little Fanfan, you still dare to keep a hand. If it wasn't for the sake of singing with Zhang Xinlan, you wouldn't be allowed to step down yesterday!

Okay, sisters, don't make trouble, we will cry for a while and see how you can coax him! Wang Lingli stepped forward to preside over the overall situation.

Playing a loudspeaker, Wang Lingli gave a dry cough: Ahem! Hey! Sisters, it's time to get down to business! Remember the process? Come, come, countdown!




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